松原園 盆景 Bonsai Garden of Cielo de Sage
Most impressive bonsai for you! 松原園自西元1973年成立至今,園內主要有羅漢松、真柏、榕樹三大品項外,另有多樣品種盆栽供您選擇。園內盆栽造型優美,充滿巧思創意,樹木之根莖葉均發育良好、健康茂盛,不論是庭園造景亦或是自用擺設之盆景,都是您前來參觀的絕佳選擇。
Cielo de Sage was founded in 1973 and has rich experiences in the field of bonsai.
Cielo de Sage have won Certain local award as well as world-class award.
In order to fulfill customers, Cielo de Sage has a variety of bonsai and garden tree. Among the types of bonsai and garden tree, Podocarpus macrophyllus, Juniperus chinensis, and Ficus microcarpa are our main products, which require specialized care in the aspect of planting and maintaining for several decades. Furthermore, in order to pursue the outstanding beauty of bonsai, a number of techniques including Wiring, Clamping, and Grafting have been applied to complete the work of art.