Gorsaf Dân ac Achub y Barri / Barry Fire and Rescue Station
Pam na ymwelwch chi â thudalen Facebook swyddogol Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru - www.facebook.com/SWFireandRescue
Why not visit the Official South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Facebook page - www.facebook.com/SWFireandRescue Croeso i dudalen Facebook swyddogol Gorsaf Dân ac Achub Y Barri (GTADC).
Bwriedir i'r dudalen hon eich hysbysu ynghylch beth rydym yn gwneud yn eich ardal ac i chi ein hysbysu beth allwn wneud i helpu cadw cymunedau De Cymru'n ddiogel.
Mae Gorsaf Dân Gymunedol Y Barri yma i'ch cynghori a'ch diogelu. Pe baech angen unrhyw gyngor diogelwch tân neu larymau tân wedi'u gosod yn eich cartref, cysylltwch â ni ar Radffôn 0800 169 1234. Os mai grŵp cymunedol lleol ydych chi, fyddai'n elwa o ddefnyddio ein hadnoddau, cysylltwch â ni ar 01443 232000.
Welcome to the official Barry Fire and Rescue Station (SWFRS) Facebook page.
This page is intended to let you know what we are doing in your area and for you to let us know what we can do to help keep the communities of South Wales safe.
Barry Community Fire Station is here for your advice and protection. If you require any fire safety advice or smoke alarms fitted in your home contact us on Freephone 0800 169 1234. If you are a local community group that may benefit from using our resources please contact us on 01443 232000
Tell your friends
facebook.comMeet Fireman Sam and support our Firefighters on their latest incredible World Record Attempt to raise money for charity. Please support us: 11am, Saturday 19th August, The Hayes, Cardiff.
Ydych chi'n credu byddwch chi dal yn gymwys ar gyfer archwiliad diogelwch rhag tan yn y cartref? Mae ein criwiau'n ymweld a rhai hynny sydd a risg uchel o dan i sicrhau y diogelir eu cartref. Os hoffech wybod mwy, cewch ymweld a gwefan GTADC neu cycylltwch a'n rhif rhad ffon ar 08001691234. Do you think you could qualify for a home safety check? Our crews visit those at high risk of fire to make sure that their home is safe. If you would like to know more, then you can visit SWFRS' website or contact our free phone number 0800 169 1234.
Bu ein criwiau allan ar ymarferiad, yn profi'u sgiliau ac yn cynnal y safonau uchel a ddarperir gennym wrth ein cymenedau rhag risg. Criw o Gorsaf tan Barry, Penarth ac Ely. Our crews have been out on exercise, testing their skills and maintaining the high standards we deliver when protecting our communities from risk. Crews from Red watch Barry, Penarth and Ely.
Safer vale open day in full swing at Barry fire station come and join us! Diwrnod agored Bro Ddiogelach yn ei hanterth yng Ngorsaf Dân Y Barri – dewch i ymuno â ni!
We are hosting a fun, action packed community day tomorrow 1100-1500 hours. So why not join us? It’s a family friendly event, full of activities to keep all ages entertained and busy. You’ll also get to meet the firefighters keeping you safe, as well as some of our emergency services colleagues. Rydym yn cynnal diwrnod cymunedol llawn hwyl a sbri yfory 1100-1500. Beth am ymuno a ni? Digwyddiad teulu yw e, yn llawn gweithgareddau I adlonni pop oedran a’u cadw’n brysur. Hefyd, cewch gwrdd ag ymladdwyr tan sy’n eich diogelu, yn ogystal a rhai cydweithwyr gawasanaeth brys.
We are hosting a fun, action packed community day this weekend. So why not join us? It’s a family friendly event, full of activities to keep all ages entertained and busy. You’ll also get to meet the firefighters keeping you safe, as well as some of our emergency services colleagues. Rydym yn cynnal diwrnod cymunedol llawn hwyl a sbri y penwythnos hwn. Beth am ymuno a ni? Digwyddiad teulu yw e, yn llawn gweithgareddau I adlonni pop oedran a’u cadw’n brysur. Hefyd, cewch gwrdd ag ymladdwyr tan sy’n eich diogelu, yn ogystal a rhai cydweithwyr gawasanaeth brys.