Z1 Fitness
Z1 Fitness is a Fat Loss and Lifestyle Coach that transforms people who are FAT to feeing FIT, HEALTHY & Full of Life! Z1 Fitness is a personal training company based in Al Ain, UAE that offers every aspect of fitness. At Z1 Fitness we provide an exclusive personal training experience for people who are serious about improving their health and bodies. From tailor-made training programmes, up-to-the-minute training methods, nutrition and diet advice. We understand that results can only be achieved by adopting a full on approach that includes a balance of lifestyle and body fitness. We understand the challenges you face so let us help you find the 'Z' way to loving life and living fit.
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One thing that really pisses me off is when people say things like... 'Zahid it's easy for you' 'You've got the willpower' 'You don't understand my situation' F*CK YOU!! I was a 23 stone obese f*ck, who had ZERO activity, who ate shit EVERY single day, who had been the FATTEST person in school, uni and work. I was someone who locked himself out from the world, someone who would shit himself meeting new people or just being out in public.. Someone who had to do a CRAP with the toilet seat up because his arse was too big... Someone who couldn't find any clothes to fit him because he was too big... Someone who was told he was too FAT to fit in a ride at a fun fair... Someone who struggled to fit into his car because of how FAT he was... Someone who get out of breath walking up the stairs... Someone who couldn't see his (you know what) in the shower because his stomach was too big... Someone who was eating himself into an early grave... I could go on and on... It wasn't 'easy' for me I didn't have good 'willpower' I was just COMMITTED to changing my life because I was fed up living the way I WAS... I hated my day to day live and CHOSE to do something about it I'm F*CKIN living proof that it can be done... I don't understand your situation? My friends I've got through so much shit in these last 3 years more than any of you can imagine In fact the last 2 months have probably been the HARDEST for me... I could have used all the excuses not to workout... Not to watch what I eat... To go back to how I was in my 'fat days' BUT I made myself a promise...I will never be that guy again... So next time you think it's 'easy' for me, I have 'willpower' and I don't 'understand' Think again my friends. The End. Z
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***IT'S FINALLY HERE*** THE ULTIMATE MAN Here's the situation my friends I am looking for 6 MEN who have at least 2 stone to lose and want to transform their bodies... Now if you are COMMITTED apply below: 》》》http://z1fitness.co.uk/ApplyHere 《《《 Who is this for? Its for MEN MEN who have had ENOUGH MEN who know that if they carry on the way they are going things will only get WORSE So my brothers if YOU... - Have no confidence - Socially isolate yourself - The biggest out of all your mates - Afraid to approach women due to the FEAR of rejection - Put on a mask and become the funny fat guy or the quiet shy one in the corner - Waste money on gym memberships and never go - Turn to alcohol or food to escape your problems - Take your mood out on others and are a horrible person to be around - Just 'get by' day to day doing the same shit - Can't fit into the clothes you want to wear - Disgusted with the way your body is when you take your top off - Have that chubby face, love handles and moobs - Self conscious about what others think about you If any of the above affect you.. APPLY HERE: 》》》http://z1fitness.co.uk ApplyHere We Will: ✔ Teach You The Easy Steps To Getting a Lasting Transformation and Sky-Rocketing Your Strength and Energy ✔ Help You Learn How To Get The Physique You Really Want and Still Have That Pint and Enjoy Meals Out. ✔ Learn How To Easily Build Muscle Without Spending Hours In The Gym ✔ Help You Finally Take Control of Your Health, Become Pain Free and Start enjoying life again! 》》》http://z1fitness.co.uk/ApplyHere 《《《 P.S. Once you apply you will be put into a private facebook group where you will have access to ask ME or MY TEAM any questions 🙂 P.P.S - Please share or tag men you feel this is going to help!! I appreciate it my friends... P.P.P.S Why am I doing this? Because these situations have affected me in my life.. Don't believe me? Check the pic out, there's my proof Good Luck Z
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***MY BROTHERS MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT TOMORROW*** So after speaking with so many men last week I decided on Wednesday to put together a MENS ONLY group training programme... Now The Superwoman Project took me weeks to plan, however I've been working solid for the past 3 days and it's finally complete. Why so quickly? Because I am COMMITTED to helping men who are currently in the situation I have been in. THE ULTIMATE MAN will launch tomorrow 7pm..where you will have the chance to apply. The programme itself will be starting July 4th. Stay Tuned 😉
Z1 Fitness's cover photo
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***WHY THE SCALES MEAN ABSOLUTELY F-ALL*** This was posted in my VIP group by one of my private clients... My friends the scales don't tell you the whole story get this out of your HEAD! Stop over analysing yourself because of a number! That number means absolutely nothing... Go by how you look and feel, how you fit into your clothes, how your energy levels have increased, how your fitness has improved etc ^^^THESE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN A NUMBER^^^ Remember that Z
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Spoken with quite a few men in the past 5-6 days... And you know what I've realised men need just as much help (if not MORE) than women. Common traits: - No confidence - Suffer from depression - Socially isolating themselves - Putting on a mask (being the funny fat guy) - Wasting money on gym memberships and not going - Turning to alcohol and food to escape their problems - Taking their mood out on others - Just 'getting by' day to day doing the same shit - Can't fit into the clothes they want to wear - Disgusted with themselves when they take their top off - Chubby face, love handles and moobs - Self conscious - Single or divorced (usually because of how fat they are) So.....I'm gonna put together a group training programme for men this week... Will make an announcement at the weekend Watch this space 😉
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HARDWORK + DEDICATION + CONSISTENCY = RESULTS Got this message from one of my Superwomen this weekend... You can come up with excuses, not do the work and continue to do the same things that have clearly got you nowhere... Or you can TAKE ACTION, get out of your comfort zone and get the outcome you want... Your choice though - REMAIN THE SAME or GET RESULTS... Z
Something popped into my head today... From the amount of people I have spoke to its occurred to me that people would rather believe LIES and choose to live a life in FEAR & PAIN... Rather than accept the TRUTH and attempt to CHANGE and create their life for the better... The TRUTH in today's society is considered LIES and the LIES is considered the TRUTH. ^^^Read that back again^^^ That my friends is SCARY SHIT Turn it around my friends, turn it around. Starting being HONEST with yourself Z
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The most ridiculous thing I heard today... 'If you feel like your gonna be sick....that's good' - Words of a metafit instructor 😳 This is why vastly overweight people are shit scared of going to classes and joining gyms. A video will be done VERY SOON!
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That time when I used to train men.... This was Pete 3 weeks into his transformation and then he had to move to the States Would have loved to have seen the final product 😔
Nagyon büszke vagyok erre a lányra!!! ❤️ #girlfriend #proud #z1fitness #bootybuilding #trainhard #nevergiveup @doraczank

Just another evening at the office with these awesome #superwomen #z1fitness #weightloss #weights #thesuperwomanproject #accountability #coach #cardio #clarity #diet #exercise #dothework #fitness #gym #hiit #health #hiitcardio #kettlebell #motivation #nutrition #operationtransformation #outcome #purpose #positive #results #selfbelief #workout #weights

Just another evening at the office with these awesome #superwomen #z1fitness #weightloss #weights #thesuperwomanproject #accountability #coach #cardio #clarity #diet #exercise #dothework #fitness #gym #hiit #health #hiitcardio #kettlebell #motivation #nutrition #operationtransformation #outcome #purpose #positive #results #selfbelief #workout #weights
