貳零壹伍,秋分,嘉義 行藝文旅悄然的在這天卸下穿戴了整整八個月的金屬鎧甲,低調俐落的外型,令人很難不注目佇立在仁愛路上的他,火車站旁的種種喧囂,掩蓋不住那沈穩而非凡的氣質,但,不要以為他只是個old school的紳士.
就像秋分所代表的,嘉義 行藝文旅是個理性與感性,half and half的組合,感性的他,想把他所擁有的一切美好與相遇的旅人一起分享,理性的他卻知道,只能選出貳拾玖幅最代表他的作品來表現自己,或童趣,或華麗,或內斂,或奔放...,他不是人格分裂,只是樣貌多變......
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【走到哪管到哪 快閃樂團GotCha!】 “嘉管25” 快閃活動就在明天 (11/26)喲!🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉 明天嘉管的粉絲專頁有即時快閃直播秀,邀請所有在快閃熱點的民眾們一起來共襄盛舉,參加FB「快閃捕捉抽大獎」活動。 在嘉義的民眾,可到檜意森活村參加快閃活動啦~ 🎈🎺🎈🎶🎈🎷🎈🎼🎈活動辦法與快閃熱點➡➡➡ #嘉管25 #走到哪管到哪 【Flash Mob Band Shows everywhere in Taiwan】 Year 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of the Chiayi City International Band Festival. To celebrate this, different flash mob band shows will be organized everywhere in Taiwan tomorrow! And there will be live on their official facebook tomorrow! Come and join this international event by taking photos of the flash mob activities tomorrow and upload to their facebook. You will have a chance to win a souvenir of Chiayi City International Band Festival! For details, please refer to their event page: #ChiayiCityInternationalBandFestival
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感恩節快樂!大家知道嘉義著名的火雞肉飯,跟感恩節是有莫大的關係嗎? 據說第二次世界大戰後,不少美軍進駐嘉義,因為他們都要慶祝感恩節,所以就把火雞引進嘉義飼養。 在那個時候,因為新鮮的雞都很貴,一般人都負擔不來。但嘉義人發現火雞價錢遠比雞便宜,所以就將火雞肉撕或肉片放在白飯上,配上特別的醬汁,就變成美味的火雞肉飯了。 說到這裡,小編要吃一碗火雞肉飯慶祝感恩節了。 Happy Thanksgiving!!! Do you know that Chiayi signature food, turkey rice actually have a story related to Thanksgiving? Many US army stationed in Chiayi after WWII. Since they need to celebrate Thanksgiving, they imported turkey from their own country and feed in Chaiyi. The price for a chicken is very high at that time and people could not afford to buy it. However, the price for a turkey is much cheaper than a chicken. Chiayi people then started to put sliced turkey meat on rice with delicious sauce. And it became the famous food in Chiayi! Shall we have one turkey rice now to celebrate Thanksgiving? #ThanksGiving #turkey #Chiayi #TravelArtInn #嘉義 #火雞肉飯 #感恩節 #行藝文旅
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【很有溫度的手寫信】 我們今天收到一封信,是來自一對60歲德國夫妻親筆寫下的。 這對可愛的夫妻租車環台,昨天來到嘉義,在行藝文旅住了一晚。今天一大早便匆匆離開,開車到日月潭!!! (櫃台同仁聽到時都不禁大讚他們厲害) 因為一大清早就出門,他們留下一封信給我們同仁。 Herr Hans 夫婦,感謝你們對行義文旅的認同!我們一定會繼續努力,為客人提供更優質的服務! 【Appreciation Letter from our customers】 We received a handwritten letter from one German couple today. This lovely couple rent a car and go around Taiwan. They stayed in our hotel for one night and went straightly to Sun Moon Lake early this morning. (Our check-in colleague was amazed to hear this!!) Since the couple need to leave early this morning, they left us a letter that warms our hearts <3. Thank you so much for your wholehearted support, Herr & Frau Hans. We will strive to provide the best quality service to all our customers! #Appreciation #Chiayi #TravelArtInn #嘉義 #行藝文旅
Photos from 嘉義行藝文旅travelartinn's post
還有一個多月就是聖誕節了,行藝文旅也在大廳放了一棵別緻的聖誕樹,供各位旅人拍照,紀念您們在嘉義的美好時光。 此外,我們在餐廳那邊掛了一個旅人足跡地圖,大家吃早餐的時候可以花一點時間看看上面不同旅人的分享。我們也邀請您把您在嘉義的每個重要時刻,以您獨特的方法紀錄在這個地圖上。 讓我們一起留下嘉義旅行的每個難忘點滴。 Hohoho... Santa Claus is coming to town! Come and take photo with our Christmas tree and presents at our lobby to celebrate this festive season. And do you know that we had set up one Traveller's Footsteps Map on the wall of our restaurant? Let's take a coffee and spend some time to read the sharing of our travellers. Let us capture every precious moments during our trip in Chiayi and share on this map :) #Chiayi #TravelArtInn #嘉義 #行藝文旅
不少來嘉的人除了喜歡嘉義的在地美食外,也很喜歡看日治時期的老房子、建築等。 作家魚夫早前就分享自己手繪的13棟嘉義老建築圖,邀請大家帶著它到嘉義時來個新舊對比。 旅人們,你們到過多少過嘉義的老建築? Apart from its delicacy, Chiayi is renowned for its traditional Japanese-style architecture. Writer, Yufu shared his drawing on thirteen old Chiayi buildings, inviting us to carry it to Chiayi and make a comparison between the past and present. How many old Chiayi buildings did you visit so far? #Chiayi #OldBuilding #Travelartinn #日治時期 #嘉義 #行藝文旅
嘉義一年一度的國際盛事 - 嘉義市國際管樂節的活動門票明天便會正式開售了,大家記得要提早購票,來嘉義過一個難忘的聖誕節! 嘉義行藝文旅也已經開放即日至明年年初的訂房,一起暫離繁喧,來嘉義過一個慢活管樂之訂房旅吧! Reminder: The tickets sale for the Chiayi City International Band Festival will be started tomorrow. Remember to book your tickets early and plan your trip for coming Christmas. Our rooms also available for booking from now to early January 2017, let's come Chiayi for a short break and join the International event! #嘉義市國際管樂節 #ChiayiCityInternationalBand Festival #Chiayi #Travelartinn #行藝文旅 #嘉義
大家這個周末來嘉時,可以去嘉義火車站旁的文化創意產業園區一趟。聽說他們這星期除了有戶外市集外,還有不同的DIY手作課程阿!! Thank God! It's Friday! Where do you plan to go this weekend? Come Chiayi and stop by the G9Park which is just next to the Chiayi Station. They are going to have an outdoor handmade market this weekend. And participants can join different DIY workshops!! Remember to bookmark it on your calendar!! #Chiayi #Travelartinn #行藝文旅 #嘉義 #嘉義文化創意產業園區
Photos from 嘉義行藝文旅travelartinn's post
「行藝文旅」祝大家萬聖節快樂!! 大家來嘉義時,記得來仁愛路找我們,並使用我們於大廳準備好的各種萬聖節裝飾來個特別合照! 我們更歡迎你享用我們於櫃台準備的萬聖節糖果,祝大家萬聖節快樂!! Travel Art Inn wish everyone Happy Halloween. Come and find us at Ren'ai Road, Chiayi!! You are more than welcome to try all Halloween masks and costumes and take photos with our decorated lobby. Oh yes, remember to make yourself at home and treat yourself Halloween candies at our front desk! #Travelartinn #Halloween #candies #萬聖節 #行藝文旅 #嘉義 #Chiayi
Photos from 嘉義行藝文旅travelartinn's post
萬聖節又到了,我們的大廳有好多有趣鬼怪佈置和裝飾,等著你們來拍照阿! 聽說拍照後上傳臉書再打卡,可以得到神秘禮物一份呢! 趕快來行藝文旅唄!! It's Halloween!!! We had prepared different playful masks and costumes for you to try on and take photos with our decorated lobby. Come and take photos and share on facebook! Reminder: Remember to check-in at the same time to get a special gift from us! ~ HAPPY HALLOWEEN ~
Time for Taiwan TTBKL
【嘉義文化路夜市食店推介】 小編一向不喜歡吃魚,更不喜歡喝魚湯,因為總覺得有很恐佈的魚腥味。 在地的嘉義同事有一天拉著小編說一定要嚐嚐嘉義最著名的「林聰明沙鍋魚頭」,小編十萬個不情願 >< 同事說「相信我吧,他一點腥味都沒有,只有鮮味,不只食尚玩家介紹過,更是台灣百大美食阿!」 在萬般不情願下,跟同事等了半小時入座,叫了一盤大沙鍋菜+魚頭、裡面的菜超級澎湃,而且魚頭湯真的是非!常!鮮!甜,更帶點刺激的微辣! 另一重點是魚頭湯可以無限量refill,店家真是佛心來著。 結果,小編一碗接一碗的魚湯,「魚貫而入」的倒入肚中。 給大家一個小貼士: 》》「行藝文旅」距離文化路夜市只有15分鐘,入住時記得順便走過去嚐嚐了!
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經過兩天不眠不休 (咦?)的努力,我們的大堂已經裝扮好,等著迎接我們的客人了。 大家有留意到大堂的玻璃上都有嘉義不同的景點介紹嗎? 我們鼓勵客人來嘉都要以「行藝文旅」出發,往不同方向走走,親自感受每個獨特景點。 快來「行藝文旅」,讓我們跟你分享更多在嘉亮點。 #嘉義行藝文旅 #行藝文旅 #嘉義 #travelartinn
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【行藝文旅大堂悄悄起革命】 為了令各位入住的客人多認識行藝文旅附近的景點,我們的專業設計師努力為大堂的玻璃「打扮」,很快就會跟大家見面阿! 來嘉玩記得要找我們 行藝文旅 ▶️▶️地址:嘉義市西區仁愛路345號 (距離火車站5分鐘) ▶️▶️ 訂房:
