Taixi, Yunlin
Taixi Township or Taisi Township, is a rural township in Yunlin County, Taiwan, lying to the west of Dongshi township and is bordered on the north by Mailiao Township and on the South by Sihu Township.NeighbourhoodsTaixi Village is divided into 15 areas: Wengang neighbourhoodHefeng neighbourhoodYongfeng neighbourhoodFuqi neighbourhoodWugang neighbourhoodHaikou neighbourhoodHaibei neighbourhoodShanliao neighbourhoodTaixi neighbourhoodHainan neighbourhoodGwanghua neighbourhoodWuxiang neighbourhoodXiding neighbourhoodQuanzhou neighbourhoodNiuxi neighbourhood Hefeng neighbourhood Site of the CaiLun ruins, which is located behind the WanAn temple Much of the population of HeFeng, YongFeng and HeQi are originally from Fujian Province in Eastern China. This is where HuZaiNei, known for its wild radish plantations and NanGongGuan can be found. Hai Pu Liao, a fishing village has been forced to switch from farming to fishing as a means of industry, due to pollution of the freshwater source and ground water.Fuqi neighbourhood Qingpu is a place locals revere for its greenery.Wugang neighbourhood Site of an abandoned flood gate.Haikou neighbourhood Most families in the area rely on fishing for income. This is the neighbourhood closest to the Taiwan Strait. This is where Taishi harbour is found. At the harbour, marine produce such as shrimp and a variety of shellfish such as clams and oysters are available. Fishing boats line the harbour.
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學習 離別 這一課 好久不見 小時候的回憶 想念 還是比較適合被照顧寵愛叭😊 呵 謝謝大心💞💞 覺得心暖暖🔥🔥🔥

#20160103 Looking forward to dispel, but don't forget that I still sick of your way of thinking #volunteer #taisi #vya #newyearbreak #gloomyweather #☔️
