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洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza

東山路, Taichung, Taiwan



Welcome to Rocky's Pizza! 哈囉!我們是洛基披薩。

我們所有的披薩餅皮都是親自手工製成,且用手拋的方式延展餅皮。我們完全沒有使用冷凍原料,所有的配料都絕對是新鮮的。洛基披薩與達X樂、必X客等大家耳孰能詳的連鎖披薩店不一樣,我們的麵糰會特別在用來做成披薩前發酵至少四十八小時,讓它風味獨特! 洛基披薩採用的披薩醬是我們自己特製的,內含的香料也是我們精挑細選過的。


Hello! We're Rocky's Pizza,

All our pizzas are hand-tossed to order. We never use frozen products, and all our ingredients are cut fresh. This isn't D**inoes or Pizza Slut corporate pizza. Our doughs are aged at least 48 hours before being served. Our sauce is handmade, and contains the highest quality spices. We're extremely grateful for the patronage that our loyal customer base has extended us. We know we're a bit slow on the delivery right now, but then again, we're not a pre-fab pizza factory...

Thank you all, and welcome to the Rocky's Pizza revolution!


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*** Mother's Day Special*** 1 double pepperoni + 1 garlic cheesy bread - $500 Now taking orders! Double Sesame BBQ Chicken, $375. Double Italian Beef Meatball pizza, $400. Double Italian sausage, $350. Garlic cheesy bread $300! Plus, we have the regular menu items.

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Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Hey guys. Here is new pizza we just created : “The Double Italian Beef Meat Ball Pizza”!!!! The meat ball is specially homemade with high-quality beef and seasonings. Worth of try! Price: $400

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Preparing BBQ chicken. We soaked it, baked it and reserved it!!

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Hey guys, we just launch “BBQ chicken” pizza today! Chicken was homemade with special BBQ sauce and spice!!! Here is the quick view!!

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

《嗆辣墨西哥》(The Gunslinger): Here comes the taste of gunslingers!!!

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

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我們的老闆 Rocky 祝各位 清明兒童節連假愉快!! 趁休假多出去走走~~ 開車出遊注意安全~~ 肚子餓了的話,就來點洛基披薩吧!! <連假照常外送,歡迎台中大坑與周邊地區客人來電洽詢 04-2239-9191>

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Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Meat Lover's Pizza comes out! Some doggie creature is getting jealous. “肉的四重奏”披薩出爐囉! 某狗正在覬覦中~~

Photos from 洛基披薩 Rocky's Pizza's post

Dear all, Rocky's Pizza is looking for a delivery person. We have scooter for delivery. It's great chance to practice English. Our location: Dakeng, Taichung Beitun For further details, please PM Rocky's Pizza. We will get back to you shortly. 洛基披薩誠徵外送員~ 專用外送用機車我們有準備。 因我們顧客大都是外國人,所以這是您練習英文會話的難得機會。 我們的地點: 台中北屯大坑 如要了解更進一步資訊,請私密洛基披薩。我們將立即給您答覆~

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Current Special: Taco Beef Pizza~ It got homemade taco beef, jalapeño, tomato, black olives, onion, green pepper, yellow pepper $350 Call 04-22399191!!

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Rocky's Pizza is available during CNY! We just made new dough and sauce today, FRESH! 洛基披薩春節假期不休息! 我們今天才做好新鮮的麵糰與披薩醬哦~

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From time to time, we get customers asking us about our vegan pizzas. Here is one we made tonight, it's a spicy tagine pizza, with potato, eggplant, broccoli and tomato.

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希望大家的新年假期都很愉快喔~ 洛基披薩本周四會再回來der~ 😄

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