Clutterhound Vintage & Frox
Vintage, vintage style, boho and new2u fashion plus vintage, vintique, interesting, decorative and pretty items - trading at Clutterhound shop and fairs .
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facebook.comI am still rather like the wilted rose health-wise I'm afraid but I am hopeful that I will be able to open CV&F shop in the not toooooo distant future.
Really sorry vintage, retro and boho lovers. I had hoped to open my little shop, Clutterhound Vintage & Frox to coincide with the fabulous Vintage Fair Rachel of Curtiss and Clementine is presenting at Banff Castle on Sat 10 Sept . However still prevented by rubbish ill health- but have not given up hope of future opening yet! I recommend a visit to the fair for lots of super stalls with quality treasures.
1970s. The era of my youth. Glad to see some of the fashions back! Thanks to Elane at The Closet for this.
Love the 'innards' of parasols.
So....opening Sat 28 and Sun 29 May for the COAST Fringe weekend. First time shoppie open since last December! Now the really difficult bit, which is to take some of my magpie-ing acquisitions from my dresser at home to the shop. Difficult as I get very attached to costume jewellery. Hope some of you will visit. Vintage, Art and Craft Fair in the Castle 10-4. Lots of Fringe activities in Banff and Macduff.
Good heavens! Jackie mag is a musical. I devoured this in my teenage years. It was a team of lassies in D C Thomson, Dundee trying to seem like they were at the heart of Swinging London and Carnaby Street. So cool!
Been stuck in bed since Sunday but the Hon. Bellman Floppylugs is good company.