Pure Definition
Semi permanent make-up, 3D effect HD brows, gloss & go lip colour, paramedical and much more.... Permanent Cosmetics otherwise known as Micro-pigmentation has grown tremendously in recent years. It has become the ‘must have’ procedure in the beauty world and considered a necessity by celebrities and anyone who wants to look and feel good at all times.
Micro-pigmentation is a refined variation of cosmetic tattooing in which hypo-allergenic, pharmaceutical grade pigments are introduced into the skin in order to create a shadow of colour that mimics the most perfectly applied make-up.
A soft natural effect or a bold dramatic look?
You decide.
What you need to know:
Together with state of the art digital equipment, medical strength topical anesthetics and the hand of one of the most accomplished professionals in this specialized field, you are ensured a comfortable and relaxing experience.
Why permanent cosmetics? The objective is to raise self esteem and self-confidence, allow for a more active life style whilst creating personal freedom and saving time.
Every treatment is tailor made to your individual requirements, therefore costs will vary from client to client.
Depending on life-style, medication and skin type, permanent cosmetics will fade in time and a top-up procedure is normally required between 1-3 years.
What does Permanent Make Up Cost?
It is difficult to show prices on our website for Micro Pigmentation as each procedure is tailored to a specific individual’s requirements and the treatment area.
Is Micro Pigmentation a Painful Procedure?
There is the minimum of discomfort during the Micro Pigmentation Treatment. Topical anaesthetics are used to reduce this and also to help relaxation.
What is Micro Pigmentation?
Otherwise known as permanent cosmetics, Micro Pigmentation is a revolutionary method of depositing hypo-allergenic mineral pigments into the derma layer of the skin.
Who would benefit from Micro Pigmentation?
In recent years more and more people are discovering the benefits of this life changing procedure.
From sports people to professional career people who love the liberty of looking their best under the most active of conditions.
What is Micro Pigmentation used for?
Permanent make-up is also great for physically active people who want to look their best throughout activities such as swimming, hiking, biking, tennis, aerobics, and don’t want to worry about “sweating off” or reapplying cosmetics.
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facebook.com✨On my way to Genoa with my big sis to collect my documents for working in Italy....any excuse is good to return to the place where I left my heart!✨💕
#TBT looking through old pictures and came across this beauty. Can you guess who's make up I'm doing in this picture? The beautiful Sheryl Crow 💕
✨So funny and so true!😂✨
This beautiful and talented young lady is not only a Scottish and British International athlete but a working mum of a very young child.... therefore extremely important that she can save time in every way possible. Having her brows "on point" is imperative! ✨Oh! And she just happens to be my niece as well 😁Go Girl✨ Jillian 💋 #JillianSharpPMU #PMU #micropigmentation #micropigmentationbrows #Browenvy #Browsonpoint #PermanentCosmetics #Scotland #brows #Eyebrows #eyebrowsonfleek #ilovemyjob #nonsurgical #fabbrows #AberdourClinic #Edinburgh #Glasgow #Fife #Aberdeen #hyperrealism #PermanentMakeUp #JSPMU #weavebrow
✨Omg! I really don't have words for how pretty + gorgeous this bride to be is!..... Can't wait to see the wedding pictures. Thank you Anna for the privilege 💕✨ Jillian x #JillianSharpPMU #PMU #micropigmentation #micropigmentationbrows #Browenvy #Browsonpoint #PermanentCosmetics #Scotland #brows #Eyebrows #eyebrowsonfleek #ilovemyjob #nonsurgical #fabbrows #AberdourClinic #Edinburgh #Glasgow #Fife #Aberdeen #hyperrealism #PermanentMakeUp #JSPMU #weavebrow
✨Correctional brow procedure✨ This client had a slight red tinge from a previous procedure so were corrected by introducing cool colours in order to neutralise them.... "The Weave" technique for a more polished brow✨ Jillian 💋 #JillianSharpPMU #PMU #micropigmentation #micropigmentationbrows #Browenvy #Browsonpoint #PermanentCosmetics #Scotland #brows #Eyebrows #eyebrowsonfleek #ilovemyjob #nonsurgical #fabbrows #AberdourClinic #Edinburgh #Glasgow #Fife #Aberdeen #hyperrealism #PermanentMakeUp #JSPMU #weavebrow
✨I am thrilled to say that more and more people in Scotland are catching up with rest of the planet and getting their lips 👄 done.... whether it be a simple lip line to create balance like these babies or creating volume with the lip blend and lip blush! Can I say hello and welcome to all you lip virgins! ✨N.B.... these photos are immediately after and have gone a colour which doesn't resemble the end result, it will heal to a soft blush colour ✨ #Micropigmentation #JillianSharp #PermanentCosmetics #JillianSharpPMU #PMU #micropigmentation #micropigmentationbrows #Lips #lipsonpoint #Lipblend #Fullerlips #naturallookinglips #PermanentCosmetics #Scotland #Eyebrows #ilovemyjob #nonsurgical #fabbrows #AberdourClinic #Edinburgh #Glasgow #Fife #Aberdeen #hyperrealism #PermanentMakeUp #JSPMU
All about the lips 😍 This lady's natural lips were amazing, can't believe that she is early sixties!!! They had been done previously by another technician more than a year ago and had gone patchy.... I permformed a lip liner/blend then a full lip blush to give more Definition and volume 😘 #JillianSharpPMU #PMU #micropigmentation #micropigmentationbrows #Lips #lipsonpoint #Lipblend #Fullerlips #naturallookinglips #PermanentCosmetics #Scotland #Eyebrows #ilovemyjob #nonsurgical #fabbrows #AberdourClinic #Edinburgh #Glasgow #Fife #Aberdeen #hyperrealism #PermanentMakeUp #JSPMU
✨I've known this beautiful, strong young lady for 10 years.... she has had alopecia since a young age.... as you can see she has a little growth now, I performed the Weave Brow to give her more of a textured, 3 D Effect✨ Jillian ❣️ #JillianSharpPMU #PMU #micropigmentation #micropigmentationbrows #Browenvy #Browsonpoint #PermanentCosmetics #Scotland #brows #Eyebrows #eyebrowsonfleek #ilovemyjob #nonsurgical #fabbrows #AberdourClinic #Edinburgh #Glasgow #Fife #Aberdeen #hyperrealism #PermanentMakeUp #JSPMU #correctional
✨Hey everyone... Long time no speak! Sorry about the delay... Been celebrating the big ahumm birthday and paying for it! Actions and consequences! Anyhoos, will probably start bombarding you all with the latest in Permanent Cosmetics... I am currently travelling to London for a two day course on the Biotek Pigments at Natural Enhancement Brentford, West London.This is because they have around 150 pigments! yes, you heard.... so although I'm already using them I must now master all of them as they cannot be mixed like other pigments.... no rest for the wicked ehhh! Absolutely loving them though and the results are just brilliantly ridiculous! I have never used pigments with this amount of retention before.... find out for yourself ✨
✨This procedure was performed at Eden Nails and Beauty Clinic in Glenrothes....My client had a really nice natural brow which you can see from the before picture, this was just a little tidy up using the "Weave Brow" technique ✨ Jillian 💋 #JillianSharpPMU #PMU #micropigmentation #micropigmentationbrows #Browenvy #Browsonpoint #PermanentCosmetics #Scotland #brows #Eyebrows #eyebrowsonfleek #ilovemyjob #nonsurgical #fabbrows #AberdourClinic #Edinburgh #Glasgow #Fife #Aberdeen #hyperrealism #PermanentMakeUp #JSPMU #weavebrow
💋Loving these lips!💋 I performed a lipliner then a full lip blush.... this client had a few scars due to an accident, this procedure gave her more balance, symmetry and fullness. These pictures are immediately after.... it will heal to a lovely natural mauve colour. Jillian ✨ #PermanentMakeUp #PermanentCosmetics #micropigmentation #micropigmentationlips #Lipliner #Lipblend #Fulllips #hyperrealism #JillianSharpPMU #jilliansharp #Scotland #Fife #dunfermline #aberdour #DalgetyBay #lovemyjob #Beyourownboss #buildingmyempire #nonsurgical✨