Top Local Places


6 Union Road, Bathgate, United Kingdom
Hair Salon



8 years experience specialising in Hair Extensions. We do not use any heat or glue methods.
We offer free consultations.  


Gorgeous happy Client wearing our Nevaeh range ombré ❣️

Weave maintenance 😝✨ Free consultations available. 01506 238460

Ice ice baby 😍 Our new Nevaeh range ( Russian Origin ) Weave Pictured with and without flash 👏🏽😍

Look at that shine 😍😍😍 elite plus weave maintenance. This hair has been reused about 4 tines ❣️

Stunning weave fitted 😍 we have hair available in stock 01506 238460 to book x

Another favourite!! Our lovely client here came to us 5 months ago with over processed damaged hair - we fitted our illusion method 3/4 of the way up her own hair - the improvement with her own hair which had been hidden away was amazing so we decided to fit the full illusion system at last appointment so none of the clients own hair is showing. This will allow the top section ( which is still damaged as you can see ) to breath and repair itself over time. How beautiful 😍!!! This method is quoted following consultation depending on each individual. Consultations are free and no obligation *** pictures shown with client consent *** 01506 238460

This client got 16 weeks out of my illusion integration method. No braid used here 😚 ( please note no method we offer should be left this amount of time and excessive matting is chargeable for time - however this does demonstrate the method is durable ). This method is by appointment only and can only be quoted following consultation for each individual. Consultations are free We have noticed clients own hair is also thickening a little ☺️! 01506 238460

One of our winter weaves from December in for maintenance ✨ 01506 238460✨ free consultations available ( by appointment only )

Weave maintenance. Added in extra hair as client had got 15 months out original set ❣️

Can Lauren Marshall please contact the salon 01506 238460

🖤💜🖤💜 APPOINTMENT AVAILABLE 💜🖤💜🖤 We have had a last minute cancellation for this morning!! This can be for weave fitting ( we have hair in stock !) or weave maintenance. Please contact us or call on 01506 238460 X

This is amazing ! Loving this chicks progress pics!! 5 months ago my clients hair was extremely short and broken - we would take her extensions ( The illusion system) 3/4 the way up her head leaving top section out. You can actually see where her own hair is still broken and not growing at same rate as the hair which has been protected with the extensions. We decided to add a closure in this time for her so all of her own hair is hidden and given a chance to repair underneath. Looking forward to her next progress pics ❣️


NEAR WeaveDiva-HairExtensions