ULT Fitness and Crossfit
ULT Fitness and Crossfit is a community based group exercise facility in Ayr that offers up to 32 classes a week!
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facebook.comOnly 8 - 10 day free trials left everyone Remember you get full access to our commercial space for over 10 hours every day, and unlimited access to all crossfit, conditioning, lifting, and spin classes all part of your membership
Contact us now to receive one of the 20 free trials we have on offer- 10 days unlimited training -Free Trial Once these trials go, the membership will be closed again, so now is the time to take the offer, what have you got to lose? Please feel free to tag a friend that you could together enjoy the trial with
This Monday coming, marks the 4 year anniversary of me receiving the keys to get work started on ULT Fitness and Crossfit To mark that anniversary we will be releasing 20 free trials. Keep your eyes open on here for more information and a brilliant highlight video of our last few years of ULT
Wanted to share this post from one of our members Ashley Logan. Ashley has not only been working really hard in all her classes and open gym, but also working so so hard in her PT session with Sharn. Perfect example of work hard, enjoy your fitness, eat clean and results will come.....and keep coming Great job Ashley
Massive good luck to our members today competing at the Rainhill Trials down south. Have a great day and enjoy yourself girls 👍💪💪
Want to change your lifestyle? Want to enjoy exercise? Want to challenge yourself every day? Want to be fitter than you have ever been? Want to train along side similar minded people? Want to get real RESULTS? Then Crossfit may be your answer ! (Contact us for details) **results below exactly 365 days apart**
The story of Sammy Jess and how we went from doing some fitness for fun, to being the European Champion Only last year Sammy came into the gym to supplement his other sport a few times per week, then decided to do the Crossfit Open. After a good showing in the open (nearly qualifying for the top 200, who go through to qualifying workouts for the crossfit games) by only doing some classes each week , he told us that he “wanted to commit to this”. I sat back and thought about it, and decided to sit down with Sammy and his Mum and propose something big .... I knew Sammy wasn’t planning to do his last year at school coming up (6th year), so I asked him and his parents if he committed to training full time as an athlete, that I would slowly train him up as a trainer and a coach, but not rush this process and put him through his crossfit courses, but his main remit would be to commit to full time training and see where the chips fell. Sammy then, for the last 9-10 months trained 4-5 hours every day, sometimes it has not been easy (like any large commitment), he has wanted to have rest then but he didn’t, he wanted to be able to train with people (has to train himself sometimes) but got on with it on his own, he wanted to be able to socialise at times he was supposed to train but instead chose training, he didn’t always want to do the hard (weakness) stuff, but he did it...... basically he broke (and smashed) through the things that normally stop people in their tracks So Sammy starting squatting 2-3 times per week, doing about 15 met cons per week, hours on weakness work, hours on oly lifting, hours on conditioning , eating 6-7000 calories per day.... And the results came in droves. 10kg + muscle gain, PR’s (personal records) nearly every day, built an amazing engine and high level gymnastics.... Our first test was when we had was at the SFFC teams of 3’s Championships, where he came 1st with his team in the intermediate division at just 16 years old Then his first individual challenge came with the Cyprus Games, where he narrowly missed the top spot, due to a few small weaknesses being highlighted We then went back to the drawing board and had an aggressive plan to attack his weaknesses and with a plan to hopefully podium in the European Championships coming up in a few months .... Not only did Sammy kick up his training for the competition, but he then went and qualified in 1st place in the European qualifiers After a hard few months of training (including doing a lot of volume over the Christmas period) He was ready for the Championships last weekend. He went out and dominated the competition with a very comfortable first place finish on the podium , becoming the European Teen Champion We had 2 goals this year, 1 was to podium in the Europeans and 2 was to do well in the Crossfit open. Sammy is only in his infancy of his crossfit athlete career, and after only under a year of full commitment, he has been able to achieve something pretty special in that short space of time. This boy has very very big things ahead of him, and I’m so glad (and privileged) to be part of his journey. The opportunities are endless as long as Sammy keeps working the way he has been with sharp Focus and cerebral intent. Keep watching for him, it’s going to be an exciting year The CrossFit Games CrossFit The European Championships
Huge good luck to our athletes competing today We have Jayne Campbell and Ciaran Laspley doing their first ever comp today at the Fission Games in Liverpool We also have Scott Chan, Stevie Morrison and Sammy Jess competing at the European Championships in Colchester Go smash it everyone and have a great time competing
We have 5 more memberships available and then we are full (and then our membership won’t open until at least March) Check out all that you get from our membership. Crossfit normally cost £60+ per month, but not only do we want to make it affordable, but we also want to give you more options with unlimited crossfit classes (no booking system), conditioning classes, spin classes, battle X classes, KICK classes....and also 50+ hours of open gym time. Private mail us for details, once these 5 spaces are gone we won’t take on any more new people 👍
WHAT A DIFFERENCE A YEAR CAN MAKE!!! This is the story of 2 mothers changing their lifestyle and getting healthy, and in the 1 year- the journey of the girls losing over 8 stone between them, 100’s of inches, gaining muscle, gaining strength, being all around fitter than they have ever been and being hopefully should be inspiration to anyone having a long term goal with their health/fitness goals, and knowing that no matter how far your away right now, you can get there as long as you want it enough! First I would like to say how proud I am of both these members - Jayne Campbell and Angela Alexander, because what they have achieved in 365 days, is incredible Both the girls started last January on their journey to change. And DAMN they did change! What was different for the girls that lead them to Huge results?? Well Both the girls knew this wouldn’t an be easy journey and there would be ups and downs along the way, but they pushed through the times that got hard, they talked to us when they struggled for motivation, and basically they were READY for change and they NEVER found excuses for being “off programme” or even if they had been worse with their nutrition and training, they were honest about it, which allowed us as trainers, to be able to get them back on programme quick. I always explain to anyone on either a weight loss journey, or a muscle building, a performance, a health based journey ...:. That nearly everyone has to slightly regress at some point and “be off programme” to be able to realise that what you were doing was actually working for them, it’s then whether you chose to get back on or not. Both these girls did and didn’t find that easy way out, didn’t find excuses and didn’t blame anyone else when they did struggle Both the girls are mothers of 3 kids (Jayne) and 4 kids (Angela). So that created another hurdle to work around kids activities, kids being unwell, kids homework...... but still the girls pushed through and if for some reason they didn’t get a chance to do a planned training session, they didn’t let that affect them and simply got back in the next day or the next day possible. Something I’m also proud of the girls for, is that both Jayne and Angela’s kids do our crossfit kids programme and seem to love it, which is a great thing to see them all share that together Also I’d like to mention how unbelievable the fitness change has been in both girls. I’m sure the girls would be honest in saying they struggled with the training to start with and probably struggled to enjoy it to start with because it was so tough, but again they pushed through this and now both are extremely fit and able to push themselves to places that they would probably never had expected Here are a few comments from the girls on their journey JAYNE’s JOURNEY “This last year has been an incredible journey with ULT. I started in January 2017 very overweight and in the worst condition I have ever been in. I was very unfit sore and sluggish and knew I had to do something. It was always a daunting thought for me to start the gym as I wanted to get my fitness level up a bit first but as my sister Llana said "there is no better way to get fitter than to do the classes" AND SHE WAS RIGHT! So after Christmas and new year were over and my 3 kids were back at school I got into a routine and plucked up the courage to take part in my first class. I started to feel a difference quite quickly and even had people notice and say to me only after a couple of weeks which made me feel good. My fitness is constantly improving, the workouts feel harder but I know that because I am becoming fitter I am pushing myself to that next level either to lift heavier or complete the WODs within the time cap, it's never going to be easy. After 9 months and with the help of the coaches (who also happen to be my brothers and sisters) and keeping on top of my nutrition 6/1. I registered for my first competition. I was not looking to get anywhere, this was something to keep me focused on my training and give me something to aim for but I qualified 5th. (Massive achievement on top of what I have already achieved. My competition is in 2 weeks time and although I'm so nervous I'm really looking forward to it. I've not posted many transformation pictures but they are due to be done on 30/1/18. These comparison pictures will be a complete year apart! The pictures were the worst part of this whole journey. Every one I took I deleted as i was so ashamed but I knew it had to be done so that I could prove to myself what I was to achieve. Joining ULT has been one of the best things I have ever done for my fitness both mentally and physically. Thanks to everyone who has been a part of it” ANGELAS JOURNEY “I joined ULT after realising that I was extremely overweight and had developed some unhealthy habits. I no longer wanted to feel that terrible and mainly I wanted to be able to fit in my clothes. I didn’t want to buy yet another size bigger! Now a year on from joining ULT, I have never felt so fit and healthy. I follow all the nutritional advice with clean eating 6 days and 1 day off and it works. I train as hard as I can whenever I can and although this is tough to juggle with work, my last year of my degree & 4 kids (who have also developed a love for Crossfit!) it can be done. Although it makes it so much easier to do when you love what your doing. ULT coaches are so helpful & supportive as well as other members supporting each other along the way. My journey started off with wanting to lose weight, ULT have helped me go beyond that and I’m now starting to train to compete. I have never felt so good, so no matter how uncomfortable it might be at first, just push through it because you can achieve your goals just like I have and many others within the walls of ULT. It has truly changed my life!” ULT as a gym- prides itself on being able to achieve weight loss, achieve muscle gain, achieve performance benefits, achieve crossfit competitor benefits.....basically what a member is looking for, we try hard to give you the equation to get your there under our roof, all then it takes is to turn up and train hard, train progressively and follow your nutrition to get you there What the girls did that made the difference for them, that either you could do or someone else you know- * They made a long term goal and wouldn’t let themselves deviate from it * They followed our nutrition plan to the tee, that not only helped them for weight loss, but it also provided my health benefits, it made them stronger/leaner/and weren’t hungry with the plan * They trained progressively and pushed themselves every session to force their bodies to evolve * They made targets for themselves not just related to weight loss * They made themselves and their health a priority (I’m not saying it was thee priority but it was up there) because they knew they had to * They never found excuses to not train or eat well * They surrounded themselves with people(members) and coaches that were not only supportive but also would push them Again great job girls, be proud of yourselves as we are of you 👍👍
That time of year again everyone We have 20 FREE Trials to give away. To receive your 10 day free trial, simply message us on here. (Feel free to tag any friends in the post) If you want results in 2018, then ULT is going to be right for you
Huge good luck to our squad of athletes who qualified for the glacier games, and are competing down at the finals this weekend in Newcastle Great job everyone, go and enjoy yourself Good luck to - Bernie Nicky Cuff Leaighann Gibson Chelsea Hendren Peter Cotter Struan Grant Stewart Brown Gary Craig Heather Hannah Katy Service