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浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm

No.549-22 Dong Shen Village , Liu Ying Dist., Tainan, Taiwan
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We are a third generation of dairy farmers which is located in Southern Taiwan, Our cows are registered Holsteins and This is our dairy farming stories.


Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

We always are pleased to explain what a real dairy farming looks like by taking people around. Today, Hugh did just that. His cousin came to the farm in the morning, and spent the whole day with us. Hugh started to educate him immediately, from how to feed the calves and the cows, to showing how to milk them, and explaining his cousin how to be completely involved in seeing what really goes on at our dairy farm. His cousin thought that Hugh is such an expert, ( and so grown up!) as Hugh explained to him all the details about dairy farming as he knows,them, even if we can't say that Hugh was right in everything! He sounded so professional! It truly takes great courage to explain these things to others and that is exactly what Hugh did! We feel that Hugh thinks he is getting bigger, since he is now in first grade! After the farm tour, Hugh took his cousin out to play in the nearby field. By touching things naturally, the two kids learn to find their own answers by self- education. This is so different from school and it makes them learn in the natural world. Isn't Mother Nature is a Great Teacher for children? We are happy to see Hugh and his cousin having fun at the farm, and Nature inspires and develops their minds little by little. What can be better for these little guys at such a tender age

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

We are so glad to have received these farm goods that we ordered from Canada two and a half months ago. Pls.see the pics. Although the cargo did not arrive in time to be a Christmas gift it came in time be a wonderful gift for a good New Year's start! We are full of expectations and excitement for 2017! You know by now that we always think of our cows' comfort and put that as top priority. That is what these "gifts" are. So what are they? They are cow bedding mats! Just like us, cows need comfort like we do when we want a good night's rest. Good sleep helps us and the cows,too, because it enhances good body functions,strengthens the immune system through restorative rest, and helps minimize disease since the cows themselves may be strong enough to fend off little things that can lead to bigger diseases. They are much like us when we get good sleep in a warm,, comfortable bed. All of their bedding mats will be installed in the coming week, and we will update our page to show what we did. We can't wait to see everything put in place and to witness the reactions of the cows. They must be as curious as we are but they know we take good care of them since they depend on us for everything...We are the first in our circle of near by dairy farmers to do this and hope others will follow our way when they see the results. Of course, the comfort of the cows is first in our minds, and, in return, it also help us and everybody since we feel they will produce a higher quality milk. That's our goal. I just know deep in my heart that the cows will enjoy their new bedding mats! What do you think?

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

If you ask a dairy farmer what is his/her most important duty on the farm, I bet most will respond that it's the cows' comfort, safety, and happiness. As you know cows are just like human beings in that they need sleep, rest, and attention just like all of us. But they are so silent and don't talk. They won't tell us what is wrong with them, but their behavior shows everything so we must keep eyes on them at all times. Their every move shows whether they are okay or not. In other words, they are quiet and obedient and usually don't complain. We farmers must be psychologists, or intuitive, and read their signs of distress, pain, or anxiety. Climate affects them greatly. Fortunately, now in Southern Taiwan the climate is quite comfortable here, not too hot and not too cold. This is the best season of the year for our cows. Further, it's not piercing cold nor humid at all, and both we farmers and our cows love it! Midnight is my favorite time to check on everything around the farm. We do this every night because some are getting ready to have a calf, and they are already in heating up. Caring for them at this stage, is one reason that we regularly walk the area as a daily procedure. It's a peaceful moment when I walk into the barn, and I see them enjoying their ruminations. Watching their every movement is a top priority as we try to keep them comfortable, and try our best to make sure they are always healthy. They are like little children in my eyes. As the pics show, they are so comfortable and are resting in their own chosen place. They get more than enough sleep, and that keeps their body functioning well. The lighting allows them to see the feed and they can eat whatever and whenever they want at night. We do our best for the cows ,because we believe happy cows can provide quality, healthy milk for us and the public. What better way is there?

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Whenever we have to do major repairs on the farm, they take a long time. The other day was such a time for roof repairs and we were told they would last over three to five days. As you might know we have had some heavy typhoons about two weeks ago. Although we didn't suffer any serious typhoon damage, we have to consider that might happen in the future. So, as a precautionary measure we decided to repair and replace some parts of the roof at our farm. We took over the initial farm from my grandma some 30 years ago and my dad sold it and created this current farm about 18 years ago. He designed everything himself and it has held up marvelously well.But time goes by, and takes its toll on everything. Consequently, we found out it was time to replace some parts of the barn roof. The first step is improving the barn in order to protect the cows, calves, and ourselves. As you can see in the photo, the technician climbed up to the top of the main roof and stripped away all the old parts. It takes time to do that, and during the process we cleaned up the feeding alleys constantly, just to make sure the cows don't eat some pieces of metal like iron, stripping, or any such material. The roof job isn't finish yet and it will take another two or three days to complete the whole replacement process. Hopefully, it will last for the next 20 to 30 years. We used good materials so we think it will. After all, the old saying," It's better to be safe than sorry," holds true in our part of the world. To my dad, it was time to repair the main roof: to me, it had to be done; and, to Hugh it was all very exciting! That's how three generations live and learn some good roof repair lessons! Don't you agree?

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

The World Dairy Expo is a huge Dairy Exhibition held every Autumn in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. It is huge for the whole Bovine Industry. Who attends as a participant and who visits? Many proud dairy farmers, breeders, and general companies in the industry, such as manufacturers of dairy equipment, or jobbers, and sales groups displaying their products, or inventors or innovators all take part. People come from everywhere to see what is going on, to eat good food, and witness a most interesting and active world! We always love to explore anything new and meet new people at this important Dairy Festival. So here we are being a part as international members of dairy industry! As for our trip, Madison USA is our final destination. We are pleased to be here, and make new friends. We have had so much fun being here and seeing awesome cows, as well as experiencing different ways in how dairy farmers think, act, and practice in their profession. In a few days we return to Taiwan full of new ideas and concepts... If you think all this is overwhelming for adults, think about how it must be for a young boy like Hugh who is only 6 years old! I am amazed that he seems to love everything in this exhibition! He can't stand still since everything is so exciting. His youthful energy propels him everywhere, and he never ceases to look at everything...especially the show cows. I am glad he is enjoying everything and often wonder what goes on in his inquisitive mind when he sees all the dairy equipment, new technology, and the different types of farmers. Keep in mind that he speaks no real English but he is trying because he feels at a disadvantage. I am sure he will look at studying English in a new light when back in Taiwan! By visiting this Big Dairy Exhibition Hugh is developing ideas and concepts in his own mind all in Chinese! We are so grateful to all who have helped make our trip so eventful and pleasurable. What a learning experience! We shall never forget it! Thank you all so much.

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

It is really great to see the different ways of dairy farming in our travels. Here is an excellent example. On this trip, we were invited by our friend, Thomas Clopetzer, to visit his farm. As you all know, farmers always bond in some way when they meet , and this is exactly what we wanted do on our action packed trip. By visiting the Clopetzer farm, and communicating with our new friends, we have improved our know how by another dairy farming experience. I am so grateful to Thomas and his family, all of whom made it a great day for us. We were fascinated by the display of all his excellent cows. Hugh loved to show the cows, since he feels comfortable holding on to the rope while standing next to cows like he does in Taiwan. Can you imagine such a little boy playing 'big man" on a visit to another dairy farm in another country?This was a remarkable high moment for Hugh! Also, we are so appreciative to Thomas 's daughter, Angie, his sons, Sam and George, who all came to introduce us to their excellent Jerseys.We felt privileged, like royalty for this kind hospitaity , and were very impressed in what they did. A hearty thanks to all of them. (Please see the pics.) We warmly welcome all of them to visit us in Taiwan and hope to reciprocate their wonderful hospitality.We also extend an invitation to everyone to visit with us anytime.These visits and exchanges help everyone around the world in ways on how to improve dairy farming! Isn't that what friendship in our profession is all about? Welcome Thomas and family! We look forward to a visit from you! Make it soon

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

"Select Sires" is an Artificial Insemination (AI) company in Ohio. The main purpose for visiting the USA this time is to see first hand the operations of the company which furnishes the semen we use in our cows back in Taiwan. We have a long time relationship with Select Sires because my dad has visited twice before, and now my son, Hugh, and I are visiting. This will make us a three generation family associated with Select Sires for which we are very proud. It is an emotional trip because these bulls mean so much to our existence and to the production of our outstanding, quality milk back in Taiwan. We are very happy to see all this first hand and I know that Hugh will always remember this as his first trip. Hopefully, it will provide him with interesting knowledge and understanding and also possibly an incentive to improve upon our past work. In a way this is a very emotional because we are actually seeing with our own eyes the bulls that have put us in the top breeders' category in Taiwan. We have an excellent partnership with the company, Select Sires, as they also visit us in Taiwan. However, there is nothing like being here and witnessing this wonderful operation, including seeing the two principal bulls we use the most, Mogul and Shamrock! It is so exhilarating for both Hugh and me! How beautiful these animals are! Both of us, Hugh and I, are so grateful to see the whole technical process of how the semen dosages come up, how it is selected, packed it, frozen, and shipped it all over the world, including to Taiwan. We have been truly educated by this visit and I know it is growing in Hugh 's mind up, as in mine. What a wonderful experience to know how everything starts in the USA, and how everything ends in Taiwan as a final product! It has helped us realize how this intricate industry works and how our excellent, high quality milk is the end product for the Taiwan market. Again, we are so pleased with our newly acquired knowledge and understanding of the whole industry. Wouldn't you be? It will all only make us better.

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Today is the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday in Taiwan, and our little helper, Hugh, came to the farm as usual. We can't wait to tell him that some little ones have already been delivered, as we are always pleased to welcome new born calves to become part of our dairy farm family. He loves to have his photos taken with the new calves and also with cows, so this is a special moment. As we mentioned before, there are no cattle show rings available here in Taiwan so this became a great opportunity for Hugh to pretend there is one and he is showing the little heifer! This particular heifer is sired by Mogul 7Ho 11314, and her dam is 0214. As a point of information, Mogul is a very top bull with outstanding characteristics in many ways. He still produces and it's very exciting to see one of his beautiful little calf. Soon we will head to view first hand some "select sires" in Columbus, USA, on our impending visit to the USA later this month. Hugh will travel with me to see and witness excellent bulls out there in person. And World Dairy Expo is our final destination on our itinerary. When thinking about where the next generation of calves will come from, or which sires will be responsible to produce them, we know we have to be very involved in choosing the right sires. This is a deeply involved area of study and Taiwan's future milk depends on good selections. We aim to see some of the best sires first hand. Making good contact with farms where these sires live, and choosing the right such sires will ensure us a choice to produce excellent milk at our farm for Taiwanese. That makes us very happy and is one of the principal purposes of our trip. Wish us good luck!

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

As you might know a very strong typhoon is currently hitting Taiwan heading through the straits shard with the Philippines. It is over the lower part of Taiwan and is going towards China. It's already upon us, here and now, which means we are facing another big challenge of weather change. The mountains areas and the coastal regions are going to have a lot of damage... The timing is a bit unfortunate for many reasons, since one of the biggest agricultural holidays of the year, called the Mid-Autumn Festival starts tomorrow. It's also called "the Moon Festival" and is held on the fixed 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night. ( There are 13 months is a Lunar Calendar.) It always falls between early September to early October of the Gregorian (Western) Calendar during the full moon . ...But two more typhoons are also heading our way,too! Typhoons are called Hurricanes in the West and they carry with huge downpours of Pacific Ocean water with extremely strong winds. There is always a lot of damage done to crops, wild life, people, and cities. Just to show how strong this one is, I took a short video to showing how it looks like when a typhoon comes. The Main thing we want tell all of you who support us and care about us is that we are okay and safe. No damage so far. Your prayers are welcomed!

As you might know a very strong  typhoon is currently hitting Taiwan heading through the straits shard with the  Philippines. It is over the lower part of Taiwan and is going towards China. It's already upon us,  here and now, which means we are facing another big challenge of  weather change. The mountains areas and the coastal regions are going to have a lot of damage...

The timing is  a bit unfortunate for many reasons, since one of the biggest agricultural holidays of the year, called the Mid-Autumn Festival starts tomorrow. It's also called "the Moon Festival" and is held on the fixed 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night. ( There are 13 months is a Lunar Calendar.) It always falls between early September to early October of the Gregorian (Western) Calendar during the full moon . ...But two more typhoons are also heading our way,too! Typhoons are called Hurricanes in the West and they carry with huge downpours of Pacific Ocean water with extremely strong winds. There is always a lot of damage done to crops, wild life, people, and cities.

Just to show how strong this one is, I took a short video to showing how it looks like when a typhoon comes.  The Main thing we want tell all of you who support us and care about us is that we are okay and safe. No damage  so far.
Your prayers are welcomed!

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Our little helper, Hugh, is going into First Grade in September. But it is now summer vacation, so he comes to the farm to perform his chores as usual. Recently, several heifers have been delivered , so Hugh loves to help out with feeding them twice a day. See the pictures showing three heifers, all sired by Super 1HO8778. Hugh loves playing with them, and is so infatuated with these little calves. For that reason, he is so focused on taking care of them, and always puts his heart in dealing with animals. Hugh thinks that to be helpful is his duty! He also knows that his sister will need some help from him in the future when she gets home. He will do just fine! In another thread, it is sad that there is no place to show cows in Taiwan like at County Fairs in the USA and elsewhere. Hugh saw many pics in some international dairy magazines,like Hoards Dairyman, or on the internet, and asks me why we don't have that here. He always wants to be involved, and it seems like he really likes this. So he play acts when it's time to ID the calves. He holds on to the rope of the calves just like cowboys do. What an imagination and how much pleasure it gives us. It's so wonderful to see! We enjoy sharing these pics with all of you. Hugh is physically and mentally growing up in the dairy world ..and everyone,loves it! Priceless experiences for such a little boy.Do you agree?

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

Timeline Photos

As you all may know already, the Chen family is growing! It has been a very hectic time recently so my postings have almost disappeared but are now coming back! Our lovely daughter ,Olivia, was born about 6 weeks too early and is still in an incubator. Yushan is now at home but our little one remains in the hospital until stronger. She is growing nicely everyday and is strong enough to be breathing all on her own. Olivia is drinking as much milk as her mother produces and we take it to the nearby hospital twice daily, but if more milk is produced we make extra trips.We are so blessed and happy to have our little one come into the world and can't wait for the day when she comes home to be with us 24/7! We wish to thank all who have supported us with prayers and well wishes. You cannot imagine how important your kind words and support have helped us! Remember, we are all a part of an extended electronic family in real terms! After all, aren't we all electronic pulses as science now tells us? We will continue to update everyone of developments in the new FB postings I will make. Okay? Thanks again from Yushan, Hugh, and me for your kindness.

Timeline Photos

Photos from 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm's post

This July 1 was a big day in Taiwan for kids! It's when their summer vacation began. Do you remember when your summer vacation began as a kid? It was so exciting and full of expectations, wasn't it? Today, the feelings are the same way with kids all over the world. But what about parents and grandparents? They love the vacation period because they can put in more quality time with their children and grandchildren. But for kindergarten children who will be going to an elementary school it is even more exciting because kids know they are growing up and can't wait to be like daddy or mommy! It's a new phase of life and children somehow know something good is happening to them. That is the stage where Hugh is at now! He will be in elementary school, Grade One, next school year! Boy, is he excited! As always, he comes to the farm during the summer vacation time. His schooling does not stop because his grandfather ( my dad) loves to spend time teaching Hugh, and Hugh loves being with him. Hugh learns from him and the animals as usual. Yesterday, he stayed at the farm all day and together with his grandad, made a kite! For Hugh, it's like an art class in the open without walls. For his grandpa, it's a chance to relive his own childhood and show his grandson how to pass on information, just like used to be done before universal schooling was invented! Hugh can't wait to play with the kite he was able to help build with his grandpa. How fast he learns and what love between them! The short footage shows Hugh's excitement with the cows in the background. As Hugh's father, and a dairy farmer, I place great emphasis on seeing my son having fun at the farm, and bonding deeply with our family and the cows. We are so fortunate to be witnessing this moment . Do you have such experiences? I hope so!


NEAR 浤安牧場 Hong An Dairy Farm


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