Nature Nuts photography
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facebook.comA turbulent week to say the least but peace of mind is never far away watching and admiring this beautiful animal. The resident big dog Pine Marten aka "Marilyn". I've said it before but this is one of the biggest martens I've witnessed, a stunning creature around 800mm from nose to tip-of-tail and more than once compared to a bear lol!
This video is dedicated to Jennifer Davidson, a brave, beautiful and wonderful woman that I had the privilege of calling a friend.
A wee woodmouse, regular visitors and soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast. Lovely to see them showing again, really looking forward to seeing the voles and shrews that we saw last year and with them the owls :-)
It took a wee bit of stalking to get these Fallow bucks today. They aren't too keen to get too close to the hide and photographing them is always a privilege and definitely a challenge. These guys are of the "melin" colour. There are 4 recognised main colours; leucistic (white NOT albinistic), common (chestnut with the white spots), melin (dark) and melanistic (black). We are lucky to see all colours around the hide though the sightings are generally doe's. Fallows along with the native Roe deer are known as Bucks (male) and Doe (female). Red Deer are Stags and Hinds.
Female Pine Marten tonight (with a cameo showing by the male having a good old sniff), she hung around for about 30 mins. I was actually starting to get a wee bit worried about her as I'd not seen her for a bit but she's hopefully been having young. Lovely to see her visiting and I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing the offspring soon.
The wee female Marten popped in tonight
Some regulars but a couple of newbies at the hide area, a pair of Goosanders. I think we are past the 70 species at or around the hide area, this includes a variety of species within the genres insects, amphibians, mammals, and birds. I just love the place but I'm still desperate to get pics of the others that I've so far missed: Wildcat, Goshawk, Cuckoo, Crossbill etc, others have (wildcat excepted) but I'll persevere. Apologies for the quality tonight, not great pics tbh
Pm in at 8 tonight, an hour later than last night but still worth the wait. Love watching these guys, pics to follow if they're half decent. Quite windy up there tonight so they were definitely less relaxed than normal and it didn't hang about too long. Tawny owls hooting away overhead as is the norm but they stayed away unfortunately. The gralloch I've been leaving out has been disappearing and I'd set up a trail camera last night, unfortunately I forgot to empty the card and didn't find out what was nobbling the treats, presumably a marten but it never took a blind bit of notice of the meat tonight, preferring the remnants of nuts left over from the squirrels and birds. Hopefully have images tomorrow of what's been visiting over night.
A good few from yesterday in the wood including a Pine Marten, great days viewing the beasties
Some recent pics, loving having the LTT's return
Redwing and Fieldfare. The Redwing is one of the quieter thrushes but the Fieldfare is a rather noisy beggar with its "chatter, chack chack" call.