My Gardener Ltd
Does the jobs you don't want too, or just can't. Cares for your garden like you do!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS Hand Soap with its mild #chamomile smell is exactly what your #skin needs to feel cleansed and softened.
Today we carried on with digging out a pond. We had help, and it was s challenge due to the concrete and rubble just buried below the surface... by we did it ..
Hellebores are one of my most favourite plants and as Its nearly March its that time of year when we need to cut off old leaves of hellebores that produce flowers from ground level (including Helleborus x hybridus and H. niger - left) to expose the flowers and remove possible foliar diseases such as hellebore leaf spot. Yesterday I moved two of mine which were not doing so well, next to one which is doing fabulously ... brought for me by my lovely friend amanda, so will let you gardeners know how it progresses...
Another brill job for the my gardener team .. Getting am area ready to put beach pebbles down. Hard work and I drove the wheel barrow !!
Beautiful sweet peas
Lovely daffs .. Really pleased the planting in the grass worked