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ATOM 2.0 x Zeczec success! Thank You!
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[ATOM 2.5 EX Global pre-order] ATOM2.5 EX Global pre-order starts now, price down for selected items (Limited Time Special). Aside from the pre-order, ATOM 2.0 is making its appearance on the Make magazine international. We were rated as fifth 3D printer among all (1st among delta-type) in the magazine. Why not take a look at our printing quality? pre-order Link: Original size photo:
Photos from ATOM 3D printers's post
[ATOM2.5 EX Global pre-order counting down] Long waited "ATOM2.5 EX" global pre-order will be online at 11/25 00:00(GMT-5). The early-bird discount is not gonna wait for you, be sure you keep up with the latest news. 今天要來跟大家分享好久沒有分享的用戶作品! 因為囤積太久了所以這次陣容堅強啊! 分別是張維群帶來超帥的機械手, 黃小潔帶來的巨大的Rody, Morgan Chang帶來的巴黎鐵塔! 以及賴昊君帶來的各種石像! 實在是讓人目不暇給啊! Today we are sharing the creations from our great ATOM users. It's been a while since the previous share, they are ready to amaze you now. Take a look inside the album and you will find out why. BTW大家訂購的套件目前正如火如荼的生產中喔! 然後國外的預購即將在週五開放預購! 還請大家告訴各位有興趣的歪國朋友喔!
Photos from ATOM 3D printers's post
[ATOM in Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華] (中文/En) ATOM這次來到由數位時代舉辦 亞洲最大的創新創業嘉年華 這次我們的任務是擔任"最佳配角"負責3D列印展區, 現場帶來了各位用戶華麗的作品以及各種不同的使用範例, 將3D列印的應用從多元的角度展示給觀眾! 如果你對3D列印或是對新科技有興趣, 那可千萬別錯過這個集結了國內外上百個新創團隊的嘉年華唷! We are proud to be the responsible partner for "Prototyping Showroom "area in Meet Taipei. "Meet Taipei" Held by Business Next Media Group which is also the largest startup carnival in Asia. In the exhibition, we played the role as "Best Support", bringing all the great works and applications from our awesome users. 3D printing technology is displayed from different aspects to the audience!! If you are interested in 3D printing or new techs, this is the MUST-come carnival you should join. 活動時間:11/17~19 9:00am~5:00pm 活動地點:花博爭豔館 Time: 11/17~19 9:00am~5:00pm Place: EXPO dome
[最後3小時] ATOM 2.5 ex 受到大家熱列支持, 早鳥預購也終於要在今晚結束了! 最後要再給大家帶來一個很酷的應用! 那就是軟硬複合材料列印! 動圖中的威爾森正是這樣的組合, (白色處:軟料,橘色處:硬料) 而這樣的應用能夠大幅提升3D列印的可能性! 讓更多的好點子得以實踐! 如果你有一顆創意的心, 請不要錯過與 ATOM 早鳥相識的最後機會! 讓ATOM成為你最得力的助手吧!
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[ATOM 2.5 ex 早鳥優惠最後一天] 終於來到這天, 錯過可以最便宜又最早拿到ATOM的機會, 心情大概就跟跌坐在桌上的小法鬥一樣扼腕吧QQ 早鳥優惠最後倒數! 快來擁有你的ATOM, 成為出色的自造者吧! 預購傳送門
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[ATOM 2.5 ex 早鳥預購最後倒數] 常有朋友以為雙擠出是用來雙色輸出, 但其實最有價值的部份是能夠使用水溶性材料來列印支撐, 這樣的功能能讓列印限制大幅減少, 完全解放3D印表機的應用範圍! 距離早鳥預購結束還剩短短幾小時, 趕快把握最快最低價的入手機會吧! 預購傳送門
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[ATOM2.5ex在花博] 預購最後倒數! 今天特派員又來到花博的RF開拓模型祭! 現場更帶到了由用戶黃大哥所印製的1/10初鋼&武裝! 比起年初的鐵金鋼可以說是更加沒有極限了啊! (ATOM僅負責初鋼與武裝的部分列印) 除此之外, 也恭喜ATOM用戶Jumi桑榮獲"3D列印夢想家"光華娘組的亞軍! 留言連結可以看到製作過程! 據離早鳥預購結束只剩數十小時! 現場ATOM2.5也會展示雙色列印! 有興趣的朋友歡迎到場參觀唷! 活動名稱:RF開拓模型祭 活動地點:花博爭豔館 活動時間:11/5 -11/6 攤位號碼:11/5子01,11/6子05 早鳥預購最終倒數👇
[ 雙色列印 ] 連假期間印了隻 Low Poly 風格的雙色傑尼龜, 簡單俐落的分件讓列印品一完成就十分可愛! 不管是雙色列印或是水溶性支撐, ATOM 2.5 EX 讓列印的可能性更加提升, 目前早鳥優惠銷售速度遠遠超越我們的想像, 為了確保工廠的出貨效率與供貨品質無虞, 我們決定將預購提前於 11/10 24:00 結束, 還請有意購買的朋友把握最後一週的優惠唷! 另外國際預購也即將開跑, 非台灣地區的朋友趕緊準備好你的荷包吧! 立刻搶購早鳥優惠↓ [ Dual Extrusion Print ] We printed a poly style two-color-tone Pokémon character Squirtle ( 3D design by Agustin Flowalistik ). Well defined parts made the print part extremely cute. With Atom 2.5 EX's latest 2-in-1-out dual extrusion design, mutiple colors, compound materials, and water-soluable PVA material are made possible. The global pre-order will starts in Mid-November, be sure you follow our latest news on Facebook!
[中文/En] 特派員一陣子沒有出外景了~ 今天要來跟大家分享在 ATOM 2.5宣傳影片中出現的 Pixel Man, 這套盔甲是出自於設計服務公司—有料創意之手! 有料創意藏身在市民大道上的小公寓裡, 參訪後才發現除了娛樂方面的設計, 有料最主要的案子來自於工業設計, 不管是產品外觀或是內部機構, 硬底子的設計人在嘗試過各家 3D 印表機後 選擇了精度最高並且最為穩定 ATOM 作為生力軍, 影片中能見光的除了 Burning Man 登場的 Pixel Man 之外, 也有宇宙人 MV 裡登場的太空裝, 同時日常生活中的小角落也不難見到 3D 列印的蹤跡, 真的可以說是充分應用了 ATOM 啊! 如今 3D 印表機已經成為設計工作室不可或缺的好夥伴了! 剛好 ATOM 2.5 的預購也正如火如荼的進行中! 快點點入連結享受早鳥預購價吧↓ It's been a while since our agent was out for reports. Today we are gonna brought you some cool news. Remember the Pixel Man which shows up in the ATOM2.5 promoting video? This suit is made by the Cook Design Taipei. Hidden in a small apartment, Cook Design have various work in different fields, especially industrial designs. ATOM was chosen as the best tool to help them in the trial of developing works due to its excellent precision. In the video, you might see the Pixel Man and other suit works. There are also lots of life application 3D prints seen in the video, without a doubt, Cook Design Taipei is fully utilizing ATOM machines.
[ ATOM 2.5 EX 系列早鳥預購最後倒數] (中文/En) 今天不說規格, 來跟大家分享 ATOM 的故事吧! ATOM 2013年從募資平台出發, 成功受到大家的支持推出了亞洲第一台 Delta printer ATOM 1.0! 2015年初則以更成熟的 ATOM 2.0 創下了新的紀錄, 今天的 ATOM 可以說是拜大家所賜! 如果有人問到 ATOM 魅力何在? 我想除了列印品質優異之外, 最重要的一點就是我們有最棒的使用者了! 在 ATOM 的社群之中, 總不乏用戶分享神級作品, 資深玩家為新手悉心解惑, 大家共享技術互相支援, 這真的是相當寶貴的資源! 如果你在思考自己為何需要 ATOM, 你大可以在影片中發現一些線索! 不管是玩具公仔、產品設計甚至是汽車火箭! ATOM 都能成為你最大的幫手! 經過了一年多的研發, 我們先後推出了雷射模組與熱床套件 今天, 升級後的 ATOM 將以 ATOM 2.5 系列的姿態與各位見面! 現在預購除了享有最優惠的早鳥價和六期零利率之外, 還會是全世界最早收到 ATOM 2.5 的用戶唷! 立刻前往預購以獲得早鳥優惠↓↓↓ (Taiwan only) In this very important moment, we are going to talk about how ATOM started. In 2013, ATOM kicked off on the crowdfunding platform, we gained huge support and released the very first Delta printer in Asia, ATOM 1.0. Two years later, we broke our own sale record with a more advanced ATOM 2.0. ATOM would not be where we are today without all your loves. If somebody asked about why choose ATOM? We think it is not only the brilliant design and excellent printing quality but also the marvelous users making the most of our machine. In ATOM social group on Facebook, there is always users sharing their creations; experts guiding the beginner; fun news bringing in all the time. It is a very precious resources of ATOM. If you are thinking why you need an ATOM, you can look into the video for the answers. No matter figures, product prototyping, or even building rockets or cars, ATOM will always be your biggest helper. After years of research and development, we have released the laser kit and HeatBed kit in succession. Today, we proudly present our latest and greatest model ever [THE ATOM 2.5].
[ATOM 2.5 預購就在明天] 今天的毒是重頭戲水溶性支撐材列印! 透過水溶性耗材讓以往難拆的支撐得以輕易剝除! 小編的移軸轉接環就這樣誕生啦! Today's surprise is printing of the PVA material (water-soluble). PVA is making all the unremovable supports peels off itself. The Lens adaptor in the video will show you the amazement of how it works. ATOM 2.5 預購即將於明天 10/20 日中午 12 點整正式開跑! ATOM 2.5 與 ATOM 2.5 EX 前25台機將會加上特製銘版! 並烙上獨一無二的編號! 早鳥優惠價加上 6 期零利率, 絕對讓你輕鬆無負擔的成為獨當一面的 Maker! PS:有填寫問卷的朋友明天請注意一下信箱,我們將會在發售前優先將預購頁面連結寄給各位,還沒填寫問卷的朋友現在也還來得及唷!
[預購倒數兩天] 不知不覺就來到預購倒數前兩天了! 依照傳統的慣例還是要來放毒一下! 新的冷卻系統讓跨橋的能力達到極致! 全長超過20公分的跨橋讓大家驚呆了啊! (Taiwan only)By tradition, we are going to show you some excitements about ATOM2.5. The brand-new cooling system is making the bridge test as easy as winking.
