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<美國> Foxfire Kennel, Marienburg Kennel, Cambria’s Kennel, Soquel Kennel, Kaywood Kennel, Aquarius犬舍
<阿根廷> Lex Luther 犬舍
<墨西哥> Black Shadow 犬舍
<義大利> Urbano del Diamante Nero犬舍
<荷蘭> van Neêrlands Stam 犬舍, Franckenhorst 犬舍
<蘇俄> Iz Doma Domeni 犬舍, Sant 犬舍
<拉托維亞> Del Nasi 犬舍
<烏克蘭> Ukr-Bakkara 犬舍
美國杜賓犬排行榜第一名AM.CH foxfire's All That Jazz
美國杜賓犬排行榜第一名 AM.CH Marienbug’s Repoberman
美國杜賓犬排行榜第一名之父AM.CH Cambria's Cactus Cash
美國杜賓犬排行榜第一名、阿根廷杜賓犬排行榜第一名、墨西哥杜賓犬排行榜第一名、巴西杜賓犬排行榜第一名之父AM. Ch.Nello's Lex Luthor
美國杜賓犬主流血系AM. Ch Soquel's Distant Thunder
IDC國際杜賓犬俱樂部全場總冠軍之父 Fedor Del Nasi
IDC國際杜賓犬俱樂部全場總冠軍血系 Pimm’s Number One Iz Doma Domeni
Urbano Del Diamante Nero
IDC國際杜賓犬俱樂部 全場總冠軍Pathos delle Querce Nere
IDC國際杜賓犬俱樂部 全場總冠軍Ramona Rashi del Citone
IDC國際杜賓犬俱樂部 全場總冠軍Baron Nike Renewal
三Doberman Club杜賓犬俱樂部擁有最完整的德系, 美系, 南美系一流血統。每年僅做少量的精緻繁殖。不管比賽, 護衛, 訓練, 伴侶.都能找到您所期望的頂級杜賓犬.
Doberman club collect the world’s top Doberman bloodline.
1. Doberman club bloodline’s kennel information:
<America> Foxfire Kennel, Marienburg Kennel, Cambria’s Kennel, Soquel Kennel, Kaywood Kennel, Aquarius Kennel
<Argentina> Lex Luther Kennel
<Mexico> Black Shadow Kennel
<Italy>Urbano Del Diamante Nero Kennel
<Holland> van Neêrlands Stam, Franckenhorst Kennel
<Russia>Iz Doma Domeni Kennel, Sant Kennel
<Lativa>Del Nasi Kennel
<Ukraine>Ukr-Bakkara Kennel
2. Doberman club the famous dog of the world Bloodline information:
<America Doberman chart toppers> AM.CH foxfire's All That Jazz
<America Doberman chart toppers> CH Marienbug’s Repoberman
<America Doberman chart toppers’s sire>AM.CH Cambria's Cactus Cash
<America Doberman chart toppers> <chart toppers of Argentina>< chart toppers of Mexic>< chart toppers of Brazil’s sire> AM. Ch.Nello's Lex Luthor
<America main bloodline>AM. Ch Soquel's Distant Thunder
<IDC (international Doberman club) sire of the champion> Fedor Del Nasi
(The top four of male group, the top four of female group)
<IDC (international Doberman club) the champions bloodline>Pimm’s Number One Iz Doma Domeni
<IDC (international Doberman club) sire of the champions> <AIAD’s champion (AIAD is Associazione Italiana Amatori dei Doberman Association of Italian Dobermann Fanciers)>Urbano Del Diamante Nero
The champions of IDC (international Doberman club) Pathos delle Querce Nere
The champions of IDC (international Doberman club) Ramona Rashi del Citone
The champions of IDC (international Doberman club)Baron Nike Renewal
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