CENS is a Taiwan-based sourcing service provider. We bridge leading suppliers from Taiwan and China with global buyers. Welcome to join us!
The concept of " REMIX " is that we are trying to intermix various cultures and styles for creating a brand new things without any rules and restrictions.
歡迎 喜愛咖啡的朋友來交流交流
本店致力於速克達專業動力提升 噴射系統 精品販售 備有英國Dyna pro專業馬力測試機
【大叔餐飲系列 - 美式炭燒牛排】 新竹市中正路市議會對面中華電信旁邊路進去郵局隔壁。
營業時間:週一~週六am10:00~pm8:30 星期日公休
美國代購COACH.MK .KP(梅西百貨)內的商品可代購。 除此之外天秤瑜兒店內有韓版。正韓。美T.專櫃百貨服飾。歡迎到店選購。