ever heard about real time bidding?
Beonpush propose an Investment program in RTB
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facebook.comNew exchage open and active soon with more news. I expect that with smart bops management we can all together increase the bops value and make profits. But its all up to the community now.
Great meetings today also
Great event Great people Great Vietnam Hater hate pushers push
BEONPUSH The Company that is here! Posted By JhonF 2016-08-01 23:20:16 BEONPUSH The Company that is here! In the past few days in some internet circulations our company name and activities are misinformed and a range if false information has ben placed. In order to ensure our users in Germany, Belgium, France, Vientnam and all over the world that they are with the right company on the market but to also inform the public about the true information we are making this press relice: 1. Beonpush its not dead we are fully legally operating active company registered in the United Arab Emirates. Our office in London is dissolved but Beonpush clients are well aware abut the process of our growth and we have always been transparent regarding our activities. 2. There is no other legal entity that Beonpush activates or capital is transferred to but all present and future project are and will be implemented, manged and owned by Beonpush. BeonTel its not new company but a new product of Bonpush and we assure you a many more will come. All the profits from this project will be shared with our Beonpush members in accordance with the number of shares owned. 3. It is shameful for a legal law firm to thinks that by quoting a number form the criminal law of Germany to think that everybody will believe that is the true. One of the articles is quoting article 263 par. 1 and 2. Just to be clear we will not be mentioning numbers but will copy the article: Computer fraud (1) Whosoever with the intent of obtaining for himself or a third person an unlawful material benefit damages the property of another by in uencing the result of a data processing operation through incorrect configuration of a program, use of incorrect or incomplete data, unauthorized use of data or other unauthorized in uence on the course of the processing shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine. (2) Section 263(2) to (7) shall apply mutatis mutandis. (3) Whosoever prepares an offence under subsection (1) above by writing computer programs the purpose of which is to commit such an act, or procures them for himself or another, offers them for sale, or holds or supplies them to another shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine. Even if you are not legal professional you will see that Beonpush is non of the above and that this accusation is manufactured to only damage the reputation of our company by quoting some numbers from the German criminal law. We are not obtaining data illegally or unauthorized but our user is sharing their data as part of our business model. 4. Now we want to quote some numbers form the German criminal law and that is : Section 164 False accusation (1) Whosoever intentionally and knowingly and with the purpose that official proceedings or other official measures be brought or be continued against another before a public authority accuses another before a public authority or a public official competent to receive a criminal information or a military superior or publicly, of having committed an unlawful act or a violation of an official duty, shall be liable to imprisonment of not more than five years or a fine. (2) Whosoever intentionally and knowingly and with the same purpose, makes any other assertion of fact about another before one of the authorities indicated in subsection (1) above or publicly which is capable of causing official proceedings or other official measures to be brought or continued against that person shall incur the same penalty (3) Whosoever commits the false accusation in order to benefit from a mitigation of sentence or a discharge under section 46b of this Code or section 31 of the Drugs Act, shall be liable to imprisonment from six months to ten years. In less serious cases the penalty shall be imprisonment from three months to five years. We will start a procedure against any one who dares to present falsificated information about our business model with non concrete arguments and basing this accusation on pure speculation and misinformation. Including the persons who share incorrect information about Beonpush with the sole purpose to hurt the company reputation. We have engaged specially dedicated team that will monitor and create press clipping data base of hate speech against Beonpush and our legal team will follow up with all of them. The so called law firm continues to manipulate information by even quoting a letter by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), it is well known that we are not German company and if you send I request to BaFin asking if a company Beonpush is licensed they will for sure send you the answer that is quoted. This means that the answer it taken out of contexts jut to harm our reputation. We just want to clarify that Beonpush is not an investment site and YES we have informed our clients for the risks, and YES we are giving the users the opportunity to redraw but all need to be in accordance to out term and conditions and this law firm has obviously not read them. All this conditions are on our web site since day 1 and they are still there: Dear user we are hear and active we are restructuring and growing but every decision that we have made is in accordance with our terms and conditions and our well informed users know this. There have been there is and there will be interested sides that would like to see Beonpush failing, BUT we are strong with our users and we will continue pushing this mission. With respect, BEONPUSH
Greetings BeonPusher's, Thanks for your patience. The Core Leader's summit in Macedonia has been tremendously productive. A clear vision of the future of BeonPush has been established and the launch of BeonTel is about to commence. For everyone's hard work and investment over this past year, lifetime packs will be offered over the coming days. For anyone negatively affected by the fraud and recalculations in their dashboards, your accounts will be restored completely. All of your remaining pack earnings, income wallet, and commissions will be calculated and offered as a Lifetime pack with an option to withdraw your money. Due to the internal audit and investigation over these past few weeks, there has been a temporary suspension of the the RTB trading and no profits have been made. However, to keep our promise, the minimal returns of 0.5% has been paid out. The full RTB trading and profit sharing will now be restored going forward. These lifetime packs will pay in a similar fashion to current packs however they will not expire. All future profits of BeonPush projects including BeonTel and other brands offered through the network will be paid into these lifetime packs as recognition and remuneration for assisting in the launch of this valuable global network. The profit sharing from this offer will be very substantial and long term, however, if you wish to withdraw your actual initial deposit, you are free to do so and be withdrawn from the BeonPush network. The career bonuses will also be offered in the lifetime pack calculations, however, if you wish to get paid for these career bonuses, please contact with your intentions. Today at midnight, no new members will be permitted to register. BeonPush is now a sustainable network not relying on any new membership in the company but solely on the reliable business model. BeonTel will be launching and your current downlines and binary structure will be replicated within your new BeonTel dashboard interface. Login information will be provided directly from your current dashboard with your same username and password. Packs similar to BeonPush will be offered with an initial daily target rate of return of 0.3% to 0.5%. These returns will increase dramatically as the number of App downloads and phones are sold creating a valuable mobile RTB network. The phones and App will be available worldwide. Enterprise level support solutions will be implemented. The core leaders have been assigned roles of Vice Presidents of Compliance, Sales & Logistics, Marketing, and New Product Development for future brands of BeonPush, all communicating with each other and directly with the CEO. Thanks again everyone for a great year and the launch of our BeonPush society and let's rock and roll with the bright future of Beontel.
Beonpush leadership are specifically selected members with big network experience. We always consult with them before every next big step. The leadership will meet in Macedonia from tomorrow to Sunday. The purpose of the meeting is to take join decision for clearing the house from fraudulent users and plan our next steps. After this meeting we clean the house, recalculate balance to all honest members and offer life long packs to all. Get ready for pushing
This nesw its Fake do not follow the link we do not take any responsibility for identity theft. We are having the leadership meeting starting tomorrow. And on Munday we hit the market strong. Stay well and keep pushing.
Dear Members As you all know Beopush evolution is in the process, in less than one year we have managed to gather the sufficient members of people that we can become self-sufficient community. This have been my vision form that start and I have share this vision with you in several occasions. Yes it was planned to be done later this year but because of the events in our network we took this step earlier. Since day one my vision has been to gather community of people I have always spoke to my leaders and members that for me its more important to have more clients with 20$ pack than one client with 5000$ pack. As the time was passing and we where obliged to do verification and external auditing we got the information that many people have been violating our terms and condition by owning or managing multi accounts. In order to prevent this people form making significant damage to our company we have taken the decision to clear the house and take tha company to the next lever earlier than planed and now we will: 1. Offer life time pack to all our verified members that have unique payment processor or Beonpush debit card. This pack will last forever and give you the opportunity to take shared profit from all Beonpush present and future projects. This pack will be as your capital. 2. Start BEONTEL as our new product that was promoted during our leadership meeting in Aplril in Dubai. 3. Organize leadership meeting in Macedonia from 8 to 10 July where we will discuss all maters and the conditions four our future grouth. After 10th July just after our leadership meeting we will reactivate the balances to all verified members of Beonpush and based on the formula that we will define with our leaders you will be offered life time pack. For all the persons that will not want to be part of our society and refuse our life time pack we will pay them back the invested money in Beonpush. After 10th July we will also start Beontel and open the orders of our Beontel phone. Dear friends I want to inform you all that Beonpsh its stronger than ever and we took this experience as a lesion for our future success. We are here and will continue pushing the limits.