Honest Crust Sourdough Pizza
On a mission to make really great sourdough pizza at Altrincham's beautiful Market House and at Manchester’s beautiful Mackie Mayor.
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facebook.com5 years ago today the first HC pizza took flight. Not a clue what we were doing, as evidenced in this picture. But it’s been a lot of fun since. Thanks to everyone that’s bought a pizza and all the lovely folk we’ve met along the way.
Hello old friend! The rocket, arugula, rucola...call it what you will it’s back. Grown down the road in Stockport for @mancvegpeople and available @mackiemayor and @altymarket in a salad in limited quantities! If this was Italy there’d be a week long festival to celebrate this moment. As it is I’ll just have a nibble on this and thank the Earth that spring is on its way.
Beautiful fresh burrata from Wiltshire available now @mackiemayor with new season’s Puglian olive oil, sundried tomatoes from Basilicata and @_flourwatersalt bread
Proud of both these beautiful creations. #bringyourdaughtertoworkday
That's just about it for 2017 pizza fans. Thank you to all that have continued to support us at Altrincham Market and Market House and many thanks also to those that have visited us at Mackie Mayor. We're always mindful that the pizza we put on your plate pays for the food we put on our plates. We're blessed to be able to do what we love for a living and we couldn't do it without you! We look forward to more of the same in 2018. Support your independents! Much love, HC.
Don’t forget to stock up on new season’s olive oil if you’re @mackiemayor or @altymarket this weekend. Great Christmas gift for the olive oil lover in your life and if you’re at Altrincham market you have the added bonus of purchasing a lovely @firestationsquarepottery dispenser to put it in. Our olive oil is from @frantoiooleariofelicebitetti in Puglia and it’s really special. Get it while it lasts. 1ltr and 3ltr tins available.
On the specials board @mackiemayor and @altymarket Cavolo Nero from @mancvegpeople, N’duja Di Spilinga, mascarpone. #naturallyleavened #pizza
Celebrating the new season’s olive oil from @frantoiooleariofelicebitetti with the Bianca on special @mackiemayor this weekend.