CrossFit Ballymena
CrossFit Ballymena is here to get people healthy. Here to get people strong, fit and mobile so that they can enjoy life to the full. Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
~Greg Glassman
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facebook.comSometimes turning your life around means turning it upside down, why not let us take care of you through that process! Build a healthy you and try something new 💪 #crossfit #cfballymena #fitness #handstand #gym #healthy #fun
Incase you missed it, last weeks open event was covered by the one and only Andrew! This is the last week of this worldwide event, check it out tomorrow on our Instagram as Sarah and Rebecca will be sharing their story and experience of 18.5 💪😎🏋🏼♀️
It’s here, the final week of the open! That means one last takeover for our Instagram story. Saz and Rebecca joined together and are sisters from another mister. Can’t wait to hear their experience at the gym #Crossfit #cfballymena #instagramtakover #sisterfromanothermister
Fitness for life...
Did you know? Next to oxygen, water is the most important substance in the human body. It is used in every metabolic process (digestion, assimilation, elimination, respiration, and maintaining body temperature). If you are not drinking enough water, you are inhibiting nutrient and oxygen delivery to your brain and muscles, and you are slowing down your metabolic fat burning process. Your body is 50-60% water overall. Fat tissue is 20% water, and muscle, brains, and blood are all about 80% water. This means hydration levels affect both your mental and physical performance as well as your overall heath. Dehydration is defined as a loss of water equal to 1% + of bodyweight. If you are 70kg that is only 700g or 700ml, so if you are not actively drinking water throughout the day, you are dehydrated. Thirst is most commonly perceived between 1-2% bodyweight loss in water, but your metabolic process start suffering long before that (at about .5% bodyweight loss). Because we can become dehydrated so easily, don't wait to get thirsty to drink water. Get ahead-drink early and often. Ideally your water consumption should be spread out throughout the day. For example, if you drink 1 litre of water by 10am, I would recommend still taking in fluids throughout the rest of the day. For example, you could have a glass of green tea with lunch and sparkling water with lime with dinner. You are not just what you eat; you are also what you drink...or don't drink! Give yourself a head start and grab one of our gym bottles, the perfect companion to help you keep track of your water intake. Perfect for any activity or lack thereof 😉
Finding someone to train with is as simple as turning up! We’ve got the community that’ll build friendships and success. #Crossfit #cfballymena #buildingfriends #buildingstrongbodies #buildinglonglife
Anyone want to jump into an intro class tonight at 5.15 send us a message now!
Struggle with balance? Find it hard to use your legs? Always wear shoes? Learn how to use your feet and you’ll be surprised what happens, check out this great post from Instagram!
Parents, young and those more mature 😉 can learn so much from each other by training together. Surround yourself with everyday people who inspire you #Crossfit #cfballymena #community #family
Turn up, do the work and repeat the next day. You’ll be shocked how much progress you can make with this simple formula #Crossfit #cfballymena #fitness #skills #ballymena
Last week Instagram takeover by Jo and Alex was a blast! Incase you missed it catch up now and don’t miss Andrew Drummond tomorrow 😎
The man who only ever gives 💯 % is in charge this week. Stay tuned to hear his story! #crossfit #cfballymena #story #journey #sharingiscaring