Smart, Simple, Connected, and Managed Like Us, Follow Us, Link Us On being creative
We are a creative collective - and each person has his or her own method. Our creativity is also very trial and error, we keep trying it until it works. They arise from the creation of new techniques, technologies and concepts. It's like a building: We begin with one element or material. Then we work to perfect it, bit by bit. If we make a mistake, we change it the next day. It's a success if it opens a new path and excites you.
On inspiration
You get ideas from life, from reading, from travel. It's important to be connected to other disciplines: art, science, history. When an architect designs a building, she has to work with engineers and people in new technologies. It's the same in designing energy and lighting for the next generation.
On leading
It's like any work. You need concentration and professionalism. And it's very important to have passionate people with their own imagination. Everyone participates. And you create an environment that gives them space and the sense that they're taking part in something very important. You can only improve the ones who are already good; you can't do anything with the bad ones. Talent and capability lie with the person, not with the teacher.
On making better talent
It's the whole system of Amko SOLARA. If you're at Harvard, it's not a single person that makes you better, it's the system. Here, you get to dream and be passionate, but very intensive. We have high turnovers, but new blood is good and in the end everyone burns out. For them it's a year of experience.
On the cutting edge of business
It's about immediacy. We have customers ready to be on board but they need a solution tomorrow and they don't want to wait. We have enough experience both in the industry and on the field to go out there to find and customize a solution for the customer's unique needs. Our decision makers have a direct link to the people behind new ideas and products and sit very close to research and development.
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