InspireMe to change
Transformational change using coaching, neuro linguistic programming and hypnosis techniques to bring about the changes your desire.
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Great things happen when you relax and quieten your mind #inspiration #calm #clarity #peace #wellbeing #mindfulness #inspiremetochange
Confidence Builder
Following the fantastic response to the “Transform Your Thinking” event last month, the next event is now in the diary so check out the event details now! “Confidence Builder” will run at 7pm on Wednesday 30th August at the Mercure Hotel, Perth. And as a wee bonus, there is an early bird ticket offer if you book now. What would you do if you felt more confident? Powerful even? “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Marianne Williamson Believe that you are powerful beyond measure and just imagine what you can achieve. Take that first step and begin to transform your life. If you think you or anyone you know would benefit from this event, then please read on, like, tag and share. Here is what some of the attendees on the recent Transform Your Thinking event run by Inspire Me To Change had to say about it: “I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed and learned from last night. Using your techniques and been very aware of myself today. You really were brilliant.” “Thanks for a great night last night. I really enjoyed it and you were very engaging and inspiring. Using props to demonstrate our way of thinking really helped to understand the benefits of NLP.” “I wanted to thank you for a hugely inspirational evening. At the beginning of your talk, you mentioned that some of us might be curious about tonight. I admit I was. It’s amazing to see the transformation in yourself, you looked fantastic and were very positive” Open yourself up to the possibility that the confidence you need already exists inside of you. Now is the time to make that breakthrough and step into the most amazing version of you! For more information or to book, follow the link below.
Confidence Builder
The running game | Inspire Me To Change
How many people do you know who run away from things in life that in turn only causes them more angst and pain? Perhaps it's you or maybe it is someone you know. If so, then read on.....
Re-Awaken the Giant Within | Download Free E-Book | Tony Robbins
If you are a Tony Robbins fan and like a freebie, then this is for you!
Photos from InspireMe to change's post
The Transform Your Thinking event in Perth was a fantastic evening. Thanks to all who came along with an open, positive and curious mind. A night of learning, laughter, inspiration and full audience participation. I loved every minute and am looking forward to the next event. Details will be out in the next week or so. In the meantime, stay curious :)
Paul McKenna
It is so true and something I am cover at my event on Thursday night!
Transform Your Thinking
It's about a week until this event in Perth. Join other like minded folk who signed up and are looking to shift their mindset. Who do you know that wants to transform their thinking? If you know someone that fits the bill, please share. Early bird ticket deal ending soon.
Channel 4 News
Hicham Bennir
Believe it. Do it!
If you ever doubted the mind/body connection, read this! | Inspire Me To Change
Most of you know, I'm a bit of a geek on the mind/body connection stuff. It's my thing and I love it! This blog is about a client I worked with who suffered ill health then recovered. Read her story.........
She Was Sick Of Being Photoshopped, So She Did This.
Loving this video! So many of us worry about what others think of us, but the only person who needs to like you is YOU. YOU ARE ENOUGH, exactly as you are! ❤