Minhsiung Share the Love Baptist Church English Ministry
The English ministry of Share the Love Church (民雄傳愛教會) in Minhsiung Township, Chaiyi County, Taiwan. We welcome all to join us, online or in person.
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facebook.comAudio files from 2/7 have been uploaded. Farewell Erica. We will miss you. Have a safe trip back to Belize.
Special worship today. The Indonesian students from North Sumatra had their own worship at CCU. I was honored to be asked to speak to them. You can listen to the worship in three parts at Worship 1 https://app.box.com/s/w3owfr1xbfbwcvkw83yp9x7xvv9rajm5 Message https://app.box.com/s/l60vwmq2k2mxq57hct4hg5uwgxo11qvq Worship 2 https://app.box.com/s/fgtlbn4g5mf8ykjkzranpaltwx5vem13 Thanks for the warm fellowship!!
There will be no English service next week, 1/24, because many people will be attending the all-Taiwan Indonesian worship
Join us at 10:30 every Sunday morning if you are in the Minhsiung area. We meet in the basement of Chuan Ai Church at the same time as the Chinese worship upstairs, then eat lunch with the Chinese congregation at 12:00. If you cannot join us in person, audio files of worship are uploaded weekly. Usually there are three files: the message or testimony and the sections of worship before (Worship 1) and after (Worship 2) the message, both to make each chunk easier to upload and to make it easier to find the section you are looking for. Past audio files can be found at https://app.box.com/s/x1iwfdrikleerbjjfjqh. Some of the older files have been removed, due to space limitations, but if you are interested in a particular file, ask Gerry. We also have online a collection of PowerPoints of the worship songs we have sung, which can be accessed at https://app.box.com/s/ghmwly867toexslq3t38. New songs are added regularly as well.
Catching up a little after the busy Christmas season. The audio files from 12/20 and today have been uploaded. Unfortunately we forgot to start the recorder on 12/27. Benson's testimony from today can be accessed directly at https://app.box.com/s/t7nzetrdwyz1u6pjlwy8alxcspi0omcu All of the audio files can be accessed as usual at https://app.box.com/s/x1iwfdrikleerbjjfjqh Thank you Sri for bringing us three new songs today, two of which brought back memories for me of my high school youth group, where I first heard them. The powerpoints can be found at https://app.box.com/s/ghmwly867toexslq3t38 Sorry we had to leave early today, but we did not want any of you to catch the flu we are trying to get over. For those who were not with us, either away celebrating New Years elsewhere or kept away by the rain or whatever, hope to see you all next week!