Robyn Sharpe Massage
Offering; Sports, Deep Tissue and Remedial massage and also Myofascial release. With the ability to treat clients who have musculoskeletal injury or pain. Robyn Sharpe has a Level 5 Professional Diploma in Clinical Sport and Remedial Massage Therapy (BTEC) covering Basingstoke and surrounding areas.
Robyn is currently one of the Soft Tissue Therapists at Southampton FC to the First Team.
Out of these hours Robyn can also massage either at her premises (Hatchwarren) or your home.
Offering; Sports, Deep Tissue and Remedial massage, Myofascial release as well as other techniques such as strapping and taping. With the ability to treat clients who have musculoskeletal injury, pain or dysfunction caused by any of life's stresses and from all walks of life.
Each program typically comprises of three clinical elements:
Determining whether Soft Tissue Therapy is appropriate and devising a suitable treatment plan for you.
Using a range of soft tissue techniques (including massage) to improve soft tissue condition and joint mobility along with recovery from injury.
Advising on a range of remedial exercises and lifestyle factors aimed at preventing injury recurrence as well as improving posture, performance and function.
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facebook.comReally cool way of seeing how the scapula and surrounding muscles move
Clever way of showing how fascia connects everything!
All this running and marathon training giving you discomfort under foot or even plantar fasciitis? Here's a couple of things you can try to relieve it:
Exciting times ahead here at Physical Balance Ltd
Ever wondered what happens to your body whilst you're just sitting there? #dontjustsitthere #getmoving
Feeling abit restricted or tight? If so I’ve got availability at Physical Balance today and tomorrow and I’d be happy to help you out. Interested? Book here:!/book-online
Interesting post about foam rolling and how to use a foam roller to get the best results for strengthening and lengthening of your muscles
Loving my clinic space in Winchester! Huge thanks to Winchester Pilates for making me feel so welcome. If you’re into Pilates or just curious about it, then I can highly recommend these guys. The teachers are incredibly knowledgeable and the studio is just beautiful!
Amazing space!
I'm really looking forward to working with Physical Balance again, such a great clinic with a fantastic team! If you want to book in just head to their website!/book-online Looking forward to seeing you!