Division of Chinese as a Second Language, LGC, NCYU
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Group 2-1
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Group 4
大家,好好發揮吧!! Painting your own paper umbrella. Be creative.Go for it.!
Dear All: Want to learn the Chinese with professional teachers. Want to experience the Hakka culture. Want to meet new friends. Join our field trip, you can experience all of it. #Rigister Now. #CSL at NCYU.
親愛的老師們~~~ 教師節快樂 愛你們唷!!!! Happy Teacher's Day #謝謝你們這麼愛我們的學生 #老師們一定要幸福喔
Registration for Formal TOCFL on Nov 4th and 5th is Now Open (from Sep 25th to Oct 11th)! TOCFL Listening & Reading formal test will be held on Nov 4th (Sat.). TOCFL Speaking and TOCFL Writing formal tests will be held on Nov 5th (Sun.). The registration period is from Sep 25th (Mon.) to Oct 11th (Wed.). The test seats are limited, welcome candidates who are non-native speakers of Chinese to seize the chance! Registration Information: Registration Period:9/25(Mon.)~ 10/11(Wed.) Test Format:Computer-based Test Information: Test Date:11/4(Sat.) Test Type :TOCFL Listening and Reading Test Level:Band A, Band B, Band C Test Fee: NT1,600 Test Date:11/5(Sun.) Test Type :TOCFL Writing/TOCFL Speaking Test Level Band B, Band C Test Fee: NT1,200 ※ If you register for all three tests at the same time, you will receive a 20% discount. [Registration Process for Discount] How to register: Step1:Please register online at Step2:Please take the TOCFL Test Fee payment slip to pay at any convenience store (7-11, Family Mart, Hi-Life, and OK Mart) in Taiwan before the deadline shown on your payment slip. Other Important Information: Website of the Formal test: Mock test Free Download: TOCFL Issuance of Certificates Regulations: For more information:Please link at
2017年「華語文能力測驗」11月正式考試,9月25日至10月11日開放報名! 11月4日(星期六)舉行「聽讀測驗」,11月5日(星期日)舉辦「口語測驗」、「寫作測驗」,報名時間從9月25日(星期一)至10月11日(星期三)截止,試場座位有限,歡迎母語非華語人士把握機會報名! 報名資訊: 報名時間:9/25(一) ~ 10/11(三) 測驗方式:電腦測驗 測驗資訊: 測驗日期 考試類別 測驗等級 測驗費用 11月4日 (六) 華語文聽讀測驗 入門基礎級、進階高階級、流利精通級 NT1,600 11月5日 (日) 華語文口語測驗 進階高階級、流利精通級 NT1,200 華語文寫作測驗 進階高階級、流利精通級 NT1,200 ◎優惠訊息:同時報考聽力+閱讀、口語、寫作測驗三項者,享有八折優惠!(優惠操作流程) 報名方式: 一:請自行上網報名,報名網址: 二:持「華語文能力測驗報名費繳費單」,在繳費單上顯示的截止日前至全臺7-ELEVEN、全家、萊爾富、OK便利商店繳費。 其他重要訊息: 正式考試網頁: 模擬試題免費下載: 正式考試成績單與證書授予辦法: 其他訊息:請連結至華測會網站