Soft Chrome 是種全新型態的車外裝飾件。 產品特色:軟性材質 金屬質感、九大測試、創新黏合解決方案、日本知名車廠指定背膠、100%緊密貼合
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ON SALES!! 2016開春大放送 📣 商品全面特價再加碼 -- 全系列商品,單筆訂單,任選兩件8折 PChome 24h購物 ( 國外地區人士需要購買,或欲了解更多商品資訊,請洽 )
【輕改裝。新時尚】 [CDX-302 (M) Silver Wings Product Video]....more CDX-302(M)銀翼即將上市,3D鑑賞影片搶先看! 簡潔、優雅、俐落的線條設計, 無論放在車子哪裡, 都能彰顯您的個人獨特風格。 Check out our new product video of CDX-302 (M) Silver Wings! Using a symmetric two piece design, it brings out multiple feelings by placing it on different places such as the hood, fenders or even besides the car logo and oil cap... With such a variety of uses, Silver Wings can perfectly show your personal tastes with no doubts!!!
Photos from CarDex's post
[LEXUS RC200t F 201+CDX-209 The Tomahawk +CDX-601 King of Beast].....more 男人多少都會有個跑車夢,😻 讓全新款LEXUS RC200t F 201來滿足您, 車頭+線條優美的雙門車型, 外型吸精程度具有極高的水準, 再搭配上「CDX-209戰斧巡弋飛彈」、 經典的「CDX-601 萬獸之王」等藝術品級的配件, 簡直是一大絕配!! Who doesn't dream to own a sports car? Our CarDex one and only + LEXUS RC200t F 201 sure provides you the perfect match to your classic baby with desirable accessories! We bring you to the next level!!!!!! #SoftChrome #LEXUSRC200tF201