RIFT Tax Refunds
Hassle-free tax refunds. No complicated paperwork for you to worry about when we do the maths for you. Mon-Thurs: 08:30 - 20:30
Fri: 08:30 - 18:00
Sat: 09:00 - 13:00
What do we do?
We're here to claim help you get a rebate on any money you've overpaid in tax. If you've had to pay out of your own pocket to travel to work at a temporary site, or posting if you are in the Armed Forces, the you can claim the tax back on what you spent. HMRC define "temporary" as somewhere you worked for less than two years.
That sounds like me! How do I claim my refund?
You can get in touch with us by PM or by giving us a call on 01233 653970 - we'll ask you a couple of quick questions just to check you have a claim (if it turns out you don't we won't charge you a penny) then, if you qualify, we'll deal with the whole refund process with HMRC on your behalf - just sit back and wait till the money's in your bank account!
Tell your friends
facebook.comHMRC speak their own language. When reading through any tax forms or paperwork you receive from them, there’s a lot of jargon to wade through. But, at RIFT, we try to avoid jargon at all costs. We make a point of writing and talking in plain English. http://bit.ly/2v3f7NC
Here's the rules surrounding MOD tax refunds. http://bit.ly/2x2ieqd
It typically takes around 8-10 weeks for HMRC to process your tax refund but there are a few things you can do to get your tax refund even faster. http://bit.ly/2xfbXqP
A Unique Taxpayer Reference number, (UTR for short), is a 10 digit number that is unique to either you or your company. It identifies you personally with HMRC for things related to your tax obligations. If you have a UTR number and work in Construction - you need to complete a tax return & may be owed a tax refund. Find out more here http://bit.ly/2uSKXk0
Della used her tax refund to pay off a few bills and treat herself to a new handbag. What would you do with a tax refund worth a few thousand pounds? http://bit.ly/2wljCaE
Have you entered our #ReferAFriend competition yet? We've two £100 Amazon vouchers to give away, to be in with a a chance to win 1 like this post before 31st August. Find out how you can earn with our #ReferAFriend Scheme here http://bit.ly/2uIdLvt
Do you have kids starting school in September? The first year at primary school costs over £2,700 in the UK. That cost rises to almost £6,800 when they reach secondary school and that's assuming you're only looking at a state school. There are always things you can do to help lighten the load of sending the kids to school. Here's some financial help you might qualify for http://bit.ly/2wrfOnj
The 21st of August is a special day for us at RIFT: World Entrepreneurs' Day. It's close to our hearts because, whether they realise it or not, so many of our clients are actually entrepreneurs. There are close to 5 million people in the UK working for themselves, and over 2 million registered traders. Even people working PAYE jobs are getting in on the entrepreneurship action as a valuable second income. http://bit.ly/2vWkcZl
In addition to donating a portion of all our MOD tax refund fees to ABF The Soldiers' Charity, we also like to keep you posted on their latest news and upcoming events. The charity offers an invaluable hand up to serving and former military personnel and their families in need. That's why we're so proud to work with them and get the word out about what they do. Here's a quick round-up for August 2017. http://bit.ly/2vSnNaE
When claiming tax relief on food keep a record of everything. That's not just the tenner you're forking over for your lunch, either. We mean everything from your first cup of pre-work tea in the morning to the sneaky snack you grabbed in your afternoon break. It all adds up, and it's all worth keeping tabs on for your tax refund claim. http://bit.ly/2vF0H7z
The number of self employed people in the UK is higher than you think isn't it? If you're unsure whether you need to submit a tax return find out here http://bit.ly/2i29XiV
Before summer leave is over make sure you get your tax refund claim started. MOD personnel can claim against travel expenses to temporary postings of under 24 months, even outside the UK. Using either your own vehicle or public transport counts. You can claim any overpaid tax for the last 4 years, and the RIFT average 4 year rebate is £2,500.