Top Local Places

11 House

彰化縣二林鎮東興巷6-1號, Changhuahsien, Taiwan



Let's go experience of orchard, winery and vineyard & Lights our life a little happiness in hands!「11 家 • 民宿」是體驗生活小確幸最好的選擇,每人每晚僅NT$700(含早餐)(限2人以上住宿) 11 家 ● 民宿(彰化縣民宿028號),位於台灣唯一產葡萄酒、果園、蕎麥小鎮: 二林鎮,彰化縣,是主要產地。酒莊winery & vineyard也是全台灣密度最高的。在這邊,可以儘管的漫活,只管緩慢下你的腳步,悠然地直接騎著腳踏車在田間小路,參觀三合院式(courtyard house)的酒莊,享受每天不一樣的小確幸:日出、夕陽的景色;隨著四季變化的鄉間小路景觀及果農和農民栽種的水果、植物也是不同,是一幅天然的畫majority vicissitude of views。
Hi! I'm Jill traveled on hostel of five who loves to travel. I always remember it that people who have already been successful in their business or positions, and then try to do something worth while to feedback here, even society, this is very important and necessary. I will do all that I can to make your visit to our lovely little Winery, Vineyard & Orchard town comfortable also cycling tour with the endless sky, eco tour: picking oyester and claim on Taiwan Strait coast who take a gap year often stay my hometown to devise a thought run and manage a guest house to helps local people get a better perspective on the world and broadens their cultural awareness. Let's light your trip together and make how different travel experience here Now! Local people here are hospitable only.

* Female is priority, couple, family welcome! 「11 家 ● 民宿 」女生住宿優先,夫妻、情侶、家庭也歡迎入住,謝謝!
* 響應環保,無提供牙刷、牙膏、毛巾唷 ^-^
* 無障礙空間設計,如有行動不便者,請告知我們!
* 嚴禁入住當日超過住房人數(含兒童),如違反,本民宿有權拒絕入住,並收取100%房費,無退費。
