CMS MUN 協同中學模擬聯合國社
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在路的遠方看見光~Reading with Love~看見愛與閱讀的力量 不管山有多高,路有多遠,只要有愛,就能讓孩子在成長路上,看見希望,看見光。
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“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.” ― Stephenie Meyer, Twilight
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Happy Holidays. Proudly presenting our CCPCJ college chair, Dominic Yeh.
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2016 CMSMUN Social Event Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have this wish I wish tonight.
The world has just made a very big promise to itself.
It's time take action! What would you do if you were world leaders? The world has just made its biggest ever promise to itself. Our leaders have agreed to 17 Global Goals that would mean a better life for all of us. They would virtually end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change in the next 15 years. It’s one of the most incredible to-do lists ever written – but now we need to turn words into action. You – yes you – have the power to make sure our leaders keep these world-changing promises. You’ve got almost 7 million ONE members standing behind you, so let’s make it happen.
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Counting down 45 days to CMSMUNIV, are you readying to have the best conference ever? CMSMUN proudly introduce Melissa Wu, our UNEP college chair.
School Fair: Introducing MUN Final
Once a MUNer, Always a MUNer!
Photos from CMS MUN 協同中學模擬聯合國社's post
CMSMUN IV is proud to announce our college chairs, CMS alumni, in all of our committees. Today, we'd like to introduce Miss Lynn Sung, currently studying in National Tsing Hua University, Chair of the ECOSOC committee.
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2016 Harvard Model United Nations Beijing Concordia Taiwan is representing Kuwait in ECOSOC and GA. Good Luck.
The sight of Old Homes, Syria will shock you.
消失的國界:北非大出逃 摩洛哥因為鎮守直布羅陀海峽,與西班牙相望,成為非洲難民偷渡前往歐洲的跳板。當全球關注中東難民問題,聚焦敘利亞之際,消失的國界帶您將視野伸向更廣的非洲大陸,被忽視的非洲難民也需要國際社會關心。本週末晚上11點請鎖定三立新聞:消失的國界:北非大出逃。
What Peaceful Borders Between European Countries Look Like
Since the Schengen Agreement of 1985, restrictions on moving between countries in Europe have slowly been erased. Netherlands-based photographer Valerio Vincenzo decided to document this change in his series “Borderline, the Frontiers of Peace,” a project which is especially poignant today, as the EU struggles with the immigrant crisis.