Ruby Lane Hair Designers
Ruby Lane Hair Designers formerly Tramps is conveniently located on Jansel Square, Bedgrove with 2 hours free parking available.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS**MODELS WANTED** To help Georgia complete her level 2 apprenticeship we would like to ask if anyone who has a short hairstyle would like to come in on Sunday 15th April for a free haircut. If you’re interested please ring the salon on 01296 485711. Thank you xx
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!!! After a long wait we finally have our new shop front and how amazing is it? Completely opens and brightens up the whole salon, we look forward to you all walking through our new front door 😍
Well done Sarah Jane for winning the open category at the Span competition-So very proud of you!!! And are so glad you are a part of the Rubylane team❤️❤️
Wishing Georgia and Sarah Jane all the very best of luck for the Span hair competition they are entering tomorrow - you are both winners in our eyes!!! BRING IT ON??😘😘😘😘🐘
FACE PAINTER NEEDED URGENTY! We are in need of a face painter for Sunday 8th April from 10:30am to around 12:00pm. Please give us a call on 01269485711 or direct message. Thanks!
The salon will be closed on Monday 9th April! Sorry for any inconvenience, we will be open and back to normal on Tuesday!
🐇Happy Easter🐇From all of us here at Ruby Lane. We are closed for the Easter weekend but open again Tuesday 3rd April. Have a lovely weekend 🐣🐥
🔥 feeling the HEAT 🔥 Gorgeous fiery copper #wella #copper #stylistsdoitbetter #wellafamily #ghd #aylesburyhair
...and that SHINE 😍✨
To all you #ghd lovers, here is a bit of science behind the brillance! Proving to be a cut above the rest.... Let us know what you think!