This is our recipe for unforgettable desserts - This is Yellow Lemon!
This is our recipe for unforgettable desserts - This is Yellow Lemon!
That's why we started from the very beginning, revisiting the old ingredients and trying new ones. Some come from local farms, others from faraway lands, all are natural, all are fresh.
Hot and cold, crunchy and smooth, sweet yet salty - here you will find the classic desserts you know so well and new creations we know you will learn to love.
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【There's two things I love in life. Rose for a day, you forever】打開盒子,能夠擁有的不再只是生活中的美和甜點師傅的用心,而是你想永遠記住的那雀躍臉龐的一瞬間。YELLOW LEMON 為你獻上今年最甜蜜的馬卡龍花盒 訂購方式: 及日起至2/11止,可打電話到我們的大直店 02 2533-3567 或直接在 Facebook 粉絲頁私訊訂購。 取貨日期及地點: 2/14 Yellow Lemon 大直店 或 Yellow Lemon 新光三越B2 售價: $1,800
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廣受大家喜愛的馬卡龍廚藝課又開始了!!這次的課程時間為3小時 (包含中間休息一小時) 趕快來A4找我們喔~
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農曆新年就快要到了!!大家是否在禮盒小山丘裡不知如何下手呢? 黃檸檬推出了新年磅蛋糕和一系列充滿創意的應景小點心,不僅可以單買,更可以直接挑選搭配好的禮盒~~ 今年就讓家裡的大人小孩一起品嘗手做甜點的幸福吧!
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【海鹽巧克力義式冰淇淋】冷冷的冬天就該來些經典的巧克力口味~ 這次Yellow Lemon使用了70%的黑巧克力加上海鹽提味 趁周末趕快到我們在新光三越A4 B2來嘗鮮吧! 【Sea Salt Dark Chocolate】Classic 70% dark chocolate with some surprising sea salt salty touch! What are you waiting for!! Come and try our monthly Gelato in Mitsukoshi A4 B2
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CAVIAR TIN TART: 榛果沙布列.榛果脆片.椰子香草慕斯.巧克力魚子醬 。靈感來自於奢華的魚子醬罐頭,新產品目前限定預購。hazelnuts sable, crunch , coconut vanilla mousse, chocolate caviar #yellowlemon #new #tart #fun #caviar #cocconut #vannila #hazelnut #dessert #taipei #cake #awesome #cakestagram #luxury
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Blue berry vanilla cheese cake 藍莓香草起司蛋糕
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Yellow Art 是店內人氣桌邊甜點之一,不僅能夠讓客人享用到我們的招牌甜點,更在視覺上有不同以往的驚喜。更重要的是,每個人的心中都住著一個童心未泯的小朋友~ 這也是Yellow Lemon想藉由甜點傳達給大家的訊息。
【農曆新年店休公告】YELLOW LEMON大直店年節店休日期為2/7,2/8,2/9及2/10 共四天,預祝大家新年快樂恭喜發財!! 想吃甜食,還是可以到信義新光三越A4 B2找我們~ Yellow Lemon will be closed from 2/7 to 2/10 for Chinese New Year. If you want some sweet, please come to visit our shop at Mitsukoshi A4 B2~~
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來自法國的紅蜜桃和皇家伯爵茶經過整晚的浸泡與熬煮 #RUBY #PEACH #EARLGREY #MACAROON #yellowlemon #dessert #taipei
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黃檸檬招牌分子料理讓您享受視覺和味覺完全不同的雙重體驗,由主廚在客人面前示範由甜點的材料製作成英式早餐的樣貌,想來點另類又傳統的美味餐點嗎? 趕快來店預約你的專屬甜點桌邊秀吧! 02 2533 3567 ENGLISH BREAKFAST🍳🍳🍳 Scrabble Eggs ice cream , bacon Marple chips , French toast , tomato strawberry Ketchup #yellowlemon #sweet #salty #fun #dessert #scrambbledeggs #breckfast
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PECAN : hazelnuts sable , orange frangipani, caramel Pecan, apricot glaze , vanilla whipping cream , gold 主廚家鄉特調的橘香胡桃派~榛果沙布列塔,橘子杏仁奶油餡,鹹焦糖胡桃,杏桃果膠,日本香草鮮奶油,金箔 #yellowlemon #cake #pecan #caramel #orange #hazelnuts #simplicity #goodness