Blue Streak Airsoft
Airsoft Skirmish Site, Team Building , Corporate Days, Stag/Hen Parties, /Photo/Video Location
Also under blue streak airsoft
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS***** Update**** Hi everyone. A quick couple of items for you. As of beginning of November we will no longer be posting updates on this Blue Streak Airsoft FB page. Please like/befriend Badger Tac Events FB page for updates on ALL upcoming events, game days, new venues and related stuff. We will leave this page up as it's packed full of photos from the many happy events we held here at the Blue streak venue. So, onwards & upwards!! If you find yourself at a loose end this weekend, we are organising site strip & clearance at Blue Streak in readiness to move to our next exciting venue. If you fancy helping, please FB message, e-mail, call the shop to let us know which day you are available to come & help. As always we look forward to seeing you all soon. All the best Ratty and the Badger Tac Events crew
**** OP Header Update & Final Call **** Date:- Saturday 8th October (Yes Tonight!!!) Time:- 1900 - 0400 Place:- RV at Blue Streak Safe Zone.. After Briefing you will deployed to area Oscar Tango Foxtrot (New Area) Weather Update:- 9 degrees with showers tonight so pack some cold weather kit. Cost:- £45 including dinner OK guys & gals, this is the FINAL CALLl if you would like to take part in this event at 1 of our new venues. You can book your spot via all usual means, e-mail (, FB, phone the shop (01296 658 600). or even pop in. All usual safety kit required. Tonight will be taking place at a new venue and will run differently to normal. You will need to be as self sufficient as possible although there will be stash points around the site and in the crew vehicles. Exciting times!!!! Look forward to seeing you all later.. Ratty & the Badger Tac Events team.
Badger Tac Events
Operation Final Hurrah Pictures. please "Like" the Badger Tac Events page for more updates.
***** Op Final Hurrah ** Update ***** Sunday 21st August Gates Open:- 0800 OK everyone. Here is the latest update for OP Final Hurrah, the last official game to be held at the Blue Streak Airsoft site. Have spoken to you many of you individually but for those that we haven't managed to... Prices are slightly different from normal as there is alot extra being added to make sure we give Blue Streak a really good send off! Walk on Fee:- £45 per head Rental Fee:- £60 per head (including rental kit) ALL RENTAL SPACES ARE NOW BOOKED!! Please do not try to book a rental space for the day. If you have booked a rental space & received confirmation, you are good to go.. There are however walk on spaces still available. Included in the cost is a full days play, lunch provided by Sandra Bullivant of the Waddesdon Deli Co, which is going to be a massive Ploughmans, free Tea & Coffee. It also includes, at the end of the day, when all guns are packed away, a full Hog Roast, once again provided by Waddesdon Deli Co, 1st drink on us and Franco will be our in house DJ for the afternoon/evening playing a mix of old skool & new stuff too. This is an opportunity for you guys to let your hair down and have a good social with all the guys & gals you have been playing against & with over the last 3 years. There will also be a raffle at the end of the day with a range of prizes up for grabs. Viper Tactical may well be visiting to join in for the day too as well as to show their new products. TBC ALL the team here would love to see as many of YOU as possible wearing your most outragious/ Hawaiian shirt you have for the day! Also as many of you wearing"Go Pro" or similar action cams to get as much footage as we can so we can put together a montage for the You Tube channel So book NOW if you haven't already to secure your place. You can book via all the usual means, FB, e-mail,, call the shop, 01296 658 600, or if you get chance, pop in. We look forward to seeing you all Sunday. Ratty & the Badger Tac/Blue Streak team
Operation Overlord has been updated with more photos and moved to Badger Tac Events page....sorry for any incovenience
*** Operation Boogie Night**** Date:- Saturday 13th August Time:- 1900 -0400hrs Themed event with backstory and various taskings/missions. Price £45 No Rentals available. Late dinner provided by Sandra Bullivant from the Waddesdon Deli Co. This will be our last official night event at the Blue Streak site. There are STILL some spaces available for this ever popular awesome series of events. So if you fancy something different to a usual game day, then get yourself booked in now. The site takes on an entirely different, eerie feeling once it gets dark. You can book in via all the normal means, either FB,call the shop 01296 658 600, e-mail or pop in teh shop for a brew! Please note, you WILL need a helmet (of any type) a whistle and a torch (hand held or weapons mounted) to be able to participate. Look forward to seeing you all soon. Ratty
****** 7th August Game Update ***** Hi everyone, Some info for tomorrow. There are NO rental spaces left. We are at pretty much max capacity numbers wise. If you have NOT booked in already for tomorrow, then please do not just turn up, as there is good chance you will be turned away. Forecast is light rain to start with, but turning into a scorcher throughout the day. So KEEP YOURSELVES HYDRATED during of the day. If you are out on the lash tonight, make sure you are in a fit state for playing in these conditions tomorrow. Now the fun bit!! Both Myself & Banzai are due to "Run the Gantlet" tomorrow, so all rifles will have to go through & pass the chrono in the morning!!! Lunch from the Waddesdon Deli Co is cold meat platters, coleslaw, potato salad plus some extras no doubt. As always, we look forward to seeing you all in the morning. All the best, Ratty & the team
Badger Tac Events
sorry for the delay here are the picks from Operation: Sweaty please "Like" the Badgertac Events page for more updates.
Badger Tac & Blue Streak Airsoft:- A BIG Announcement Hi everyone, Some of you we have spoken to you privately already but we also know that there are many more of you who we haven’t seen to give our news to. So, for those of you whom we haven’t seen in a while, we have a Bad news/Good news announcement for you all. Let’s start with the Bad News:- If you have played at the Blue Streak Airsoft site at Westcott Venture Park, then you will know that we have always been under no illusion that one day, the 30 acre site we use would be developed. So it is with a heavy heart to announce that this day has come. I am at present, awaiting a works schedule from the developers, but it is all happening very soon. Westcott, not surprisingly, will eventually become the centre for the UK Space & Rocket technologies. Our last Official Game day will take place on Sunday 21st August. This will be Operation “Final Hurrah” and, in true Badger Tac tradition we are planning something big, including an evening session & some additional extras! More info to follow… There may well be some smaller events after this date, but that is not guaranteed at this time. Now the Good News:- Although Blue Streak Airsoft will close, there is some restructuring taking place. Badger Tac Events will have a new Face Book Page & website to notify you all about future events. So please keep an eye out for this and like/share the new pages. Yes folks, we are far from dead & buried and we are growing in size as well as more skirmish/event sites to continue bringing you good old fashioned, fun filled and varied airsoft events and more to boot. We have a new 30 acre site which will be coming on line September/October time. Along with this we are in negotiations with potentially 3 other sites. Now 2 of these are very local to our existing location, with the other 2 a little further away. All info will be put up on the Badger Tac, Badger Tac Events as well as my personal Ian Armitage Face Book Pages. The Blue Streak Airsoft page will remain for the photos that are up on there, but will become dormant. Summary Although the closure of Blue Streak is a great, great, shame, to coin a phrase “Don’t Panic! Don’t Panic!”. The next few months will perhaps be some of our busiest, with organising and prepping the new venues as well as promoting them all. In the meantime, we are running some extra special events at Blue Streak which we will be advertising over the next few days, so get your diaries out! The Badger Tac Shop is Remaining where it has been for the last 6 years on Westcott Venture Park So no change there. We as a team & I personally would like to take to this time in thanking you all for your support over the last 3 years, without which we wouldn’t be able to still operate. Moving forward we would very much like your continued support over the coming months and years at the new venues. We will be posting up for volunteers for site stripping and new site build days too. Stay in touch guys & gals and we look forward to seeing you all soon. Kind regards Ratty & the Badger Tac/Blue Streak Team
Operation "Spitfire" Photo's now live...
Operation "Spitfire!
Sunday 3rd July
Operation Saber
Operation "Saber"