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Audrey Anderson Equine Touch Tutor/ Practitioner

Barn house ,Eastmains, Bankfoot, United Kingdom
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Muscles, Ligaments,Tendons, Lymphatic drainage, Circulation, Soft Tissue, Behavioural issues.
07795074975 Addressing the fascia of the equine body



British Horse Society! First Aid training day 1 it's like being back to school ....... xx

Fab week out and about in the snow!!☃️❄xx Also chilled out equines drawing from their sessions. Less stressed out chilling releasing the discomfort and tension from their body🤗 xx

So love an Equine xx

Thanks so much for liking my page feel free to scroll down the posts. Check out the reviews ask any questions more than happy to help. One of many things this bodywork can do is make a difference even if you think it can't!! Many thanks for the clients whom are in tune with there equine. My lad below because his immune system is challenged with his condition called Atopy Equine Touch supports his system this bodywork is complimentary to the function of the equine and addresses many other issues xx

Oh have a read xx

Table from the article below rough guide for bone growth in an equine!! 😯 ignoring the facts will be pointless..... Your equine will be able to do do the job you ask of it given the time to Finnish growing..... to me it's more important to have a balanced equine once getting through these stages on the table before asking them to do a discipline. It would be a lot less stressful for equine and rider........ it's worth the wait xx BirthDistal phalanx (coffin bone)Birth to 6 months Middle phalanx (short pastern bone)6 months to 1 year Proximal phalanx (long pastern bone)8 months to 1.5 years Metacarpals/metatarsals (fetlock and cannon bones)1.5 to 2.5 years Carpal bones (‘knee’)2 to 2.5 years Radius, ulna (forearm)2.5 to 3 yearsFemur, tibia (hind leg)3 to 3.5 years Humerus, femur3 to 4 years Ischium, ilium and sacrum (pelvis)3.5 to 4 years Scapula and top neck vertebrae (shoulder and neck)4 years Tarsal bones (hock)5.5 to 8 years Vertebrae (the larger the horse and the longer the neck, the longer it takes for the growth plates to close up along the back)

Far too many equines working to hard too soon and really what's the rush!! xx

It's all about the FASCIA!!! Our vet DR Ivana Ruddock-Lange fascinating article xx

Okay folks been a busy week already nice start to the New Year 2018. Clients been in touch about equines slipping with an without riders. Take care out there the ground is not forgiving at the moment. xx

We have found it can help the equine in many ways! ☆ ☆Inducing deep relaxation ☆Reducing the pain spiral ☆Releasing hypertonic and traumatised muscles ☆Encouraging muscle tone recovering from injury or atrophy ☆Assisting in detoxification and lymphatic drainage ☆Helping with stress and emotional trauma ☆strengthening the immune system ☆ All the best Audrey xx

Improved movement in your equine. I have had quite a few lovely texts after having Equine Touch sessions🤗 and seen a few posts of how there equines are now moving with ease and less behavioural issues so it's lovely to also see the pics and posts. Equine Touch is a stand alone body work which by releasing the FASCIA can create a whole body change. Maybe folks don't realise that if your nervous system has lightning reactions,blinking an eye, when the body is functioning breathing, heart beat, filters of the body liver, kidney etc all functioning through the brain and the nervous system. The FASCIA also functions through the same system amazing!!!! So even with the gentle Equine Touch move can influence this system... Yes by palpating the tissue can help release the restrictions created by many different ways in life...... Even way back by how they are within the mothers womb curled to the right or left!! Why wouldn't you think this would cause left or right rein issues later on in an equines life because it can.... Maybe its because you haven't heard of fascia and the effect it has on the body tension through the FASCIA of the body can happen anywhere within the equine as the FASCIA is everywhere and through the bodywork I do addresses everywhere not just a leg or a head, neck, shoulder. Saddle area, movement leg placement. A balance would not be complete without checking the whole equine... This is not massage, physio, This is Equine Touch which an amazing work and research has been compiled over the 20 years and is on going......Developed by Jock Ruddock in 1997 the human bodywork previously developed called VHT-vibromuscular Harmonisation Technique then was applied to the equine and the Equine Touch was formed. Vet researcher, lecturer highly respected throughout the world DR Ivana Ruddock-Lange with a fantastic background in the function of the equine travels the world teaching Equine Touch with a vast knowledge about the Fascia and how it affects the equine in its function. Movement, the list is endless .Equine Touch is always being improved by the work Ivana achieves throughout the work that is done If your equine hasn't received the Equine Touch your more than welcome to drop me an email and have a chat at 07795074975. xx Lovely picture of Ivana working on an equine during a demo Equine Touch holds its own conference every year. Where all involved in Equine Touch are there Instructors, Practitioners/ Tutors and students get together with a variety of speakers talking about all kind of issues with the equine with invited speakers of other modalities it's a great day out XX

🥂To all my wonderful clients past, present and future. Many thanks for all your support throughout the year you are all amazing. Your support is invaluable. Look forward to seeing you all in 2018. Good luck everyone 🥂🎉 x x


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