本館為穆斯林餐館, 老闆及老闆娘皆為穆斯林, 肉品來源必為HALAL, 教親們可安心食用 開店是為了能讓更多的人,吃到所謂的HALAL肉品,及健康的餐點.藉由美食,能對伊斯蘭多一點點的了解.伊斯蘭是和平與愛的信仰.但願小店能讓來店裏用餐的每一個客人,都嚐得到簡單健康的原味!
Moroccan cuisine is extremely refined, Moroccan cuisine has been subject to Berber, Moorish, and Arab influences, it is one of the most apreciated cuisine in the world.Spices are used extensively in Moroccan food. Although spices for thousands of years, many ingredients — like saffron , mint ,olives , Common spices include karfa (cinnamon), kamoun (cumin), kharkoum (turmeric), skinjbir (ginger), libzar (pepper), tahmira (paprika), anise seed, sesame seeds, qesbour (coriander), and zaafran beldi (saffron). Common herbs include mint and maadnous (parsley).
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We do apologize that we need to take off for some days, until 1/18 Monday. We wish to re-open the shop on 1/19 Tuesday. Deeply sorry, and hope to see you soon.
太。。。抱歉。 老闆娘再次臨時告假。 今天,1/13,休館一天。 Deeply sorry that we're off again today. 造成不便。敬請見諒
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很抱歉,1/12星期二,小店休息一天! Sorry, the shop will be off on 12th January, Tuesday,
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老闆娘要上醫院給醫生看! (^0^) 祝大家身體健康,週末愉快!
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Women In Islam
Let's Have a great year.