Modz 'n' Rockers Tattoo Studio
Modz 'n' Rockers Tattoo Studio, custom and freehand drawn personal designs
Modern health board registered premises
10 years experience
Body piercing
Layton's first and only Tattoo Studio
A local shop for local people, themed on the british alternative rock scene
Owner / Tattooist - Bob
Piercer- Fransje Taylor
Tattooist- Danny Robinson
Sorry but is against the law to tattoo anybody under the age of 18!
Tell your friends
facebook.comJust finished marks Chinese full sleeve , looks fab ..By Bob 😎😎😎
Leopard done today for katy who sat like a champion 🏆🐆 by Nikki :)
Fransje did this mandala elephant today 🐘
Fransje displaying our fully stocked ink collection !, great pose Fransje 😳😝😝
Got to finish Matts superhero top sleeve/chest piece and shoulder design , By Bob 😎😎😎
Black and grey piece done today for Jaymie :) thanks for making the trip from Leeds :) by Nikki
Francesca Clay you are the winner of the full day competition with Nikki :) Congratulations to claim your prize inbox me!! Thanks to all who entered and keep your eyes peeled for the next competition:) 👀
Fransje is selling this colour peacock design which would make a gorgeous thigh piece. £180!! First come first served.
Fransje has just finished this little magikarp on stomach!! I am slowly making my through them. Thank you to every one that it helping me cross them off my list!
Fransje would like to add this piece to her portfolio and is offering it for £120!!! First come first served.
Morning all came across these awesome Harry Potter tattoo ideas would love to do them! £160 inbox me for details thanks for looking :) Nikki β‘οΈ
Another black & grey sleeve completed today by Bob Vallance for Mark , been enjoyable doing this for you pal and looking forward to starting the other arm 😳😉😎😎
Sleeves nearly finished 💉👌

Love my first tattoos💉🤗

Latest tattoo 💓 1977 #dad

#handtattoo #inkdrawing #inkaddict #ink #colourtattoo #treetattoo @modznrockers @eternalink @silverbackink

#harrypottertattoo #blackpooltattoo #blackandgreytattoo #inkdrawing #inkaddict #ink #blacktattoo #deertattoo #deep

Pls ignore my ugly back but am in love with my new ink😍

So this happened today 👌🏼💉😍

By BOB #eagletattoo #tattoostudios #inked #inkdrawing #inkaddict #ink #colourtattoo #kneetattoo #

By BOB #sketch#tattoo #inkdrawing #tattoostudios #inked #inkaddict #ink#tattooed #tattooidea #tattoodesign #tattoogirl #

BY BOB #tattoosketch #tattoodesign #musictattoo #sleevetattoo#rosetattoo #blackandgreytattoo #blackpooltattoo #tattoostudios#inked #inkdrawing #inkaddict #ink @modznrockers

By Bob #handtattoo #blackandgrey #tattoo #tattoos #tattooist #tattooartists #tattoostudios #blackpooltattoo #religioustattoo #sleevetattoo @silverbackink @eternalink @modznrockers

Chest piece by BOB

Sketch by BOB

