夢仔哺_Dream Corner
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我們是夢仔哺//Dream Corner
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【緊急通知】颱風尼伯特來襲! 台南市政府公佈明天台南市停止上班、上課。 颱風來的時候~若非迫要,請盡量待在室內~ 外出的時候,也要記得小心路上的交通與個人的安全~ 此外,因為颱風之因素想要取消明天7/8(星期五)之預約的客人~ 可以和我們聯絡~ 以獲全數退回的金額哦~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Emergency Announcement] Typhoon Nepartak heading for Taiwan Due to typhoon, offices and schools in Taiwan are closed tomorrow. To ensure your own safety, stay indoor, unless absolutely necessary. For customer intend to cancel the booking at 8th of July (Friday) and request for full refund on typhoon day. Kindly send a message to our inbox. Thank you.
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【#夢仔哺活動 #2】【#Dream Corner’s Event #2】 『夢仔哺夏日特別企劃 / 揪團遊府城』 炎炎夏日,找上你的旅伴,夢仔哺邀你們來一場說走就走的小旅行! 創造你和你的他們(她們),與府城的共同回憶。 衹要按贊分享就有機會獲得「夢仔哺四人房住宿券一張」! 這麽好康的事情不要錯過!趕快邀請你的親朋好友一同來參加! ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ 活動獎品:夢仔哺四人房住宿券一張(價值TWD 2,400) 完成以下步驟便有機會獲得免費住宿: Step1:先幫「夢仔哺Dream Corner」粉絲專頁點個「讚」! Step2:設定公開并分享這則貼文,在留言處標記你的三個旅伴。 活動月月抽!月月抽出一名幸運得獎者! 抽獎日期: 2016年7月31日、2016年8月31日、2016年9月30日 得獎者可以和所標記的三個旅伴,獲得免費四人房住宿券一晚! 兌獎期限至2016年11月30日。 備注: 1.抽獎時,如發現得獎人不符資格(未點讚、貼文不公開),則取消資格重新抽獎。 2. 兌獎時,得獎人必須提前一星期透過夢仔哺粉絲專頁向夢仔哺預定、告知,完成預定才可以使用。 3.本住宿券不得與其他優惠同時使用。 4. 住宿券不得轉售。 5. 活動小組將在公佈后的三個工作天内透過臉書通知得獎者。 5. 本活動將使用Facebook抽獎小幫手協助抽出幸運兒,結果將于8月1日,9月1日及10月1日公佈。
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「#夢仔哺打工換宿小幫手 #6」 昀蓁、又嘉 高中畢業的兩位花漾少女 為了充實自己的暑假 她們兩個安排了兩周的打工換宿 在臺南夢仔哺 熱情又可愛的他們與無論是旅客或是小幫手 總都能夠愉快的相處 每每跟他們交談總能夠聽到許多他們跟其他小幫手或旅客有趣的互動 教中文,練英日文 一天四餐吃遍臺南 凌晨三點的談天說地 「或許獨立了一點吧」 「更認識對方了吧」 他們說 With friends, you create better things. 不知怎麼的,每當看著他們的互動 總能讓我不自覺地想起這句溫暖的話,在他們身上無疑地體現著 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Julie, Yoga Two lovely girls who graduated from high school recently. They decided to spend two weeks in Dream Corner, Tainan as helpers. They are enthusiastic and adorable, getting along well with other guests and helpers. Teach Mandarin, practice English, eat four meals a day and chat till 3 a.m. “Maybe became more independent” “get to know each other better, I guess” They said. With friends, you create better things. Somehow, when I come up with this quote, I think of them.
「#夢仔哺打工換宿小幫手 #5」 「你為甚麼開始旅行?」 來自法國的Samuel 十八歲時受了重傷後便開始世界旅行 並開始接觸禪修,養成吃素習慣 透過旅行,尋求精神上、心靈上的富足 因為曾經失去,更讓他學會珍惜並感恩 每個人都有個旅行的理由 夢仔哺很榮幸可以成為你們旅行的一部分 也期待有更多的小幫手來跟我們分享故事 --------------------------- “Why you travel?” Samuel, from France After suffering a serious injury, he started to travel around the world. Furthermore, he started to have vegan diet and do meditation. Right now, he is grateful for every second of every day and tries hard to make everyday counts.
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「#夢仔哺打工換宿小幫手 #4」 「台灣真的好熱鬧!」 來自日本的Yoshi,每天晚餐時間沒有例外的都逛夜市。 聽他熟練的背出「大大武花大武花」的口訣,我們不禁有些莞爾。 工作之前的早上,Yoshi 擠在人來人往的早餐店裡,享用著剛煎好的蛋餅,聽著鍋鏟與鐵板交錯的尖銳與嘈雜的交談聲。相對於日本人在家裡安靜吃早餐的習慣,台灣的「熱鬧」給了Yoshi強烈的文化衝擊。 「にぎやか」就是Yoshi對台灣最大的印象。 熱鬧的,活潑的人與人之間的頻繁互動, 一如我們所自豪的,Yoshi看見了台灣最美的風景。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Taiwan is so lively." Yoshi, who came from Japan, was crazy about night markets in Tainan. He went to night market for dinner every night. No exceptions. In the morning, Yoshi chose those traditional breakfast stand on the street. Compared to the Japanese-eat-at-home-quietly-culture, the environment in those breakfast stand is so noisy. However, that's exactly what Yoshi liked. 「にぎやか」is the reason why Yoshi likes Taiwan. Lively, noisy, friendly. Just like we always say: The most beautiful scenery in Taiwan is people live on this land. Welcome to Tainan, Taiwan.
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【#夢仔哺活動 #1】【#Dream Corner’s Event #1】 夢仔哺邀請所有曾經在夢仔哺打工換宿的旅人 在這一天一起 回娘家 所有曾經在這裡留下足跡的小幫手 在活動當天皆可以以100元的價格入住夢仔哺一宿 此外,夢仔哺也特別準備了吃貨專線 讓所有懷念台南美食的小幫手 可以一次過得到雙重滿足 7月23日 23th of July 和我們一起收割當初種下的夢想果子 在夢仔哺 不見不散 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite all Dream Corner’s little helpers return to Dream Corner at 23th of July. Each little helper is allowed to stay with 100 TWD (per dorm) on that day. Besides, Dream Corner has prepared a secret route to enjoy Tainan's food for every foodie too! Don’t miss the chance to share your harvest at Dream Corner with us. Be there or be square.
Photos from 夢仔哺_Dream Corner's post
在炙熱陽光與清涼微風徐徐下 臺南國際龍舟錦標賽在安平運河邊畫下完美的句點 一星期前,夢仔哺湧入了一群熱血的金城龍舟隊員 從台中下台南參加這場年度端午龍舟盛事 運河上舟船急速,運河旁觀眾激昂 齊整的動作與堅定的眼神 燃燒的決心,心向遠方的夢想 夢仔哺祝大家端午假期愉快 更祝福每個有夢想的人都能堅毅地向前划行 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Today is the last day of Tainan City International Dragon Boat Championship. Contestants who came from Taichung stayed at Dream Corner for a week to practice and attend these exciting annual races. It was a big time for those industrious contestants to win the championship and fulfill their dreams. They rowed the boat without any doubts to the finish line and embraced their teammates no matter what the result was. To every dreamer, may you always chase your dream passionately and undoubtedly.
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「#夢仔哺打工換宿小幫手 #3」 「旅行是為了認識自己」 Karina,一位來自法國的小幫手。 她喜歡的不只是名勝景點,更是去一間去過幾次的酒吧, 跟一群熟悉的人們,享受真正居住在當地的感覺 此次她來到台南,成為夢仔哺的小幫手, 聽著她敘述這幾天她在烈日下走路去安平的英勇事蹟、 在法商家樂福裡發現各種從未見過的食材,不知如何料理而手足無措、 如何用小鳥胃挑戰育樂街便宜又大碗的食物 旅行對於很多人來說是遊玩 對有些人來說是文化體驗 但對Karina來說,是藉由深度體驗當地的過程中,享受生活,認識自己 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “To travel is to get to know yourself better” Karina, a lovely girl from France. Lots of things she did are not in any travel guide. She likes to go to local bars, chat and drink with friends she met on her travels, going shopping at Carrefour in Tainan, having different types of food on Yule street and walked to Anping on foot on a burning hot day. Some people travel for fun, some for different cultural experience. But maybe to Karina, it is not only for those two, but also for digging herself deeper and living in the way she likes.
Photos from 夢仔哺_Dream Corner's post
[ 畢業季 ] 當鳳凰花在六月艷紅的燃燒, 也到了大學生們該脫去稚氣的時候。 夢仔哺坐落在大學的一角, 四年之間,看著各位一路成長,突然有種要嫁女兒的心酸。 祝大家一路順風,鵬程萬里。 第一代小管家畢業快樂! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to senior year, people become sentimental. Dream Corner is located on a corner of National Cheng Kung University. We watch students grow up, become outstanding and beam with confidence. And now, it's your turn. Farewell, Eva, our best partner ever. Bon voyage!
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「#夢仔哺打工換宿小幫手 #2」 就如MOCHIADICTOS(背包旅行上癮者)這個字的意思 是我對Tamara 和 Fran 的印象 來自西班牙的這對情侶 在環遊世界的同時 也在經營個人旅遊網頁 和大家分享旅途中的大小事 當初為了追求更好的生活品質 活出自己的生活態度 而展開了他們的旅程 這一站,來到台灣 他們首次經歷了搭乘順風車的體驗 感受到台灣人的熱情與友善 更對台南的食物留下深刻的印象! 點進去他們的網頁 也可以看見他們對夢仔哺的介紹哦 ________________________________________ Tamara and Fran, a real MOCHIADICTOS (refer to people who addict to travel like backpackers). Love travelling, full of adventures spirit and also a good storyteller. To pursue a better life quality, they start their journey. They keep sharing every moment during their travels through their website. So you can always get inspired and encouraged from their decision. During the journey in Taiwan, they get their very first hitchhiking experience, impressed with Taiwanese’s friendly attitude and delicious local food. Want to get more informations about them? The link:
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AR(Augmented Reality,擴增實境)冒險手遊《Ingress》,5/28台南開戰! 12個古都景點將成為全球玩家的競技場! 此次活動配合店家,住宿/吃喝玩樂都有大大的優惠, 夢仔哺也提供了住房折扣,希望大家在白天筋疲力盡的廝殺後,可以一夜好眠。 還在等什麼呢? 快來跟住在夢仔哺的夥伴組隊佔領台南吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AR(Augmented Reality) City Adventure 《Ingress》started next Monday in Tainan City. 《Ingress》Mission Day in Tainan! 12 famous historical sites will be the battle fields for all the player came from around the globe. To make the game more exciting and fun, many stores and hostels offer lots of discount for players. Dream Corner as well. We hope all the players could rest well at night after their exhausting fight during the day. What are you waiting for? Come and team up with Dream Corner! Let's knock them down!
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「 #夢仔哺打工換宿小幫手 #1 」 來自愛爾蘭的法國人Hervé 此次來台共三個星期 自臺北一路向東,經花蓮太魯閣,台東都蘭原住民部落,到了臺灣古都臺南 他不喜歡摩登的大都市,喜歡的是一些可能連臺灣人都鮮少前往的地方,但那地方通常保留了最純粹的臺灣樣貌 他說,臺南是一個充滿歷史的城市,是深入了解臺灣文化很重要的地方;臺灣是一個文化兼容並蓄,人們熱情友善的美麗島嶼 對Hervé來說,美的地方在事物細處,在與人相處 在臺南,感受歷史,在夢仔哺,與人相會 Hervé, a French from Ireland In his three-week trip in Taiwan, he traveled from Taipei, Taroko gorge in Hualien, Dylan Amis tribe in Taitung. Now in the ancient capital of Taiwan, Tainan. He is not the fan of big cities. He tends to travel some places where even Taiwanese seldom visit. But mostly those places preserve the original cultures and unharmed nature. He suggests that if you want to understand Taiwan's history, Tainan is the great place for you to visit and you will definitely be able to immerse yourself in this vibrant historical city. To Hervé, the beauty hides in every small details in communication. Communication with city, nature and people. Feel history in Tainan and communicate with people at Dream Corner.