This is the official Facebook presence for the British Army's Chief Environment and Safety Officer.
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facebook.comApologies for the delay but we have had some technical issues with the FB account. Here is issue 56 of the Army Safety & Environmental Magazine. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4fEipTqsxY9UjlvdWVjMTRzQ21JWFA2ek0xMC1leTFxdDJr
I am pleased to announce that 'Without A Trace' is now live on YouTube. A digital copy of the film will also be available on AKX, Defence Intranet and ArmyNET in due course. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4fEipTqsxY9b0FBTDRITW10NUk
Army Safety and Environment Matters Issue 55.pdf
Latest Safety and Environmental magazine, issue 55. Many thanks to all who contributed. If you wish to have an article considered for the next issue, please contact the editor. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4fEipTqsxY9Q2hhdVdIbGFQR01mUkFHTlFyejFLSnRBck1B
Army Safety and Environment Matters Issue 54.pdf
Issue 54, Many thanks for all who have contributed to the magazine.
Without a Trace is the latest Environmental DVD being created for CESO(A), its filming is well under way and the delivery is expected Dec 2016. Big thank you to 1st Royal Regiment Fusiliers for agreeing to assist in the making of the DVD. I will update you on here when i have more details of the progress and sites to view. Any question inbox here or via CESO(A) Group Mailbox.
Issue 54 of the Army Safety & Environmental Matters is well under way with final articles being submitted to the publishers this week. Main focus is 'Vehicle and Pedestrian Road Safety'
Issue 53
Safe System of Training Booklet.pdf
Issue 53 of the Army Safety Magazine is available here in PDF format: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4fEipTqsxY9dUkteXhnT2VDcDlDcXpMb3FmVHdCcWViLUFN
This link will take you to all CESO(A) Magazines & Posters. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4fEipTqsxY9X3c5WEsxUlVUdnc
Issue 52 of the Army Safety & Environment Matters magazine: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4fEipTqsxY9Y25Nd0lTUUxGdkE