花蓮縣太陽光協會 Sunshine Association of Hualien
I love to share God's love with others. I love my home country Taiwan! Taiwan is a very beautiful country. People living on this island are very friendly. 花蓮縣太陽光協會是由兩位罹患過乳癌的倖存者林信貞及蔡靜稔女士於2010年8月8日在花蓮合作創辦的協會. 林信貞出生於台灣台中, 1977年赴美留學, 旅居美國30年後, 因為愛故鄉台灣, 與夫婿楊宗義決定 於2007年搬回台灣. 其夫婿楊宗義原為美國Contact Inc., USA 公司總裁, 為返台毅然辭去總裁職務. 回台後, 他們在花蓮遇見了有相同理念的朋友蔡靜稔女士而合作創辦了花蓮縣太陽光協會. 花蓮縣太陽光協會成立之宗旨如下:
讓世界看見台灣的 ”真、善、美 ”!
Sunshine Association of Hualien, Taiwan was founded by Vera Lin and Cher Tsai in Hualien on August 8 of 2010. Both Vera Lin and Cher Tsai were survivors of breast cancer. Vera Lin was born in Taiwan. She went to study abroad in the U.S. in 1977. After living in the U.S. for 30 years, Vera Lin and her husband Jack Yang decided to move back to Taiwan in 2007 for their love and passion of Taiwan. In order to move back to Taiwan, Jack Yang quitted his job as the president of Contact Inc., USA. After moving back to Taiwan, they met Miss Cher Tsai in Hualien who had the same passion for Taiwan. They decided to found the Sunshine Association of Hualien, Taiwan together. The mission statement of Sunshine Association of Hualien, Taiwan is as follows:
Mission Statement of Sunshine Association of Hualien, Taiwan
To promote the philosophy of “taking from the community
and giving back to society” amongst Taiwanese peoples.
To spread positive social values and foster national social welfare in Taiwan.
To preserve and promote Taiwan’s traditions, arts and culture.
To demonstrate Taiwan’s authenticity, benevolence, and beauty to the world through international exchanges and grassroots level activities.
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