Chin Li Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd
專業EVA泡棉製造加工廠,且擁有超過20年的EVA泡棉及相關產品製造加工經驗. 今立塑膠工業股份有限公司,是一間於1990年在台灣成立的專業EVA泡棉製造加工廠,且擁有超過15年的EVA泡棉及相關產品製造加工經驗。我們的工廠位於臺灣彰化縣芳苑工業區裡,擁有二條能因應客戶產品要求的生產線。
We are Chin Li Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd, a professional EVA foam manufacturer, which is established in 1990 in Taiwan and has more than 15 years of experiences in manufacturing EVA and relative products. Our factory is located in Fangyuan Industrial Park in Changhua County in Taiwan. Our company has two complete production lines of equipments to make products upon customers’ requests.
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