Welcome! This is the official Facebook page for Student Ambassador of National Central University (Taiwan, R.O.C.). Please give us any idea you have to improve this page. Thank you!這裡是國立中央大學(中華民國台灣)親善大使網站.
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facebook.comWestide Spray painting (11/29親善)
Do you want to design your own beautiful and colorful bag? 🌈 Come and join the Spray-paiting event held by Westide from English Department and NCU Student Ambassador !🎉If you want to know more information about this activity , please click the registration link below ! 想要用噴漆做出屬於你自己、美麗而色彩繽紛的包包嗎?🌈 快來報名參加由本校英文系和親善大使舉辦的西潮Spray-paiting活動!🎉詳細活動資訊皆在以下網址喔 Registration link 報名網址: 請盡速報名喲,我們非常期待你的到來 ❤ Please register as soon as possible!We really look forward to your participation
International Students Parade on 2016 Sports Day
【International Students Parade on 2016 Sports Day 2016 運動會境外生繞場】 Have you seen International Students Parade on the opening ceremony of Sports Day this morning? Indian🇮🇳, Indonesian🇲🇨 and Vietnamese🇻🇳 students' traditional outfit are quite unique and gorgeous! ✨We were all impressed by their shiny smiles and splendid costumes which present their cultures. Here are the photos of the event. Please help us tag yourself and your friends! 😊 大家有沒有看到今天早上運動會進場的國際學生隊伍呢?印度🇮🇳、印尼🇲🇨,和越南🇻🇳學生華麗而製工精細的傳統服飾著實讓我們驚豔不已,他們燦爛的笑容配上體現了獨特文化的服裝,更是使我們留下深刻的印象!以下是今天的活動照片,別忘了幫我們標記你和你的朋友們哦!😉
20161112 Diwali
Happy Diwali 2016 🎉🎉🎉 Last Saturday, Indian Society in Taiwan and NCU Student Ambassador held an event to celebrate Diwali in NCU. The celebration turned out to be a great success with beautiful lights and fabulous performance. Diwali, Hindu Festival of Lights, is celebrated every year in autumn. It spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and hope over despair. 🕯️ Thanks for all of your participation. May the divine light of Diwali spread into your life peace, happiness, and good health. 💕 2016 印度排燈節,由印度學生主辦、親善協辦的慶祝活動,在一片美麗的燭光與歡快的氣氛中圓滿落幕了🎉 印度排燈節又稱光明節,是一個慶祝光明戰勝黑暗,邪不勝正的節慶。 感謝每個參與的人,願光明帶給你平和、幸福與健康❤️ Photos credit to 陳冠綸
Timeline Photos
The registration deadline of Diwali festival held by NCU Indian Student Association is only two day left ! Click the link below and remember to register before November 8th. Let's experience Indian culture and enjoy Indian cuisine together ! Time: Nov 12th, 6 pm Venue: Zhi-Dao Hall (Student Activity Center) 中央大學印度學生會舉辦的排燈節活動報名期限只剩兩天喔,趕緊在11月8號前填寫下面的報名表。不僅可以體驗印度文化還可以品嘗印度美食喔!!! 活動時間:11月12號晚上6點 活動地點:志道樓
2016 Radio Taiwan International || Taiwanese Songs Singing Contest for Foreign Nationals
哈囉大家好!同樣就讀於中央大學,來自比利時的何怡安很榮幸的進入了外籍人士台語歌唱大賽的決賽名單:)而現在有一個網路票選,希望大家投票給她! 她穿著一身登山服,非常好認!每一位投票給她的朋友們都可以得到免費的親筆簽名,快動動手指投票給怡安吧:D Hello everyone! Our great friend Yi-Ann(何怡安) who is also the student in NCU from Belgium has been selected to be a finalist in the international singing contest in Taipei. Please vote for her with this link : She has an amazing hiking suit, you'll recognize her easily. All the people who vote can get a free autograph.Let's vote guys! :D
2016 Tainan-Kaohsiung Cultural Trip
快樂又有趣的文化營結束了,相信大家對於台灣南部的自然或人文更加了解了吧!照片也還會陸陸續續上傳到粉專哦!!! The happy and interesting cultural trip was over. We hope everyone has learned more about southern Taiwan! Come and find yourself in the photos, and don’t forget to tag your friends~ The photos will keep being uploaded to our fan page!!!
2016 Tainan-Kaohsiung Cultural Trip
快樂又有趣的文化營結束了,相信大家對於台灣南部的自然或人文更加了解了吧!照片也還會陸陸續續上傳到粉專哦!!! The happy and interesting cultural trip was over. We hope everyone has learned more about southern Taiwan! Come and find yourself in the photos, and don’t forget to tag your friends~ The photos will keep being uploaded to our fan page!!!
Photos from NCU Student Ambassador 中央大學親善大使's post
[Cultural Trip Group Photos 文化營大團照] 大家快來找出自己吧~別忘記標註你的朋友哦~ Come to find out where you are~and don't forget to tag your friends~
文化營行前會Cultural trip pretour meeting.pptx
[Cultural Trip Pretour Meeting PowerPoint 文化營行前會簡報] 嗨各位~文化營行前會的簡報已經上傳囉,如果有需要下載的同學們可以點以下連結: Hello everyone~ The PowerPoint of the cultural trip pretour meeting has been uploaded. If you want to download it, click the link below: 簡報連結 PowerPoint Link:
Timeline Photos
【Diwali】 Diwali, the festival of lights is one of the biggest Indian festivals. The festival essentially symbolises the victory of good over evil. The festival is marked by the lighting of diya ( earthen candles), rangoli decorations ( colorful artwork on floor) followed by the extravagant fireworks. Not to forget, there yummy Indian food that people share with family and friends. So let's come up and mix yourself with Indian incredible culture, with the light of joy, vibrant dance and delicious foods... Hoping to see you all ... let's rock the show together.... Lets join And make the big festival successful !!! the following is the registration link~~ [排燈節] 排燈節是印度盛大的節日之一 印度人在這天慶祝善良戰勝邪惡 在排燈節當天會有土製的油燈以及色彩繽紛的印度傳統地畫作為布置,還會有絢爛的煙火唷~ 大家一起來參加這一年一度的印度盛典吧 不僅可以體驗印度文化還可以品嘗印度美食喔!!! 機會難得不要錯過! 也歡迎邀請身邊朋友來報名~ 報名表單
[ Cultural Trip Pretour Meeting 文化營行前會提醒] 各位有參加文化營的大家,我們在10/28 星期五的晚上7點在綜教館209教室有文化營行前會,我們會在行前會中提醒很多注意事項,包括:集合時間地點,要攜帶的東西......等等。最後大家就帶著一顆愉悅的心情期待文化營當天的到來吧! Hello! For those who join our cultural trip, we will have a cultural trip pretour meeting in General Education Building 209 classroom in 10/28 Friday at 7 pm. There are a lot of reminders to notice you, including when and where to assemble, or things you should carry on ... ... and so on. Finally, let's bring a pleasant mood to our cultural trip! 行前會時間 Pretour Meeting Time: 10月28日星期五Oct.28 Friday 行前會地點 Pretour Meeting Venue: 綜教館209教室General Education Building 209 classroom
[ 桃園藝術巡演中壢場-給壢小戲節 Taoyuan performing arts touring of Zhongli theater-Gei-li shiaoshijie ] 「給壢小戲節」是2016年度桃園藝術巡演在中壢的名稱,有非常多的戲劇團隊會在這兒展出。藝術家會以中壢的街道景觀,服飾店,文創空間等等,將觀察後得到的感受結合表演藝術,轉化為藝術表演,帶給許多參觀者不同的體驗。這個活動可以增進大家對於日常生活空間會有不一樣的思考角度,增加美感體會! “Gei-li shiaoshijie” is 2016 Taoyuan performing arts touring in Chungli theater. There will be so many theater teams on display here. Artists will observe the landscapes of the streets, clothing stores, cultural space, etc., and use the feelings to combine with the performing arts, becoming the art performances. It will bring a different experience for many visitors. This activity can also give another thinking angle for people about our daily life , increasing the aesthetic experience! 巡演時間Time: 2016.Oct.22~Nov.19 巡演地點 Venue: 中壢中平商圈 Zhongli Zhongping district 更多詳細資訊請見連結內容 For further information, please see the links below (There is no English version link.) 中文版連結 Chinese version
