Lisa Dee
Lifter-Upper Kinda Gal With A Furious Passion For Living & Loving LIFE, sharing my journey along the way.
Creator Of The Transformative #DeeBodyPlan which has helped over 9000 girls worldwide, all from home!
Download, JOIN us: I want you to feel better, physically, mentally and spiritually. I don’t promote drastic diets or unsustainable ways of living. I believe in the power of using food and exercise as well as mindset work to FEEL better, feel more confident and capable, as well as getting those results you crave.
I used to fight my body for years, I hated myself and how I looked, even though there was absolutely nothing 'wrong' with me, I let the thoughts spiral out of control.
I had a 'I'VE HAD IT MOMENT' and that's where my life changed forever, I cleaned out all areas of my life and made time for ME again. This led to me respecting myself and my body, looking after myself and building my confidence in ME again.
I wanted to create a safe place for all women to do the same, and that's why I set up my ladies only bootcamp classes to begin with, which led to online transformation plans and me being able to share my words and thoughts daily along the way over the years, to help others have that 'I've had it, it's time for a change' moment too.
I live for those breakthroughs!
Although I'm known for the amazing transformations these ladies make, what I adore the most is seeing and reading about the shifts in self-esteem, confidence and overall happiness in their lives :)
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Today, I finished up my course in Meditation teacher training, along with Ru! 😍 The whole course was absolutely unreal! I meditate, but have never taken it seriously or studied deeply into it until I started this course. What I didn't realize was that meditation is a science, before spirituality. Our teachers were amazing, I can't thank them enough for what they've been able to show me throughout this course. Dr Maha and Yash, both spent years of their lives in an Indian Ashram (a spiritual hermitage) listening to their experiences and their stories were fascinating. Honestly guys, I can't put into words what I feel I've been through or explain this course but trust me, it's so much more than sitting with your eyes closed and chanting. SO much more. #anotherlevel Back to back meditation and chats for hours on end has been surreal. My curiousity is on a whole other level right now and I cannot wait to explore this further with Ru - India is gonna be hit soon no doubt 🙊 Thank you all for a great experience and to the other members for being so open and sharing too and thanks for putting up with all of my mad questions 😂❤️ If any of you reading this are looking for a yoga studio in Dubai, this is the place to go 🙏🏽❤️ #justwow #allthefeels
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Put a bikini on your body and there you have a bikini body! 👀 "Oh, but that's easy for you to say Lisa, you look great!" Let me tell you something. I wear a bikini loud and proud now as a rebel to the days where I would STARVE myself for weeks if I knew I had to get my body out. I was miserable. I'd have a wee bite of chocolate and obsessively think about it while running as hard as I could on the treadmill the next morning. Oh but all looked glorious on the outside to any other! I lived on egg whites and chicken and green veg and protein shakes,because that's what the cool kids on Facebook did, even back then. UNTIL the knawing in my tummy (and my emotions) became too much and I would go to Tesco, buy a basket of food I craved and EAT EVERYTHING in one sitting. The starvation process would start again, I would promise myself no more binging but of course the binging always came back. I was SO close to bulimia, as I didn't see another way out of the vicious circle I was in. My binging was uncontrollable. Food was a huge pleasing comfort. Obsessing over my body was a distraction from what I REALLY needed to address in my life. It wasn't until I addressed my mind and myself, (deep down in the deep shit that we won't get into 😝) that I found some peace and the binging finally started to fade away. NOW? I treat my body the best I can and do what makes me feel best; because when I workout, eat well, eat shit (soul food has its place too y'all) and put myself first, I then feel that YES, that IS good enough to be able to wear a bikini without the need to judge every nook and cranny in the mirror, or to worry about others judging my every nook and cranny either. Looking after YOU is the best thing you can do, don't waste it ❤️ My online plans are creations, built from what got me out of those days. The plans are there to help girls who don't have a notion what or how to eat. It's a tonic for the cruel spell of yo-yo dieting many are stuck under. Everyone has a story, everyone has their reasons, instead of assuming, maybe try and question. You could be surprised with what you hear ❤️🙏🏽 P.S my website is down right now 🤔 but you can join the Kickstart Plan here: Begins May 29th 💜 👻SNAPCHAT - LISADEE89 👻
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Aaaaagghhhhh 🙈 so we are leaving Dubai on a one way ticket next month! 👋🏽✈️ We have absolutely no game plan, no idea what we are doing we are just following our guts and taking a chance, just us with the bare essentials in a backpack each, winging it as we go along 🌍 It would be so easy to 'settle' in one secure place right now, but the world is big, there's so much to see and we want to go find the corners that are less crowded. You MUST take adventures to find out where you truly belong. Hopefully, finding out what life is all about in some of the less privileged places on this end of the world such as Vietnam, Myanmar, Nepal, Mongolia, The Philippines and other places I never put thought into years ago. I'm CRAVING those places. I think Dubai has made me crave those places. The ONLY thing we have planned is our first stop, which is Thailand. We are easing into the new life on the road by spending a month with the amazing people at Titan Fitness Camp in Phuket. From there, we will book another flight and just LIVE in each moment. We could end up staying in Thailand forever, we might spend 4 months in China teaching English, we might spend time volunteering with kids in Cambodia, we might give up and see Dubai in a month again, who knows!!! 😂 This is the BEAUTY of it all though. Take the first step, and trust the next step will be shown to you 🙏🏽 SO follow us along if you want to see stuff through our eyes, I don't know what we will see but if it's anything like the last few years it's gonna be a mad one 🙈😂 (snapchat - lisadee89 👻) "Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference"
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3 days ago when I was feeling glam and clean AF for a nice change and then @ohfitness_ie comes to Dubai with all her energy and we eat fries and cocktails all day at a beach club, I don't sleep that night and then wake up at 6am for an intense 7am yoga class which involved hanging upside down while feeling slightly worse for wear, 24,000 recorded sweaty steps in flip flops AND an obstacle course in the sea which was another workout in itself along with all the scrapes and falls that came with it and me crying every time I went underwater 😭😂 Tackling the Dubai mall should actually count as a workout too 👀😂 I AM DEAD right now and look like I've been dragged backwards through a forest but so worth the craic ✋🏼😂 #lightweight #badtourist
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EDIT: my website is down! Click the new link below for signup YOU GALS ARE CRAY!!!😂🙈 I'm running another 10 DAY KICKSTART PLAN on the 29th for you since I cannot keep up with how many of you are asking for it since I closed the last sign up! 🎉 SIGN UP: 🔥 Say goodbye to bloating issues 🔥BURN fat even while you watch TV and sleep all night 🔥 Try my very own secret add on boosters I do daily to accelerate my results 🔥 Learn steps to take morning, noon and night to accelerate your metabolism 🔥 Stop guessing and start DOING what scientifically works 🔥 Have access to me daily to get the most out of the next 10 days What you'll get... 🔥 10 Day structured meal plan PLUS a template where you can CREATE your own faved meals! 🔥 All tasty meals have "how to" easy recipes 🔥 10 day "sweat plan", workouts to fire your body's fatburning furnace from the gym OR without equipment at home, your choice! (Both included!) 🔥 Group support included, chat to me daily! 🔥 €15 discount off my 8 week plan if you decide to later join up as a follow up ❌ This online challenge begins MONDAY 29th MAY, all PDF files are downloadable to your phone or laptop. You'll have access to me through a private online forums, you can ask as many questions as you wanna! 25 minute workouts can be done in your own time from home or the gym with or without equipment. Intolerances and allergies can be worked around. This is all NEW content! 🍇👙🔥 🔥 😍 see me snapchat for amazing success stories!! (LISADEE89)
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When you finally find that person who makes it so damn easy to be completely yourself around, you'll wonder why you ever wasted any time pretending or wishing to be anything else ❤️👭 #myperson
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Party day with Siobhan OH Fitness at Nikki Beach Dubai 🎉👙🍹 #arewestillfitfam? See snapchat for more - LISADEE89 🙊
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If you're coming to Dubai soon, you NEED to go to the Madinat, jump on a little boat which will take you along the different hotels and restaurants (see my snap - lisadee89) ⛵️🌙 We had dinner in Pai Thai and it was amazing! I could eat Thai food all day long, so this was perfect 😍 Make sure to make a reservation and ask for an outdoor table by the water, until June that is, when you'll be begging to sit with the air-con on the inside 😂 BPerfect Cosmetics giving me the perfect tan, as always 😩😂💪🏽
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Back to the dark side 💇🏻 I asked today on snapchat should I go blonder or go back dark again and you ALL said stay blonde. It's a good job I don't care too much for what others think I should do 😂 Ye feckers 😜 I'm so so SO happy with my new hair! 😍 Thanks to my number 1 hair stylist Kelsey McBrearty she is a goddess! 👑 Please remind me to NEVER GO BLONDE AGAIN 🙈😂
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When you want to pretend to the world you're glamorously lying in the sun with a whiskey in hand on a Sunday evening BUT you're actually laying in bed, fresh sheets around your tushie, about to tuck in to an monstrous pizza with toppings falling all over your damn self, while binge watching 90's TV 😕😏😂 😜 snapchat - LISADEE89 🙊🍕
Laughing all around the world together | Travel
3 years of travel in 3 mins! 🙊✈️️ I love this video I surprised Ru with today, I hope it gives you a wee smile too! 💓☺️ CLICK settings to watch in HD (as some of the clip quality isn't the best) <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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I understand you. I'm familiar with your struggles, I feel the insecurity, I see the way you look at yourself in guilt in the mirror, I hear the way you decline beach days because you don't want to wear a bikini, I smell that delicious cake you want to eat but feel too embarrassed to touch, but end up binging on the whole thing and feeling worse. I GET IT. I get it because I have 100% been in all those places before within my mind too and guess what? It sucks. There's nothing I wanted more at one point than just to feel comfortable with my body, and it happened, but it took a little care and time. 10 days won't change your life but it WILL make an unbelievable start, you don't need to cut out carbs, fats or your fave foods! There's SO MUCH variety and choice, and the best part is there's home workouts as well as gym workouts. I'm giving you the choice of both, because I want you to have as much choice as possible! 😘 I want to bring out courage in you to just start, and so you don't feel sad in your own skin. I want you to love more than anything, to love yourself and in turn love the life you're living. Right now, you just want to feel damn good in your clothes, especially with the beautiful sunny weather! That's ok! You can! So let's get started and join the oh-so-easy to follow Kickstart Plan which begins Monday. At €19.99 / £16 it's really a no-brainer! 🙌🏽💓 (begins Monday!) €19.99 Or use this link! And just incase you want a full transformation... • Option 2: (instant access!) €59.50 after using the discount code 1HOURONLY 🎉 #deebodyplan #deebodyplangirls
cake by the 0cean

DELICIOUS Halloumi Omelette with spinach basil and lemon salad and @lisadee_ie #greenshake @ruairi.stewart #biosignature plan so excited for next two weeks #healthyeating #healthybreakfast #zerocarb #eattherainbow #ldgirls #lowcarb #lisadeefitness 💛

🌇 This caught my breath at 6:30am while in the middle of bootcamp 😍🔥 One of the perks of being up so early is being able to watch the sun rising from the open gym doors most mornings - that never gets old 🙌🏼 I have never seen the sky that colour from here before. If you saw it on my snapchat, you'll see how red it was minutes before this photo was taken. Amazing!! 🔥🔥🔥 To think some people look up at this and feel nothing is crazy to me, STOP and take a second to appreciate the small moments like this 💛 #beautiful #prettysky #sunrise #morningsky #irishblessing #donegal #letterkenny

Currently putting myself through each and every session I'm putting my online girls through at the minute. Today I tested out one of their workouts for next week. Verdict? It's paying off ✌🏽 However, I'm now slumped on the sofa with legs as heavy as a house after today's session 🙈😂 For phase 2 of my plan, all that's needed is a barbell and plates OR Dumbbells. Phase one (available in link above) requires NO equipment! 💁🏻 #worthit #Ldgirls #bikinibodyplan Top @myproteinuk use discount code LISADEE 😘
