SOX Sports & Social
Local Social Club, student meetings/hangout, prime location in Selly oak all are welcome. We have specials on draft beers ranging from £1.95 to £2.40 per pint.
Shots £1.00.
House doubles vodka, rum etc £2.50 including draft mixer.
Other drinks available at discounted prices.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS***** CHRISTMAS EVE ***** Great night in store with a top duo called U-TURN Free Admission. All Welcome
Unfortunately due to lack of support :( .................... ALL BANDS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED UNTIL AFTER NEW YEAR Sorry folks
Retro/Verb Rockabilly Band £3.00 on door
21st October 2016 ****** MALARKY ******** Reggae & Ska Band - £3.00 entry
Social Night with one of our bands