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Special! Olive & Feta House Focaccia Bread. Available today and tomorrow (6/4 & 6/5) only NT$100.
Photos from Windy City Pizza 風城披薩's post
吃素救地球 Go Veggie save the planet!!! 綜合時蔬 洋菇 青椒 洋蔥 黑橄欖 Veggie Combo: Marinara Sauce, Mushroom, Peppers, Onion, Black olive $280
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We've got some fresh house focaccia today. Stop on by!
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Pizza Today
These are the top 5 pizza toppings in the US. What are your favorite toppings?
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Full house tonight. 😊
Pizza TV
Pizza tossing is an art!
Photos from Windy City Pizza 風城披薩's post
風城披薩 超人氣推薦 瑪格莉特 番茄 羅勒 新鮮莫扎瑞拉起司 $280 Margherita: Marinara Sauce, Tomato, Basil, Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
Photos from Windy City Pizza 風城披薩's post
Primo 義式生火腿披薩 嚴選頂級進口義式生火腿 義式香腸肉 洋蔥 黑橄欖 特製燒烤蒜醬 Primo Prosciutto Garlic Sausage: Roasted Garlic Sauce, Italian sausage, Onion, Black Olive
Photos from Windy City Pizza 風城披薩's post
風城披薩 推薦"蒜"你狠 蒜醬義式香腸披薩 義式香腸肉 洋蔥 黑橄欖 特製蒜醬 $360 Roasted Garlic Sausage: Roasted Garlic Sauce, Italian sausage, Onion, Black Olive
Photos from Windy City Pizza 風城披薩's post
芝加哥深盤披薩 純正披薩派 低溫烘焙美食 請提前一個小時預定 以免久候 This Authentic Pizza Pie Requires A Longer Baking Time. Please Call At Least An Hour In Advance. A. 經典芝加哥: 義式豬肉香腸 美式臘腸 洋菇 青椒 新鮮莫扎瑞拉起司 莫扎瑞拉干絲 帕瑪森起司 紅醬 Deep Dish Pizza Classic : American-style Italian Pork Sausage, Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Fresh and Shredded Mozzarella, Parmesan Cheese, Marinara Sauce B. 南方三重奏: 蜜汁火腿 煙燻香腸 義式臘腸 洋蔥 黑橄欖 新鮮莫扎瑞拉起司 莫扎瑞拉干絲 帕瑪森起司 紅醬 Deep Dish Pizza Southern Trio : Ham, Smoked Brats, Salami, Onion, Black Olives, Fresh and Shredded Mozzarella, Parmesan Cheese, Marinara Sauce