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Photos from 毅達吸管股份有限公司's post
(海運)新手報關嗎? 來來來~教你簡單的 PAK&INV 填寫 圖片上有詳述解說喔^^
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有時候 , 先告知的下場 , 總比沒告知的好 如果哪天你不用告知主管也可以把事情處裡的很好時, 你就可以當主管了 圖片取自網路---------共享之-------
何為常規吸管尺寸? 6mm x 18cm,6mm x 22, 8mm x 22cm, 12mm x 21cm,12mm x 22cm. 以上為國內較多人會叫的商品尺寸。 單支包客製吸管,因為外層opp膜的關係,會規定客戶一次下單至少100箱,如果外包裝紙不印刷,但是,吸管本身是特別的口徑或長度,那麼,一次訂購量就只要60箱即可。(如還有疑問,請內洽) 以前大多數的人,喜歡用全彩吸管,因為粉漂亮,粉繽紛,現在越來越多人改用透明吸管,因為食安的問題,連帶跟食品有關的包材一律中標,可是不管是以前還是現在,甚至是未來,我們都不會改變初衷,絕不使用2次料,絕不混料。100%純PP製作。這樣做,為的是我們大家的健康,而不是現有的利益。 準備好下訂了嗎? We are ready too.
Photos from 毅達吸管股份有限公司's post
繼 上次PO完 美國進口注意事項篇後 跟海運公司拿到了 BOND FORM 供大家參考參考
美國客戶看過來~~美線進口要付一筆 BOND FEE,你們知道嗎? 在貨物進關時,美國海關會要求進口商預付保金,以確保進口商能負責貨物進關後所可能產生的糾紛或賠償等問題。有經驗的進口商通常會要求報關行代付此項保金以簡化手續。雖然進口商能夠親自辦理清關的手續,雇用報關行可使貨物清關過程平順之外,亦可節省進口商的時間及人力。購買Bond可分單次購買(Single Entry Bond,);或買全年保險(Annual Bond) ,大約每年$250-$500,視每家公司規模及性質而定。 這個Bond fee是不會退還給進口商的, 另外這與我們替出口商代保的保險費用是不同性質且不衝突的, 我們平常在做的保險僅單純針對貨物本身在運輸期間所發生的問題所做的賠償, 但Bond fee 用途是因為美國海關採人性本善管理,讓進口商的貨物先放再做審核後,發現與報關不相符事宜但又找不到進口商 or 報關行情形下所做的處理。 ====本文取自於網路===與想要在美國進口的客戶共享之====== What are Customs Bonds? Only import shipments valued over $2,500 are required to obtain a customs bond. The bond is a guarantee to CPB to guarantee payment on any duty, fees and penalties levied by the Customs Service. In the case that an importer does not honor their obligation to Customs, a demand is made for payment to the bond company, then the bond company pursues the principal on the bond. With this statutory requirement on all imports, it eliminates the need for the Federal Government to ever collect money. The money is paid by the Surety that issued the bond, and Customs never has to enter the issues of bad debt collection. There are two types of Import Custom Bonds that can be purchased from through your customs broker. A Single Transaction Bond, as the name indicates is written to cover a single shipment. The bond premium is determined by adding the value plus the duty and fees, and the premium is paid on that amount. In the event of regulation by Other Regulatory Agencies (ORA), the bond amount is triple the value plus duty/fees. This type of bond is less secure for the Customs Service, so electronic entries, and electronic release are not authorized with this bond. A Continuous Bond, is the second type, and is put in place before an importers importation and can be used for multiple import shipments, in all ports of the United States The bond is the property of the importer and can be used with multiple brokers. It allows for greater security for Customs, so electronic entry is allowed for importers possessing a Continuous Bond. An annual premium is paid for the Surety to insure this risk to the Customs Service. As this bond is based on annual; duty alone (Not the value of the goods), the minimum bond of $50,000.00 is sufficient for most new importers. If you import freight regularly, a continuous bond will be the best choice. Talk to Service Shipping Inc to determine which bond is best for you. Other Customs bonds exist for special purposes. Freight can be transported within the U.S. for inland clearance by bonded transportation companies. These carrier bonds are convenient for importers, as it allows flexibility and inland movement for your cargo. Want to store your goods before it has cleared? Defer the duty until cargo is needed? Bonded Warehouses have warehouse bonds to allow your goods to be in the USA, and not incur the duty obligation due. Other special bonds, such as Importer Security Filing, Temporary Import and others are available for special situations, and again Service Shipping can guide you through the world of Customs Bonds.
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228 連假公告 ( 228 Republic Holiday ) 剛過完農曆年 又來一個連假 今年2月 真是有夠幸福 提醒您!! 如果想要在連假前收到貨, 請店家及廠商, 盡量在2/25(四)當天4點前下單. 不然2/26(五) 接到的訂單, 都會在連假過後才送喔~ 謝謝您的配合~ 2/28 is our Republic Holiday called Peace Memorial Day. We'll out of office on 27th~29th FEB. If you will like to receive straw before this holiday, please place an order before 26th. Thanks for your corporation.