建逢茂工業有限公司 Giant Car Security Industry Co., LTD
晴雨窗/雨檔製造商。 建逢茂工業有限公司為晴雨窗以及尾翼製造工廠,並配合廠商開發,歡迎洽詢。
A manufacturer in SUN VISOR & SPOILER, also have molds development for different auto models. 建逢茂工業有限公司位於彰化縣員林鎮,1990年創立,2003年擴廠,為專業汽車配件製造廠。 前期為汽車電動窗、防盜鎖加工廠,近年專注在晴雨窗、尾翼等專業車身配件。 本公司為追求商品品質及製造效率擁專業機械與設備,具開發能力,經驗豐富。
Giant Car Security Industry found in 1990, mainly focus on assembling and processing power window and padlock. After the expansion in 2003, we begin producing and supplying Sun Visors/ window visors/ side window deflectors, spoilers and auto parts accessories. The plant equip with machines for the best quality and efficient purpose. Capable of developing molds of window visor and auto part accessories.
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