IPMS Middleton Cheney
IPMS Middleton Cheney is a friendly and informal model club based in the village of Middleton Cheney, South Northamptonshire. IPMS Middleton Cheney is a friendly and informal model club based in the village of Middleton Cheney, South Northamptonshire. The club maintains a more light-hearted approach towards the hobby, and actively supports all abilities, believing that if the model looks good to you, then it's good enough for us!
Alongside newcomers, the club benefits from having specialists in most categories. So if you want to know the right shade of green for a 1942 Eastern Front ME-109, or the correct panel shades on Enterprise D we can help!
Founded in 2005, the club is made up of members from around the Banbury area, indeed an early name for the club was the Four Shires Model Club, owing to members living in the counties of Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Warwickshire and Buckinghamshire!
Later on the name was changed to the Middleton Cheney Scale Model Club and then in 2012, it became affiliated with the International Plastic Modellers Society (IPMS) and thus joined an elite group of clubs to carry the IPMS moniker.
We have a helpful, friendly committee team of three that run the club, alongside a growing membership that specialise in a wide variety of genres, of all ages and levels of ability.
For more information, please visit our website: http://ipmsmiddletoncheney.com/
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facebook.comWe are currently at the Poole Vikings model show, always enjoy it. Photos to follow
What an amazing first show of 2018- Heather and the Stoke on Trent model club- you did an amazing job. Next for us is the Poole Vikings model show on the 14th April, followed by ThamesCon. April will be fun :)
Stoke on Trent model show 2018
En route to the stoke on Trent model show, our first display of the year
The Stoke on Trent model show is tomorrow... hands up whose excited :D
1 week to go before our first display of 2018 at the stoke on Trent model show. Looking forward to seeing you all there
Something we are going to be attending in April- ThamesCon We can’t wait for this event, there’s a wide range of activities and guests to see- including British icon Sir Tony Robinson. It’ll be well worth it and an enjoyable day out. For more info click the link https://thamescon.co.uk/
Hi all, the March club meet is on the 15th, it’s our second competition night too. We are also going to be attending the Stoke on Trent model show on the 25th of March. See you there :)
Hi all, we want to start something new right now. We are going to pin this post to the top of our page. We want as many of you to post a photo, or several, of your builds. Doesn’t matter what subject, scale, or medium. It will be a world wide look at everyone’s models.
Check out what some of the club's members are up to at the moment! David has a few planes on the go, including the 1/48 Revell Mosquito B Mk IV, while Richard is working on the Arkhan the Black Warhammer figure. Good work lads!
Some sad news from me- we’ve had news that Pete from Trinders has sadly passed away very suddenly. He always inspired me and was very knowledgable. Our thoughts are with his family. Sam