Taverna De ' Medici 梅帝騎小酒館,是一個結合義大利傳統與道地元素,菜色與裝潢帶點時尚, 衍生出來的小酒館.Medici 梅帝騎小酒館是一個帶給客人舒適,愉快,CP值 值得的一個用餐環境.
In 2014 ,renowned Italian Chef Riccardo Ghironi from Tuscany ( ) joined hands with his partner and long-time co-worker, the talented young Taiwanese Sous Chef Jesse Wang ,to create what is probably one of the most peculiar and exclusive Italian restaurants in Taipei. Taverna De’ Medici is named after the House of Medici, the political dynasty and royal house that ruled the Republic of Florence during the late 14th Century, the time when modern Tuscan cuisine was born. During ancient times in Italy, a Taverna (in Latin Taberna) was a small, cozy single room shop within in-door markets where cooked foods and wines where sold, a public yet intimate place where people met and connected naturally while enjoying local delicacies .Taverna De’ Medici combines the cosiness of an ancient Italian Taverna and the sophistication of the Medici era culinary philosophy and knowledge. Riccardo brings for the first time to Taiwan ancient recipes from Medici’s Tuscany and his hometown, Bagnone in the Lunigiana area, combining it with the most genuine interpretation of the better known traditional Italian dishes. Riccardo’s expertise and Jesse’s passion gave birth to this small yet unique Italian restaurant, offering a whole new culinary experience to local gourmets as well as Italian food newbies.
在2014年,著名的意大利廚師Riccardo Ghironi 瑞奇來自托斯卡尼省( )聯同他的合作夥伴和長期的同事,一位有才華的年輕台灣副主廚王辭杰Jesse Wang,共同創造最特殊並獨特的義大利餐廳。餐廳名字靈感是來自於義大利的梅帝騎家族. 在第14世紀末梅帝騎家族的政治王朝和王室版圖統治了佛羅倫薩共和國,同時也是托斯卡納美食的誕生. 遠古時代在義大利,有一種叫Taverna的小餐館(拉丁語來自Taberna )Taverna代表一種簡單,舒適的空間提供給客人美食與美酒, 同時享受當地的美食文化。如今在Riccardo主廚的帶領之下, 梅帝騎小酒館結合了傳統義大利的菜餚與精神, 希望讓客人更能體會, 道地義大利的烹飪理念和美食的多元化. Riccardo主廚這次來台灣特別帶了當地的食譜來自於梅帝騎家族和他的家鄉, 就是要來跟台灣熱愛美食的朋友們分享. Riccardo主廚的專業與知識結合了Jesse副主廚的熱情共同創造了這個小而獨特的義大利小餐館,梅帝騎小酒館為台灣的朋友提供了, 一個全新道地美食體驗以及傳統義式烹飪文化.
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公告!春節期間營業調整 店休 : 1/27(五) 除夕 至 2/2(四)初六 正常營業: 2/3 (五) 初七 梅帝騎小酒館祝大家 新年快樂!大🐔大利!雞祥如意! 如需訂位請私訊或電洽02-27600091.
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新主菜來囉,義式烤 Porchetta豬肉卷! 非常美味,歡迎來嚐鮮! The Chef`s New main course has arrived! Home made porchetta with red wine sauce and mashed potatoes, come to try it at Taverna de` Medici!
【食尚玩家】梅帝騎小酒館 台北民生社區!義大利五星級主廚料理
非常感謝"食尚玩家"的熱情報導,還有我們好朋友-義大利雙語天才歌手 吳子龍 Giovanni Voneki 對梅帝騎小酒館 的支持,我們會繼續提供客人最親切的服務 ! Thanks to travel program "Super Taste" for their news report and to our great friend, Italian singer 吳子龍 Giovanni Voneki for his support towards Taverna de' Medici, really a great experience!
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由於許多顧客反應梅蒂騎一位難求 所以我們在此徑行通知營業時間有所更動, 如下 自1月1號起星期一至星期四 開放晚餐服務 星期五至星期日午餐及晚餐皆有開放 在此感謝各位粉絲支持, 梅蒂騎會持續提供更好的服務給各位! We are happy to announce that In order to accommodate increasing reservations ,Starting from January the 1st ,Taverna de`Medici will be open in the evening also on Monday and Tuesday! For any inquiry feel free to contact our staff!
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今年很榮幸的再次獲得義大利觀光部的肯定,再次從眾多餐廳中脫穎而出,拿到了義大利駐香港工商會發出的證書“Ospitalità Italiana” 評鑑的內容包括了餐廳的服務,餐點的傳統性以及餐廳內的裝潢及氣氛,重點在於餐廳整體團隊具備的精神,而非徒具形式的外表!! 再次感謝義大利駐香港工商會的肯定,以及各個支持我們的客人,讓我們擁有更強大的動力為各位提供更好的服務和餐點!! We very proudly announce that Taverna de` Medici has been awarded for the second time the "Ospitalita` Italiana" recognition by the Italian government and Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong .We will keep providing the best service and products we were awarded for to our customers, in line with the finest italian tradition!
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一般來說,pasta是拿來烹煮的,“但是”我們神奇的主廚卻把它拿來作成一幅藝術品?!?! It's A M A Z I N G!!! 主廚作成了一幅nativity scene(耶穌誕生)!! 另外梅蒂騎小酒館在此先祝大家聖誕快樂囉!!
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隨著聖誕節即將到來,主廚正與團隊們緊鑼密鼓的準備不一樣的驚喜給各位喔!! 如果有想要來跟梅蒂騎一起共襄盛舉這一年一度的重大節日的朋友們,可以趕快訂位唷!讓我們有機會與你們一起,度過開心又難忘的聖誕週末唷! This Christmas We are ready to suprise you with different special dishes, exclusively prepared by our Chef for the occasion, don't miss the opportunity to experience an unforgettable Christmas this year at Taverna De` Medici!
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He`s back.. and he is busy.. 他回來了,開始忙囉 ..
Photos from Taverna De ' Medici 梅帝騎小酒館's post
我們親愛的主廚很榮幸的在此次奧林匹克競賽中,獲頒證書,在這次的準備過程中,因地域的關係遭遇重重困難,不論是温度,材料,運輸等等...使得此次參賽格外的困難,雖然此次沒有得名,確是一次美麗難忘的經驗,讓我們兩年後在盧森堡再接再厲嘍!! These Olympic Games were a wonderful experience ,we are very proud of our Chef Riccardo Ghironi for competing with the world's best in class, against all odds and technical difficulties!next stop, world cup in Luxembourg two years from now!
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梅帝騎小酒館臉書突破1萬一千粉絲,感謝大家對我們的支持哦!我們會繼續為大家服務! Taverna De' Medici Facebook Page passed 11.000 fans!!Thank you for your kind support towards us! we will always be here to provide the best service possible!
最近主廚在店內做出了我們自己的 Ricotta Cheese和不同口味的軟質起司。 完全使用純天然的材料,不加防腐劑,影片中正是主廚呈盤給現場客人的畫面, Ricotta搭配蜂蜜和松子。簡單,美味,正是義大利美食的精神! This is our Chef`s new Home Made Ricotta Cheese, made with only natural ingredients and no preservatives at all, the result is a perfectly balanced and fresh taste!Only at Taverna de` Medici
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每年9/21是義大利松露季的開始,然而近期主廚也剛好為我們店的客人,私人設計了一場松露晚宴,特別從義大利進口難得一見的白松露!歡迎沒辦法親自前往義大利品嚐此種特級食材的朋友,可以來梅蒂騎體驗如同在當地用餐的經驗!!如有其他特殊需求,都可隨時與我們聯絡喔! The 21st of September Truffle Season Officially kicked off in Italy! And our Chef just completed our first private dining event where 800g of Fresh White Truffle were imported from Alba ,Italy, exclusively for our customer and delivered with a suitcase to his residence!If you are interested in arranging similar events with Taverna De' Medici do not hesitate to contact us!