We want to promote health towards our customers. Live a healthy life and keep on LIVING!
And add our Instagram: Sprout_Tianmu Our mission is to promote health. As we get older there are more things to do other than just exercise. Instead of taking the elevator maybe we can take the stairs. Instead of parking closer to where we want to go we can park a little farther just to get that extra walk in. Maybe next time we’re shopping for groceries we can carry our food rather than use a cart. There are so many things we can do to become healthier and eating the right foods is apart of it. To sit down and calculate what you’re eating and the benefits of each food towards your body is hard nowadays in this modern busy world so here at Sprout we want to help you. With our seasonal menu and finding the freshest ingredients in Taiwan we want to promote a healthy living. The better you feel the better we feel so let’s work together towards living a healthier lifestyle!
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facebook.com娘娘私廚 愛上料理365天
謝謝我們朋友 娘娘私廚 愛上料理365天! #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #sprout朋友
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慢烤牛肉三明治。六小時慢火燜烤肋眼牛排切片搭配焦糖洋蔥,牛番茄片,綜合生菜,辣根美乃滋醬,Provolone 起司及手工巧巴逹麵包,附自製紅酒牛肉醬汁及醃漬紅洋蔥! Our Prime Rib Roast Sandwich with Caramelized Onions. 6 Hours Roasted Prime Rib with tomato, mixed lettuce, Caramelized onion with Horseradish Mayonnaise and Provolone Cheese all in a homemade Ciabatta Bread. Photo by Fred Yang @ycs_lamb #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #homemade #primeribroast
1/17 Performance with Greg & Jenny
1/17 表演跟 Greg 和 Jenny Wu! Photos by Lulu
1月3號表演跟何妍萱和Sprout員工Michael,還有 Jenny Wu
我們表演跟Sprout朋友何妍萱和Sprout員工Michael,還有 Jenny Wu! Our performance with 何妍萱 and Sprout Employee Michael. Special Appearance by Jenny Wu Photos by Lulu
深呼吸樂團 Deep Breathing
我門愛音樂!我們客人也愛音樂! 我門要感謝 Jenny 和 Greg 昨天來餐廳表演! 很期待下次的表演! We love music and our customers also love music. Wanted to thank Jenny and Greg for performing yesterday and can't wait until next time! #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #sproutmusic #loveformusic
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好多小朋友來聽我們日文,英文和中文小故事! A lot of kids came to listen to our Japanese, English and Chinese Story Time! #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #storytime
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大家都有早起去投票嗎!今天好像連太陽都有探頭參與喔! 我們這週做了英式百果餡派,內餡是以深蘭姆酒提味的香料百果乾,塔皮完全使用法國品牌奶油的奶油酥皮,比一般塔皮更鬆脆,天氣涼涼的日子來個溫熱的派吧! You have to get up early to vote today! This week we made a British Mince Meat Pie! Stuffing in Dark Rum Flavor Spices with a crispy crust. Something great to eat on these cool winter days! #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #mincemeatpie
Photos from Sprout 初芽's post
猜猜哪種水果維他命C含量較高, 是奇異果還是柳橙呢? 答案是奇異果。我們把高營養價值的奇異果加上當季風味絕佳的台灣柳橙混合成好喝又營養的新鮮綜合果汁,讓你補充滿滿的維他命C抵抗流感入侵喔。 Guess which one contains more Vitamin C: a Kiwi or an Orange? Answer is a Kiwi. If you put them together you get our Kiwi-Orange Juice! Get an ultimate amount of Vitamin C to enhance your immune system and fight the flu in these cold days. #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #kiwiorangejuice #照顧你自己
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這個星期天1月17號下午4點 我們有說故事的活動 有中文、英文、日文三種版本! 歡迎小朋友們穿著你的睡衣一起來聽好聽的故事! 有興趣的話可以打給我們報名你的小孩子! Tel: 02-2876-6080 下午6點我們邀請到特別來賓Jenny Wu 和 Greg Aiani 表演烏克麗麗 歡迎來同時享受美妙的音樂和美味的食物 ! This Sunday we have a packed schedule. At 4:00 we are having story time! We'll have stories told in Chinese, English, and Japanese! Bring your kids in their pajamas and enjoy some great stories! Call us and sign up your kids! Tel: 02-2876-6080 At 6:00 we are having a special performance by our ukulele friends Jenny Wu and Greg Aiani. Come listen to some great ukulele music here this Sunday! Art by Sour Chan #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #storytime #ukulele #sproutmusic #sproutkids
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你喜歡蘋果嗎? 來試試我們的蘋果楓糖蛋糕,利用新鮮的富士蘋果,搭配著甜而不膩的加拿大楓糖乳酪糖霜! Do you guys like apples? If you do then you should try our Apple & Maple Cake! Fresh Fuji Apples with a sweet Maple Cream Cheese Icing and Homemade Granola to top it off! #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #applemaplecake #desserts
1/2 Art Class with Joe!
我們一月2號第一課跟藝術家老師 Joe! Here are some pictures from our first class with our Artist friend Joe! Photos by Lulu
Timeline Photos
各位各位~藝術家Joe老師又來sprout教小朋友畫畫了~~ 1月16號早上11點開始! 快打電話來報名吧~ Hey guys! We are having another art class for kids with Teacher Joe. Saturday January 16th at 11:00am! Call and sign up your kids! Tel: 02-28766080. #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #sproutart #kidsartclass #joe
找到天荒地老 滿滿的外國人 讓我頗震驚的一家店

慢烤牛肉三明治。六小時慢火燜烤肋眼牛排切片搭配焦糖洋蔥,牛番茄片,綜合生菜,辣根美乃滋醬,Provolone 起司及手工巧巴逹麵包,附自製紅酒牛肉醬汁及醃漬紅洋蔥! Our Prime Rib Roast Sandwich with Caramelized Onions. 6 Hours Roasted Prime Rib with tomato, mixed lettuce, Caramelized onion with Horseradish Mayonnaise and Provolone Cheese all in a homemade Ciabatta Bread. Photo by Fred Yang @ycs_lamb #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #homemade #primeribroast

老鏡頭永遠拍不膩!! #Canon #7D #nikkor #50mm #f1.8 #初芽 #sprout #burger

剛出爐的「布朗尼」不用多說有多好吃,有空快來 @sprout_tianmu (初芽),小弟我在裡面打雜的😅😁👍👍,有空來閒話家常配甜點 最重要的,先追蹤 @chelsiela 咱sprout最厲害甜點大師,不想錯過那些甜點就快follow

Just me today. Thanks Sprout! #ukelele#performance

好多小朋友來聽我們日文,英文和中文小故事! A lot of kids came to listen to our Japanese, English and Chinese Story Time! #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #storytime


🍴🍴🍴 下雨的假日適合慵懶一下 就用早午餐展開新的一天 📍英式奶油法式吐司 📍香草焦糖伯爵奶茶 很美式的一家餐廳 好久沒在家裡附近吃飯 都不知道有這麼棒的好食 下次繼續搜索天母美食😆 誰叫我是貪吃鬼哈哈 #tianmu#sprout#初芽#restaurant#brunch#rainningday#happyday

大家都有早起去投票嗎!今天好像連太陽都有探頭參與喔! 我們這週做了英式百果餡派,內餡是以深蘭姆酒提味的香料百果乾,塔皮完全使用法國品牌奶油的奶油酥皮,比一般塔皮更鬆脆,天氣涼涼的日子來個溫熱的派吧! You have to get up early to vote today! This week we made a British Mince Meat Pie! Stuffing in Dark Rum Flavor Spices with a crispy crust. Something great to eat on these cool winter days! #sproutlivin #eatfresh #stayhealthy #mincemeatpie

20160116 每次見面都很吵鬧 尤其是王言寧🙄 Love u all ❤️ - #bff #love #smile

20160116 焦糖奶油香蕉派 喜歡巧克力+香蕉的組合❤️ 沒有之一就是最愛😍 - #dessert #caramel #banana #pei

20160116 親愛的好姊妹黃扣幫 開心你找到RuRu這麼可愛的女友 謝謝你把生日願望分給我哈哈哈哈 Happy Birthday & Love u 4ever ❤️ - #happybirthday #bff #love

