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Photos from 台灣主教團青年組 CRBC Youth Section's post
【2016世界青年日台灣代表團派遣禮】 The Send-off Mass of the WYD 2016 Taiwan Delegation 時間:2016年5月21日(六) 下午4:20~5:30 地點:輔仁大學淨心堂一樓大廳
World Youth Day
祝世界青年日創始人+青年人的好爸爸、好朋友--聖教宗若望保祿二世生日快樂!! <3
World Youth Day
台灣參加世青的青年,有沒有人想要參加世青大會期間7/27晚上大會辦的舞蹈大賽呢? ;) 有個人和團體競賽,有興趣的可以趕快報名喔!
Festival Paradise In The City
分享一個影片~ "I'm a Catholic, but I'm not..." 「我是天主教徒,我不是總是追著復活蛋跑,但我也不是八十歲!!」 天主教青年的生活,可以充滿喜樂歡笑的時刻,也可以有祈禱的時刻! 看看巴西、波蘭、法國、模里西斯等國青年分享他們樂於身為天主教徒的生活~ :)
World Youth Day
在波蘭每年5月8日都會紀念11世紀的殉道聖人聖Stanislaus主教,他也是克拉克夫和波蘭的主保聖人。 2016年世青大會的工作人員第二次參加紀念聖Stanislaus主教的傳統遊行,並且由青年們帶著聖若望保祿二世教宗及聖女傅天娜的聖髑、世青主保聖人們的聖像、青年們的旗子一起參與遊行!#WYD #Krakow2016
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我願意穿上耶穌慈悲聖心 支持台灣青年日
歡迎穿上耶穌慈悲聖心Tshirt來支持2016年台灣青年日! 顏色及尺寸連結: 預購填寫: 留言訂購後工作人員會私訊詢問交貨方式及付費方式。
台灣主教團青年組 CRBC Youth Section
We warmly welcome you all to come and join to celebrate with us in prayer and thanksgiving in the Holy Eucharist for the blessings and inspirations we received throughout the entire duration of the exhibition of "Treasures from Heaven," from the Holy See. It's the first time ever that some of the most precious collections of sacred images are brought out for exhibit outside the Vatican. And we are so blessed to have a glimpse of them here in Taiwan! One of the most precious icons is the Mandylion of Edessa, a sacred piece with the Holy Face of Jesus! Therefore, we wish you to "come and look upon His merciful face." Don't miss to cast a glimpse on Jesus' face! He is waiting for you! Joining us on this blessed occasion are the Bishops, Priests, Religious, Youth, Lay Ministers of Taiwan, and one of the most admired cardinals in the world and our dear friend, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, the Archbishop of Manila! So, come and join us on this rare occasion! Invite everyone! Tell your friends! See you there!!! Timothy Jacobe de Belen Joy Ampiloquio Pawel Wierzbicki Tomasz Zalewski HolyFamily ChurchChoir Chinese Province Magis Winnie Su Church Tienmu Emma Lao Emma Liu 梁春鳳 吳偉立
瞻仰祂的慈悲面容-與埃德薩的耶穌聖容聖像一同祈禱 ( Come and Look Upon His Merciful Face - Pray with the Mandylion of Edessa)