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Where is the Leprechaun? 為了St. Patrick’s Day的課外活動 整個學校都要被翻遍啦! 這一週的下課時間 孩子們都忙著尋找綠色小精靈和四葉草 幸運找到任何一個隱身在CLC加州美語的🍀和小妖精 在回答外師的三個問題後 就可以得到100A+呦!
Have you seen a Leprechaun? You can make three wishes if you find one. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
It’s a girl! 恭喜Teacher Queenie 喜獲千金呦!
Today’s passcode ~ What’s your favorite movie/color? CLC的通關密語 每週三將會由Kristy老師親自執行喔! 還有消毒這件事 也一併執行囉!
Happy Birthday to all of you !!🎂🎉 Enjoy the presents and your special day :)
228 Peace Memorial Day! We wish you a peaceful day. 提醒您~明天為228和平紀念日, 所有課程暫停!謝謝您!
Back to school !!! 開學囉~~~
魔術師總是有種魔力🎩 讓每個孩子目不轉睛的盯著👁👁 一下嘖嘖稱奇😮 一下捧腹大笑🤣 can't take our eyes off you👏
精彩課程回顧👏 機場情境模擬🛫 帥氣的機長👮、美麗的空姐👩 搭配精選的音效與一流的演技 讓孩子們更覺身歷其境了呢!👍
Good luck, good health, good cheer. We wish you a Happy New Year!!! 新年快樂🎉 Happy Chinese New Year! *提醒您~2/12-2/20所有美語課程暫停, 2/21為各校開學日,正常上課/接送!謝謝您~
Although it was cold today, we still had tons of fun! Check out our dance performances and team cheers below, and post comments next to the one you like the best! Thanks for being here with us! We love CLC!