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亞洲大學模擬聯合國 Asia University Model United Nations

霧峰區柳豐路100號, Taichang, Taiwan



Asia University Model United Nation


[Lecture | Conference II ] 5/25 18:50 M202 會議討論part II 繼上週5月18日的討論後,本週將延續Human Trafficking and Smuggling的主題,進行下半場的會議。 《本週加入國家身份,同學們將以國家代表身份在會議中發言》 大家準備的怎麼樣呢?是不是正苦惱如何發言?又想不到解決辦法呢?「說」出來就對了! 「Everything you say is pushing the conference forward, so don't be afraid.」 我們今晚見🖖 Conference II After the session on May 18th, this week will be continue the topic, Human Trafficking and Smuggling, on our second half session. <Country representation will be distributed this week, everyone is require to be the delegate of your represent country while in the conference > How is it going? Any problems during the preparation? Just "speak" it up! "Everything you said is pushing the conference forward, so don't be afraid." See you guys tonight 🖖

[Lecture | Conference ] 5/18 18:50 M202 5月18日將進行本學期的重頭戲,一次小型的會議討論。主題為上周提到的人口販賣Human Trafficking。 討論將以模聯會議進行的方式為樣本,會議規章將在社課的前15~20分鐘向大家說明。 不知道大家準備得如何呢? 在準備上如果遇到困難,千萬不要猶豫來詢問我們!

Photos from 亞洲大學模擬聯合國 Asia University Model United Nations's post

[Lecture | DISEC and Human Trafficking ] 5/11 18:50 M202 接下來2週的課程我們將圍繞在聯合國「DISEC」和「人口販賣」議題上。這禮拜將向大家說明「DISEC」的管轄範圍與職務;及解釋「人口販賣」目前持續在世界各地發生的原因和將來對可能全球的影響。下個禮拜,將透過小型的會議,刺激同學提出針對「人口販賣」此議題可能的解決辦法。 希望到時能看到你們!😝 The lectures in these two weeks, we're going to stay focus on UN committee "DISEC" and the topic "Human Trafficking". This week, we'll explain to you what is "DISEC" and how it works, also present the reason of the continued "Human Trafficking" with its influence to the world. Then we'll hold a small conference next week, to simulate your solutions about the topic "Human Trafficking". We are looking forward to see you all then!

Photos from 亞洲大學模擬聯合國 Asia University Model United Nations's post

*臨時公告* 由於外文男籃打進四強,賽程與社課時間衝突,故社課延期一週,如造成不便敬請見諒😔 *Emergency Announcement* Due to the promotion of male basketball team of FLLD, the agenda of game is clashed with our lecture, our lecture will be postpone to next week. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and your consideration will be very much appreciated. 😔

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[Lecture | Debating Questions] 4/27 18:50 M202 這禮拜的課程將會利用簡單的辯論問題來挑戰大家的想法! 高爾夫是不是運動?上課能不能用手機?上學真的有必要穿制服嗎?社群媒體對社會是正面的?男生能不能穿裙子? 同意或不同意由你自己決定,讓我們聽聽你的想法吧! Our lecture this week will challenge your thoughts through some simple debating questions! Is golf a sport? Can cellphones been use during the class? Are uniforms require for school? Does social media are positive for society? Could man wear skirts? Which side are you on? Agree or disagree? Give us your opinion!

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[Lecture | Artificial Intelligence] 4/20 18:50 *m202* 好久不見!本週的課程我們將向大家分享「人工智慧」,人工智慧是甚麼呢?它的定義是甚麼?你/妳真的了解所謂的"AI"嗎?人工智慧對人類帶來的影響又是甚麼?會不會像電影裡一樣人類終將被自己的產物人工智慧毀滅呢? 4月20號晚上讓我們來一探究竟! It had been such a long time! Our lecture this week, we'll like to share with you guys about "Artificial Intelligence". What is Artificial Intelligence? What is its definition? Do you really understand the "AI"? What are the effects that AI brings to human being? And will the human being be destroyed by their productions eventually just like what in the movie? Let's check it out on the night of 20th April!

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哈利波特迷們還記得「怪獸與牠們的產地」這本書嗎? 作者J.K羅琳幾年前將這本在哈利波特故事裡虛構的圖書真實的寫出來並出版(小編家裡就有一本,我是瘋狂哈利波特迷😝)。現在這篇故事也被改編成電影,將在今年11月上映,主角則是由主演 丹麥女孩、也是奧斯卡得主的EddieRedmayne擔任。 太令人興奮了啊😍😍😍 #哈利波特電影系列 #怪獸與牠們的產地 #JK羅琳 #艾迪瑞德曼 #FantasticBeastsAndWhereToFindThem #EddieRedmayne -------------------------------------- 順道一提,下次的社課因為期中考週的關係延到4月20囉😌我們到時見✋

North Korea hit with tough sanctions by U.N.

[Lecture | Political Presentation] 3/30 18:50 m214 今天的社課我們將討論3月初聯合國20年來對北韓最嚴厲制裁的始末,還有近期在歐洲發生的恐怖攻擊事件! 晚上見囉! Our lecture tonight, we're going to have conversations on the toughest sanctions on North Korea by UNSC, also the terrorist attacks in recent Europe! See you guys later!

【全程影音】2016總統大選 首場總統政見發表會

[Lecture | Political Presentation] 3/16 18:50 m214 你/妳看過總統候選人的政見發表嗎?如果你/妳是台灣的總統、議員或政治人物,你/妳會針對現今台灣的狀況發表什麼政見?第一步想改善的又是什麼? 3月16號,晚上七點,到m214來發表你/妳想讓台灣越來越好的政見! Have you ever watched a political presentation of the candidate of Taiwan's president? If you're the president, senator, or any politicians of Taiwan, what would you present on your political presentation to make Taiwan better? What is the first thing you'll deal with? March 16th, 7:00pm, at m214. Come and deliver your politics to make improvement of Taiwan!


一早睡眼惺忪就被朋友標記,看完立馬都醒了😱😱😱 (一定要看到最後一幕哦!看看是誰出現了....🕷 #美國隊長3 #英雄內戰 #CaptainAmerica #CivilWar

What would happen if Britain left the EU?

[Lecture | What will happen if Britain left the EU?] 3/9 18:50 m202 這禮拜我們將在課程中談論英、歐兩區的關係以及「英脫歐」帶來的影響,並討論2個地區可能將採取的行動。 同學們請點進新聞連結並了解事件本身!👍 英國和歐洲的關係在接下來的選舉中被大多數選民認為與他們並無太大關聯,但是「英脫歐」—英國脫離歐盟圈—實際卻將會主宰他們接下來的生活。保守黨必須在今年5月7日之後定位他們在這件事上的權力。 Our topic of this week's lecture will be focus on the relationship between United Kingdom and Europe, and the "Brexit" event. We'll have discussions on this and try to figure out some possible action do by this two area. Please read the news and know what's going on with the event!👍 Britain’s relationship with Europe is low down on the list of concerns for most voters in the coming election, but the subject of the “Brexit” – Britain’s secession from the European Union – will come to dominate our political lives should the Conservatives find themselves in some kind of power after 7 May.

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[Lecture: Movies] 3/2 (三) 18:50 m202 今晚我們將會進行本學期的第二次社課! 今晚的主題是「電影」!以及其帶給觀眾的想法。如果你/妳對主題有興趣,歡迎大家在今晚6:50到m202一起參與。我們到時候見! We have our second lecture for this semester tonight! Tonight we will be focus on MOVIES, and it's meaning to the people. If you're interest in it, you are welcome to m202 tonight at 6:50pm. See you guys then!

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